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I salute you for your efforts ozman. Good info all. Thanks for the tips and tutorial Stoxx. Took a few yeats off but maybe I'll be able to get things going again and apply some of my research.

This topic first caught my eye back in 09 in a thread called Grafting? right here at ICMag https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=92130 The thought of a multi-strain mama put a big smile on my face.

Immediately went and found this vid called Grafting Video Bubbah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isbGKb7Snzk Always wondered if his last name is Kush? lol. It's the method mentioned by MegaHermie but for the purpose of grafting a scion to a different rootstock and then getting rid of the undesireable scion and rootstock. Not for a multi-scion rootstock/plant but it's the same method.

Don't need to mention Apfels' excellent and info filled thread since he beat me to it. I planned to drop in there with these links but didn't get around to it yet. Sorry Apfel, been following that one since you started it. Think I'll go to your thread with these links too Apfel as they are good ones IMHO and could only add to the info in there. After all, every little bit helps.

Guess this info is the most useful of my research into gragting:

Watermelon Grafting Demo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MVQYRo1WhQ It's the same as Bubbah's vid, just a different set of hands doing it.

Selecting the Right Graft http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDQJUSdyg4M This one is with apple trees but gave me some understanding about gragting and shows 2 methods that work with cannabis (cleft & whip and tongue) and the other 2 might work too.

Cleft graft_HOW TO EASILY GRAFT A MARIJUANA PLANT TUTORIAL - STEP BY STEP - GREEN PLANET NUTRIENTS http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=_Vy_NFZwkcs Just found this one about a month ago and sounds like what Stoxx is talking about. It's probably the easiest and most foolproof grafting method I've seen for our application and best of all features cannabis plants.

Single cotyledon grafting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxTvFcVYhBI&feature=related This one is food for thought. And look through the sidebar vids on these pages too. Just found this one.

Hope this adds a little to the party and good luck to ya ozman.

Good post. The key is 1. sterilization, 2. high humidity maintained via bagging, 3. maximum cambium layer contact, 4. patience - failed-looking grafts sometimes revive quite often, 5. mechanically sound structure. These are the main points. The rest is up to experiment and experience, and there are a few dozen ways to graft.

For placing a scion between branches (sandwiching) or into a T-cut, the key is exposing the inside of the scion like you might sharpen a pencil.

Don't forget to thoroughly wash cutting tools, torch/IPA, and to prep tape strips, a cup of sterile water, and make sure you have room to work to wrap tape. Last thing you want to do is start with a graft process only to discover you're having a tough time wrapping because of the crowded vegetation, have to put the scion down while you prep, and let the scion dry out or develop an air-bubble.

Removing lower leaves/branches helps to direct water to the grafted branch.

Stoxx out
CA215/SB420 compliant. Post provided for informational purposes only. Not specific grow advice, much less specific advice pertaining to cannabis. Please follow your laws.


Thanks Stoxx. Sounds like some hands-on experience talking there. Like the way you summed up the top 5. Lotta good info in that post.


Thanks Stoxx. Sounds like some hands-on experience talking there. Like the way you summed up the top 5. Lotta good info in that post.

Well, I have a 3 CBD strain plant. And I currently have an Erkle riding a cadillac! (Purple urkle grafted onto Purple cadillac).

I'm working with young plants which makes the stems especially thin and harder to work with but I didn't want to wait, and I've had pretty good success before. The Cadillac host was a bit woodier, which we'll see if it helped, but so far looking good.

CA215/SB420 compliant. Not to be construed as legal, medical, or grow advice.




Hey Guys,
Well its been a few hours since it was done.The leaves look nice and perky so far.I think they look as good or better then they did when I cut them.I am hoping this will work this time.
It is very helpful to see other views coming in here.Maybe more peeps will try this once the black magic is taken out of it lol.I have enclosed some more pics of it I just took.



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Hey Guys,just a quick update for today.
So far the graft still looks great,alive and a healthy green :)
I didnt take pics I was in kinda of a hurry,this holiday thing :(
So Happy Turkey Day all.
Ps I will be starting some lemon skunk and burmese kush for the next candidates for the mother plant,tomorrow :)

:woohoo: :dance013:


Hey All,
Well today I took off the bag for an hour,it seemed to enjoy it.The graft is still alive and healthy.In about 7 days I will remove the tape and if it lives I guess it will be a success.
:dance013: :yay:


Quick update before bed.I left the bag of it all day today.Looks great so far,Looks just like a normal part of the plant so far.I am excited to remove the tape in a few days and see the graft.
i will post a pic of the graft tomorrow.

Im So Excited.......
I just cant hide it.........

:plant grow::smoke out:


Hey All,Thanx for stopping in and ALL the advice and help along the way.I think after looking at things today that I am going to call this experiment a success for now.The little scion is looking great and showing new growth.
I am thankful too all for their advice and the support I have received from others in this endeavor.
I have enclosed my next to last pic of this graft that took.I will post 1 more when I remove the tape in a few days.I know I have a long way to go to accomplish my goal.1 step at a time tho,gotta walk before you can run.
I have some more genetics I am going to be starting so I can get down to 1 mother.
I know anybody can get lucky once in a while,like I did with my successful graft,but the real key is wether or not I can do it several more times to make my monster mother.........

I will post more once I get some more scion stock ready.I will post pics and let everyone know how it goes.

:party: :whee: :greenstars:


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Splendid work ozman. Looks like a healthy success to me too. Good luck with your MoMo. That's Monster Mom.


OK,as promised,here is some pics of the graft in its raw state.The graft appears to be healing just fine.It looks ok to me.I also have my other candidates sprouting now.Lemon skunk,burmese kush,lockstock,and blue hash.It should make for a nice mother plant with enough variety to keep me happy for a long time.


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holy shit ozman you did it
I missed the update of the scion, looks damn healthy, and the graft looks great.
Can you explain how you went about it:D please


Hey All,
Just a quick note to say that the little graft is doing fine and has grown well.I will be taking my first clones from it soon.I have already trimmed it out once now it is ready to do what it was meant to do :).The new mothers are almost ready to start grafting with.They was trimmed once and now they are growing ..well like weeds lol.
So I will be back soon to continue this mother monster.Oh 1 bit of bad news I have to move this weekend,it will be better for the girls when I move.

Later all,