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Gorilla Glue #4

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Active member
I've got two Glues at day 11 on screens and I'm looking for advise from the experts. I was thinking I should do some clean up and set the second screen around 2 weeks,does that sound about right?


  • fuzzy
    38.6 KB · Views: 32
  • Day 11 RW-150 001.jpg
    Day 11 RW-150 001.jpg
    111.5 KB · Views: 16


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
LOL there is no issue with taking your extra flowers in to any dispensary never has been. JW didn't want cuts to be vended/sold from dispensary.

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
I've got two Glues at day 11 on screens and I'm looking for advise from the experts. I was thinking I should do some clean up and set the second screen around 2 weeks,does that sound about right?
I would put the 2nd tier on now and tuck and weave for the next 2 weeks. Maybe thats just my style from the fighting days. You know duck and weave :biggrin:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
its a bloody island in the middle of the ocean,how do you think milk gets there? hint,if you didnt say "expensively flown on an airplane" you were wrong...
you probably wont see too much gorilla glue in a dispensary until it gets whored out even further,cost too much for them to buy right now....but dont worry,as more growers get it the closer it becomes to being crappy mid grade,it will be 'california-ized" soon enough...

The real shame is Maui is home to a major cattle farm. Baldwin ranch.
They sell to military though so import all beef and milk

Lil deal they worked out. In exchange for allowing them to put radar equipment on top of their mountain during the war, they gave them a lifetime contract to sell their product to the military. Well hard to pass on lifetime business IMO. Sucks for they locals.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Just keep an eye on the backyard farm , our Rube Goldberg device is almost complete :tiphat:

Oh, I've no doubt. I should have clarified, under the Michigan sun all outdoor I see can easily be recognized as such and no one is too interested.

Really interested to see what you came up with. Would this device be for the light dep by chance? Rube it up!

Well two plants out of four are trimmed up and came in at 11 and 8.4 ounces respectively. Flowered at 38 inches finished around 60-70 inches in height.



Unfortunately the other two plants were sfv and they didn't yield well. I'm confident I can pull 40 ounces from a light with four plants of glue.


Active member
Oh, I've no doubt. I should have clarified, under the Michigan sun all outdoor I see can easily be recognized as such and no one is too interested.

Really interested to see what you came up with. Would this device be for the light dep by chance? Rube it up!

Well two plants out of four are trimmed up and came in at 11 and 8.4 ounces respectively. Flowered at 38 inches finished around 60-70 inches in height.

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Unfortunately the other two plants were sfv and they didn't yield well. I'm confident I can pull 40 ounces from a light with four plants of glue.

not totally sure on the og/kush part as it was labled chem d when i first got it, and I'm not 100% on what dude told me other than it was banana something that had been mixed up. it sounds like we probably had the same cut, I don't think those terps are all too common and it sounds like we're close enough geographically that it would make sense.

i have never smelled those terps anywhere else i had alot of questions about this cut seems my sources wanted to keep shit hush hush


Just Say Grow
Dispensaries usually want mid grade shit they can get cheap and sell at full price.
most of em, not all of em...there are places in so cal that pay reasonable market price on high quality contrary to what many folks believe..glue has made an appearance here and there at collectives in so cal.(not just jacks spot)


Just Say Grow
third- looks dank man! nice pull from the two, made my last pull(similar sized plants height wise) look a bit silly lmfao. but the goal, 40 zones per 1kw...damn that seems high! although i know it can be done( i got a homie that consistently hits 9# from 4kw...i don't know how he does it but he does.) Hope you nail it bro! then come back and share the secret! lol


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
On a different note, whats everyone feeding their girls? I rocked 1.2-1.4EC for veg and 1.4-1.6EC for flower. Might back it down a little during flower next run and see reacts.

Starting with 0.0EC RO
i use 0 water & i've gone as high as 1.8 EC with the GG and NO signs of her not liking it . don't think i've ever burnt a tip on the GG .


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Idk what my ec is atm but gotta be pretty high... 2night im gonna mix my last full strength feed ima check for first time this run.... they lovin what im feedin i have zero negitve signs n shit is huge n frosty as ever....


Active member
this is a pick from my gg#4 inverticle scrog. does this look about right for 3 weeks 21st day is today. no under larf with this method
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