oh my science!
i looked up pork on the blood types and it isn't reommended for anyone lol
Lectins are in all plants and animals.H-S doesn't understand the physiological processes at work, and believes that they can be simplified to blood type. Any registered dietitian will tell you it's bollocks to think that your blood type would be the main indicator of what you should or should not be eating.
Paleobread? Fucking sucks. That shit is just nasty.
Because everything is based on the first sentence?H-S, you picked one sentence out of that whole post and used that alone to try to pick apart what I had to say...?
http://www.cpmedical.net/articles/glutens-and-lectins-a-dangerous-dietary-duo[/quote said:A Hidden Culprit
Also, beware of assuming that the primary causes of wheat intolerance are directly attributable to gluten alone. In previous articles, we’ve exposed wheat lectin for the serious problem it is. The wheat seed embryo contains a tiny lectin called wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). It is largely responsible for many pervasive ill-effects of wheat consumption. WGA is inflammatory and capable of inflicting direct damage to the majority of tissues in the body. It may help explain why degenerative conditions are associated with heavy wheat-consuming populations, even when wheat sensitivities appear uncommon.
So why is everyone so over-weight and diet related diseases so rampant?
Hopefully Monsanto will answer the call
A gluten-free, pre-enriched, all-white (patents pending) wheat germ...specifically tailored to the Wonder Bread/McDonalds market.
The only reason I would advise someone to go wheat free is because they already tried the following, and are still having problems:
Go vegetarian
Eat 100% organic food
Exercise daily
Don't consume sweets
Don't consume caffeine
Don't consume artificial food colorings
Don't consume preservatives
Don't use products with fluoride
Cut out products that are in containers which have BPA(some canned goods come bpa free, aluminum cans for soda are lined with BPA)
Have sex daily if possible
I bet at this point wheat won't be much of an issue with anyone. Now if you eat meat, and don't exactly have a healthy diet then jump on the wheat free band wagon. It is not the miracle cure all that some people say it is. Every person I have known to do it had other dietary issues that they should have addressed before even considering going wheat free.
A little side note about wheat itself. Organic wheat will act differently in your bod than GMO pesticide sprayed wheat will. Some studies have shown that all of the "wheat allergies" are actually due to GMO pesticide laden wheat. Along with Americans having a shitty diet in general.