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goin to the dentist...i'm scared

Rollin Face

..i just scrolled thru the 1st page, but dont worry bro, the dentist is honestly my biggest fear. I absolutley hate the cracking sound/feeling of drills or pulling teeth...

ive had it all man, from palette spreaders, so surgery on the roof of my mouth to remove lost teeth, spacers, chains, fuck man sounds like a Bondage film!! its horrible!!

hope that made ya feel better, haha!!


It's more important actually, the gums hold the teeth. Sure cavities will ruin the teeth but trench mouth will rot your gums & you won't be able to use pins for teeth possibly needing plates etc as an elder.


This gear isn't as obtrusive as it once was in the old days -15 years & is second to none in NA. I bet they could hook up a blackberry to this set. Our advice will not only save you $$$ but natural teeth & there's nothing better ask Henry Hill, he had them all pulled that MF regrets that I swear on it.

and my gums are still bad... well they were last time I went to the dentist.. my insurance only allows 1 visit per year(checkup xrays etc) But you're right the gums are actually more important because they hold the teeth

Mr. Tony

Active member
NOKUY- get into the habbit of flossing, your gums will feel so good.

bring your ipod, or borrow.

I think i remember you saying you were in the marines at one point? this really shouldn't be that bad...


hatin' the dentist myself until got a good one. was even thinkin of asking him to blaze up some time.

Mr. Tony

Active member
if your gums hurt you need to floss. it will hurt like a bitch but fuck man it;s so nice when they are back into shape.

nokuy- I'm gonna tell you right now the dentist or the assistant is gonna floss your gums and she won't be kind.

but if you haven't been in awhile like some one else said don't expect the major surgery to go down that day but if your teeth are messed up get in there as son as you can.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
I found a great dentist in Australia, he was a Sikh, but that's another story...

My advice is to get to an herbal shoppe and get yourself some of this tincture called SPILANTHES.

It is a miracle herb from God like cannabis...for your teeth and gums.

Swirl this thru your teeth daily and your gums will grow back pink and strong, and you will not get cavities if you also brush regularly.

It is quite a sensation the first few uses, as it stimulates the production of saliva, maximally, and you end up spitting for about five to ten minutes... and then when you are done your mouth will feel alive and clean like it hasn't since you were a kid.

Costs about 8 bucks from Herbpharm... others also make this tincture of a natural plant without alcohol (glycerine base).

Good luck with you teeth man!

And not, this is not a spam for Herbpharm...



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

need inspiration? a diversionary tactic? need some inner strength?
go there thinking to yourself 'at least I'm not Yummybud'.......



Active member
Man I also hate dentists:( Didn't see a dentist for 7 years but decided it was time. She pulled 3 of my teeth and I'll be having 2 rootcanals, perhaps another tooth pulled and some fillings done. I definitely regret not going there earlier - sucks to be missing teeth and sucks to be paying a lot of money for root canals and fillings.
All I can say is - go there man...


Active member
too lazy to floss. haven't been to teh dentist in like 2 years now got ot make an appointment soon. probably september as I don't have insurance right now.

I brush twice a day don't floss but my teeth look pretty clean and I haven't had a cavity in a long time.


Active member
too lazy to floss. haven't been to teh dentist in like 2 years now got ot make an appointment soon. probably september as I don't have insurance right now.

I brush twice a day don't floss but my teeth look pretty clean and I haven't had a cavity in a long time.

Don't worry man - when your baby teeth fall out you'll get a brand new set:)


Active member
ICMag Donor
I went in a few years ago to have a filling done. The dentist hit me with the Novocaine a few times, and with one of the plunges it felt like an electric shock. He had injected me right under the tongue and into a nerve.
Of course I went numb as usual, but the thing is....my tongue stayed numb!
I mean, it never recovered from the fat, numb sensation that goes with the shot.
Well, it finally did recover, but it was 9 MONTHS LATER!
I shit you not...I had a completely fat and numb tongue, just like an hour after the filling, that lasted for nine months. It was one of the most uncomfortable experiences I hacve ever had in my life. No taste for that long. No feeling in the tongue, and it constantly on my mind.
It sucked big time. Dentist claimed his wife had same thing when they first got married, and she was numb for about 6 months.

If you feel that electric shock that brings you up out of the chair, tell him to stop and try again. Just UH! real loud and he'll stop...maybe. lol.


I went in a few years ago to have a filling done. The dentist hit me with the Novocaine a few times, and with one of the plunges it felt like an electric shock. He had injected me right under the tongue and into a nerve.
Of course I went numb as usual, but the thing is....my tongue stayed numb!
I mean, it never recovered from the fat, numb sensation that goes with the shot.
Well, it finally did recover, but it was 9 MONTHS LATER!
I shit you not...I had a completely fat and numb tongue, just like an hour after the filling, that lasted for nine months. It was one of the most uncomfortable experiences I hacve ever had in my life. No taste for that long. No feeling in the tongue, and it constantly on my mind.
It sucked big time. Dentist claimed his wife had same thing when they first got married, and she was numb for about 6 months.

If you feel that electric shock that brings you up out of the chair, tell him to stop and try again. Just UH! real loud and he'll stop...maybe. lol.

Did this effect your speech?

Good Luck Nokuy

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Ive had some really bad experinces at the dentist at a younger age.. Still hate them aint been to one in 4 years atleast... Good luck Yukon we all know how scary dentists are.


Active member
ICMag Donor
btw...insist on gas and huff it hard...tell them you don't feel any tingling yet and they will crank it up till you zone completely out. Nitrous is good.

randude...nope, I had muscle function, just nerve numbed. At first it seemed a bit odd talking with a fat tongue, but that was the least of my worries. Not being able to taste or feel with your tongue is something that is worse than you would imagine it to be.


I skipped the dentist for 20 yrs and then I finally went when this plaquey shit was building up on the back of my lower front teeth...They scraped the shit out of me and it tweeked me pretty good but I had no cavities and still don't.It wasn't the pain it was the scraping sound that freaked me out.They had some new girl in there and they used me as an "example".My rear molar cracked in half last year jumping dirtbikes but it doesn't hurt so I'm not going back until it does...Too scared....Best of luck to ya', that's easy for me to say, eh?:joint::joint:


Active member
well it wasnt so bad...(so far)

overall the gums and teeth are in good shape (lots of fucked up poking and xrays to determine that)

4 cavaties, and need 1 porcelain crown. to be done in a cpl weeks (he said nitrous and sum kind of sleeping pill)

also gotta get 4 wisdom teeth removed, but prolly not til the beginning of the year. (i cant wait for that one)