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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
You know you’re getting old when you start watching golf on TV and actually enjoy it
Put on yer Unca Walt's hat:

I useta worry about my cousin, Brandt Snedeker. I worried about how chancy a sport like golf is; millions play it (unlike football), but only a few dozen at most get truly ahead, money-wise.

It would make me crazy to see him dub a shot or some other disaster in a tournament.

The use of "useta" above is now historical fact. I stopped worrying about him when I learned how many fargin million (over $40MM!!) holy shit and how "He won the 2012 FedEx Cup with a victory in the season-ending Tour Championship at East Lake Golf Club. Following this victory, he moved into the top ten of the Official World Golf Ranking..."

And, bless his heart, he got a copy of my novel, "The Cadet -- The Adventures of a New World Pioneer in the 17th Century". <-- We found out we have a staggering similarity. He saw the picture of me on the cover with the Amsterdam Militia outfit on... and we looked like mirrors separated by time.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
The original "schweinhunt".


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Morning Sub,

Have you seen the video of the 2 young English twin girls (8yr old) in the UK trying to buy ice cream from a van. The young girl goes into a rant about her encounter. It's on you tube but I have not figured out how to post from you tube.

It's really quite funny.
Judt copy and past the url of the video and this site should take care of the rest. If you really want to make sure though click the insert media option and paste the url there.

BTW I saw the video and it was hilarious, here let me see if I can post it for you.


Unca Walt

Well-known member
Done cleaning jars. 14 of them this time. Last week I only did 10. Another batch to go but they have product in them. As soon as they are empty.....bam. Here are the jars i cleaned.

View attachment 19011231

And here is the result.....

View attachment 19011232

When it dries in a couple of days it will knock yer dick in the dirt.
(*mumble, mumble "no finder's fee" mumble "my idea" mumble stupid laws*)

But I shall bask in the glory that I had an actual, workable idea about sumpin' tres kewl original regarding this sciencey shit...

Which everybody here but me knows everything about. Now I can be like that little old lady who peed in the ocean:

"Every little bit helps." :smoke:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Oww dear O'deary me - Yus! Merkins were all the rage back in the 17/1800's (or there abouts) - the hight of fashion was to have the latest fashionable collection - for your wife/girlfriend or courtesan to choose from and wear to state banquets - ad lib breakfasts and to the opera -

- some of the top fashionable Merkins - made from the locks of Icelandic virgins - used to sell for up to 5 shillings and sixpence each! - so was a kinda expensive accoutrement -
* not to be confused with beards -
I just got to love a post with the word accoutrement in it you get today's vocabularly gold star. :biggrin:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
This is the last year I will be able to enjoy my beautiful hydrangeas that pour over the back fence as well as the azaleas flowers bushes and trees not to mention three flowerbeds in my backyard. The city plans to fill in the lake tributary that my yard backs up to because of drainage problems. The tributary was dug in the 70s but has not been maintained and now erosion has caused some problems with yards like mine draining off into the lake. They plan to put a temporary road in on our side of the 20 ft waterway to bring in their heavy equipment taking out our fence and shed and anything else 20 ft into our yard and will take from October till January they say. I will miss the wildlife the lake brings and will be looking at a privacy fence instead of our water view today. It is better for our property tho I guess if we don’t want to get washed out and the up side is I will have some sun in my back yard so maybe my cannabis plants can actually grow outside now I will have actual sun all day in places. the city said we could use the property after they cover it up but no buildings. Maybe I could put a veggie garden back there. Who knows…
View attachment 19011300 View attachment 19011301
That's a shame, I love hydrangeas. Did you know you can influence their color by changing the ph of the soil. If it's on the alkeline side you get one color and if it's on the acidic side you get the other color. One color is blue like in your picture the other color is reddish, I'm not sure whhich ph is resonsible for which color.

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