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Global warming...fact or $$$$



We need that water to grow our massive amount of hemp to save the planet...

LoL @mia

Buddy Holly

mia you keep talkin like that and you are gonna just keep pointing out how ill equipped you are to be in this discussion.


Come on now....everyone's got an opinion and nobody was rude until you showed up. Next comes the name calling and personal attacks. I seen it from you before. And of course you don't remember me...I was unwilling to stoop to your childish ways of personal attacks and just plain being a dick so I just dropped out of the convo.


Active member
Oh no!
To be quite honest, I haven't found anything you've said to be insightful hence my responses but you're entitled to your self aggrendization.

Buddy Holly

lol lump. "next comes the name calling" and then you start name calling. i said you were highly opinionated and poorly informed. is that name calling to you? i thought we are all adults here and didnt have to wear kid gloves when telling someone what they are saying is inconsistent with the facts at hand. didnt know you were so thin skinned but its funny to see how hypocritical you are.

mia, im not trying to educate you. you should do that yourself instead of hanging from lumps nut sack. thats all you seem to do in this thread and the cookie thread. keep riding that dick and maybe it wont take you a year to get a cut next time from your own backyard when someone miles and miles away already had it.

i can just as easily address the topic and not you two individually. but neither of you seem like you have enough of a grip on things to intelligently discuss this. if that upsets you what can i do? you are both talking like dinosaurs and im just callin it like i see it. no need for the soggy diapers.

Buddy Holly

ohhhhh i remember you now lump! you are the dude that got butt hurt about me schooling you to how the real og cut grows. wow dude you still mad about that? hahaha. now i remember. sorry, i forgot only the icmag clique knows the real info on stuff and everyone else is just a hater or being childish. riiiight.


Not mad or upset about anything. Just letting you know that the reason I remember you is because of how you were acting like such a know it all dick and that's why I chose not to have a conversation with you. I can tell exactly the type of person you are from the few posts we have exchanged and I consider you a dick. I mean that with the utmost respect ;) have a good night


Active member
I'm glad you're not educating me, because you make a poor teacher.
Yes hemp is the answer to everything, yet I'm a dinosaur...
thanks for the laughs, have a good one.
Hit me up when you get that hemp computer.

Buddy Holly

lump would you rather i walk on egg shells when giving people legit info on cuts? cmon dude. you run enough cuts to know that it matters if people know whats what. look at the bay11 fiasco. if everyone was all kumbaya about info that cut would have never been fully explained. it aint my fault if what i said isnt what you wanted to hear. and thanks dude, i am a dick cuz i tell it like it is and dont care who gets hurt feelings in the process. if you are down with truth and not bullshit you would be the same.

mia, when did i say hemp was the answer to everything? bullshit sarcasm is just a sign you have nothing to offer to this discussion.


Active member
Ah Buddy you didn't have to go neg rep me now, don't be upset...
I apologize for hurting your supreme feelings.
The reason I refuse to engage with you in a real intellectual conversation is because I believe you have no intellect. Thus the engagement would be for naught.
You're a hypocritical egotistical clown. :)
On the bright side, it's entertaining.
Done deal.

Buddy Holly

lol... that sounds like the EXACT same reason i said you werent capable of being in this discussion? clever retort man. real original. 'i know you are but what am i' type shit.

dont whine dude. its not a good look.

and hey, thanks for showing us the post when i said hemp was the answer to everything. oh wait...


lump would you rather i walk on egg shells when giving people legit info on cuts? cmon dude. you run enough cuts to know that it matters if people know whats what. look at the bay11 fiasco. if everyone was all kumbaya about info that cut would have never been fully explained. it aint my fault if what i said isnt what you wanted to hear. and thanks dude, i am a dick cuz i tell it like it is and dont care who gets hurt feelings in the process. if you are down with truth and not bullshit you would be the same.

mia, when did i say hemp was the answer to everything? bullshit sarcasm is just a sign you have nothing to offer to this discussion.

I can tell that this is going no where like the last discussion we had....so I'll end this with one final point and then you can talk all the shit you want and I'll let you take it from there.

What you don't realize is that the only point I tried to make on the other thread was that....and I quote:

" No....you are wrong. Not just any og but really any cannabis plant is perfectly capable of turning purple. I have ran LEGIT CLONE ONLY Tahoe, Larry, Louis xiii. With cold temps and a low nitrogen feed and/ or a good flush will result in purple showing up I the leaves of ANY strain."

Then you tried arguing that point...I'll make this quick...you said:

" dude you are wrong that any cut will purp up with a flush. ever grown chem d? no purpling. other chems do. hows that happen?"

You went on to call me a lame ass and said I was butt hurt. Then you said:

" chem d will not purple when grown right even with a proper flush unless your grow room is a freezer. you obviously havent grown the d if you think it purples just with a flush because it doesnt and its not something i made up, many growing the d know this about her. this talk about how any cut will purple in 50 degrees and after being starved for weeks is ridiculous. no one does that so it doesnt matter. a typical finished plant with a flush is what im talking about so stop trying to change the discussion into whether cuts purple when grown in a fucking ice box.im talking in typical environments when grown right there are certain cuts that do not purple. i cant even believe this is an argument, some of you dudes really dont know jack shit and think your experts."

You said stop trying to change the discussion but actually my first post clearly indicated the cold temps so it was you who changed the discussion...plus you basically admitted wrong about what you argued with me for in the first place by saying basically that chem d will purple if your grow room is cold enough.

Now you have successfully dragged another thread off topic. Seems to be your thing.

Buddy Holly

thanks for reminding me of that exchange, lump.

dude you were wrong then and you are wrong now for 1 simple reason: you havent proven the cuts i said dont purple purple and instead what you rely on to prove your point is my post saying chemd would in a freezer. but heres the thing... when i said if your grow room was a freezer i was being facetious, not actually agreeing with you. funny how you failed to pick up on that and just ran with it cuz you finally heard what you wanted to hear. gee, i sense a pattern.

who grows in 50 degree rooms? ive never grown chemd in that type of room so i cant say what it does or doesnt do, full disclosure. but in every grow ive done of her she has shown absolutely zero 'fall colors', red/orange/purple/what have you. none. care to explain how i and countless others running her have all had the same experience? and you, who doesnt appear to have actually grown the cut, insist the opposite is true?

keep in mind, i wasnt the only one in that thread to point out to you chem d does not purple. but you never said any of those guys were wrong. just me because you were trying to discredit me cuz my low post count. you didnt quote that post, though. hmmm....

chemd does not purple. the sister does. the 91 fades with some colors too. but chemd does not. the buds might in your freezer scenario, i dont know, but the fan leaves absolutely do not. and if you insist that it does, prove it. because everyone that has actually grown it (have you?) knows it does not. and neither does the original og cut. you saying louie, larry, moe and curly purples proves nothing because i never said those were the original, did i?

its only going no where because you think you know it all. someone offers valid and legit info and your initial reaction is to say they are wrong just because it doesnt jive with your experience, biased and limited as it may be. ask around bud to those in the know about what im saying. you wont listen to me i can tell already so maybe hearing it from someone else will get through to you.

lost in a sea

well (back on topic) by simple logic if the globe is warming then global warming is happening,, its not just an excuse to fuck you or is it..

is it man caused? no,, is it co2 caused? no it is not,, is it natural yep and it has happened many times just in the last millenium its recorded repeatedly and is easy to show.. should the average person be made to pay for a natural cycle that is many orders of magnitude more powerful than mans ability? imo obviously no because punishing the people wont stop global warming because it isnt a man made thing by co2..

if people think that some sadistic carbon taxes are going to do anything other than make the poor poorer they are seriously deluded imo anyway..

nearly all of the greenhouse effect mostly blamed on co2 is caused by steam in the form of clouds, and volcanism produces and even reduces more co2 in the blink of an eye than humanity has ever produced in our time on this planet

Buddy Holly

global warming was just a terribly stupid phrase to use to describe climate change. they got hung up on one small set of data and ran with it. using air temps from the last 200 years was just a monumentally stupid thing to do. and now they all regret it but its too late because global warming has become a buzzword that shuts down discussion before it ever starts.

just goes to show that when you zero in on a certain subset of info (like basing your info on what a certain cut does based on a handful of other cuts you have grown) and dont take a step back to take in the big picture you can easily get off track.


I have grown legit chem d and it only turns purple/red with low temperatures... the reason you and most people don't see fall colors is because one of the many things that cause fall coloring is temperature. Most people don't force cooler temps but people who grow purples for profit it is very common practice because the colder the more purple, not something that does anything to the plant but look nice to some people.


And by the way....I wasn't trying to turn chem d purple, but it was in the same room as the other plants that I was trying to turn darker purple and it turns with the cool temps.


nearly all of the greenhouse effect mostly blamed on co2 is caused by steam in the form of clouds, and volcanism produces and even reduces more co2 in the blink of an eye than humanity has ever produced in our time on this planet

Did you just completely make that up, or did the guy who's youtube video you watched make that up?

Buddy Holly

by chance lump, you got a pic of a purple chemd? you would be the first dude. and i wanna see what part of the plant you are talking about, bud or leaves. might seem like a nitpick but it matters cuz im talking leaves. this is how we were able to id a couple chem cuts apart.

the thing about purp growers doing that is well known. i think part of the disagreement centers around your experience getting some cuts to purple in low temps and thinking all cuts will react similarly. some do it from genes, others are induced by temp but others still dont do it for either reason. they are few and far between but thats been the experience of a number of growers i know and myself. in fact i think candy chem might also be like the d. ill find out in about a month or two and let ya know.


I know I run perpetual and the d just happened to be in there. I don't have pics or the cut anymore but still have access to her through ape. Anyways I haven't grown the d or purple for a while...

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