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GH Cheese Rubbermaid 132watt cfl assistance needed


Hey Dr. Herbivore, your plant is looking good!!

Since you've been asking, I drew something up for you. This is what I would do to get the most out of your one plant:

I would start LST'ing the main stem soon to get it growing horizontaly. You can probably just tie it down to the side of the pot to begin with. I would then set up a rectangular screen about 6" above the pot, with the pot at one end and train the stem towards the other side of the screen as it grows. Tuck all of the growth below the screen as you go. When the screen is about 2/3 full (like in the drawing) then you switch it to flower. Continue tucking the branches under the screen as it stretches, trying to fill as much open space as possible. When the stretch slows down and buds begin to form, then you let it all grow towards the light.

And of course, remember to keep your lights as close as possible to the plant throughout the entire process. This is one of the key's to growing with CFL bulbs.

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!
Thanks alot man !, I have already installed my screen, but have been training it a little differently. But the way you have it trained seems to be the best way to get the most out of what I have already grown, rather than keeping the plant in the middle and training it to the sides of the screen. I took some pictures of what i looks like, as well as some fucked up yellow/brown leaves that i need to figure out what the cause is. I'll upload them later tonight, and I think i will re-train my lady tonight also. Ill show the full update once everything is done.

My leaves look yellow all around, with brownish/black spots all around them...what could it be?
Update: Here are the pics guys, I really need help fixing this deficiency. It is growing farther u[p the fan leaves as we speak ! I have posted a new thread in the infirmary, and am getting a digital PH meter soon, but the last strip testing I did resulted around 6.8-7.90 PH. I really need to fix this ! Everything else is looking great, I want to maybe train it a little differently to get more yield out of it, but i need to fix the sick baby first!

I have since resolved my issues, and I ended up needing to feed them :). Now that my issues are over, the fun will begin. THese are newly updated pictures, and flowering will begin within the next 1-2 weeks depending on progress. 20 Minutes is spent each day now re-training the growth. Life has came back to the leaves, they feel nice and like fresh cat piss :jump: . Any suggestions as to when to flip to 12/12 based on these pics is appriciated, and any tips for training is too appreciated. Also I need to choose blooming ferts. My simple mix of fish emulsion 5-1-1 and neptunes harvest wont cut it, so I have 20-20-20 high yeild for the last feedings or two, and then i need to make a good switch. I was thinking maybe flora nova bloom from a friend of mine who has some spare. Either way, pics :)



very very indeed. that look a lot better and noticed you trimmed off the bad :p hehe

ya i was gona say.. your pH reading dont look that bad.. maybe the 7.4+ is getting a little high.. but for soil best pH is 6 to 6.5-7ish without having any problems.. hydro is different.. much lower :p 5-5.5 to 6-6.3ish

they lookign good for sure

Stick around good luck :p

Seemed like the cheese needed a hair cut, so instead of throwing away the stuff i was going to cut, i figured why not start some clones? I threw together a veg cab from an old cabinet, and it works really well. Simple y-socket with two 26w daylights, attached to a plug in adapter to an extension cord wired into the left side of the cab. Right side for storage.

created the cloning area with styrofoam bowls, and the end of a water bottle for the medium. Using seedling starting and rootone brand for hormone.

The larger clone on the right seems to be doing really well. I had to razor off some of the lower leaves on the left clone because they were way too close to the dirt. As you guessed, I will be keeping a mother of this cheese variety. The clone that performs the best will be chosen, the other sent to the great outdoors :headbange . I germinated an additional train wreck fem. yesterday and it has already popped in under 18 hours (very impressive for these new seeds). I totally screwed up the last seedling by putting it inside the maid too early, do you guys think the lights in the veg cab are too close for a seedling? Too many watts? I could sprout it free standing in the room with a single daylight far above it, but i'd love to keep it in the cab from the start. Any suggestions for that, and also WHEN TO FLIP TO 12/12 ARE NEEDED ! :wave:
Don't change ANYTHING in the clone cab! That is perfect for clones! When you start to see yellowing in the bottom leaves, it means their rooting! Start to harden them off by taking the pop bottle off a little longer each day, until its fully off. Everyting looks good though. GOOD JOB BUD! :wave:

Do you know if its a Female yet? The plant under the screen is nice and bushy too! NICE! From what I've read on OG and here, when the screen is 3/4 full induce 12/12. the rest of the screen will be filled in with the "growth spurt" that comes in flower. If its a Female, your sure to have some damn tasty nugs. Best of luck, and keep on groin! :joint:

Ohh BTW, give superthrive a try. I got some 4/5 days ago and have been using it since and WOW, the plants LOVE THIS SHIT! Its like MarijuanaSteriods! But don't take my word for it, just give it a try yourself and you'll see! I'll take some pics when my cam is charged tommorow!
Superthrive is non-existant in my area ! i was going to do the same method as greengenes regarding his nutes but i could never find the super-thrive. Either way I flipped to 12/12 yesterday, and it looks awesome. I will post some newer pics later tonight or in a few days depending on motivation status :joint: I love the clone cab, it stays at a perfect 85 degrees all day, and 99% humidity. The trainwreck has its first set of leaves, and I put the g13/wwxNL's into the ground today courtesy of another IC Member :wave: Either way i'll keep you updated, and I cant wait to see your setup in full swing. You'd love the cheese clones for their busy compact nature ! You also asked if it was female, yes it has shown the first stipules for a long time now, and i would hope its female because its a feminised seed !
Home depot does'nt have any ST? Thats were I got mine. Glad to hear shes a Female also.

Damn i wish I had access to some clones right now, I could start running in full production mode, but unfortunately I have to wait until I reVEG my current 2 budding plants.....It's gonna take awhile to get up to 3 clones a week... ;( But I'm a patient SOB so in due time, I shall be "up to my ears in bud!!!"

BTW u using Alaska Fish Emulsion 5-1-1 ? That's what I got too.
yep, i used that at quarter strength alone at first, then combined one teaspoon each of Alaska as well as neptunes harvest 2-3-1. I have aquired flora nova bloom and micro for flower, so i will definitely be up to my ears in THICK buds too ! Maybe now that its closer to spring home DEEE SPOT will have ST. I am thinking of putting one of the cheese clones outdoors, aswell as the trainwreck. G13's may be used for next run, but if I cant do one more run before i move they'll have to go outdoors. regardless i will gifting 2 clones to a friend, and keeping one as a mother. too bad youre not close to me, i had enough undergrowth for two more clones for you too !
Nice! You should have a GREAT yield on the cheese! I can just see it now, all of those big fat juicy colas sticking up from the screen.....man i wish I had some cheese!!!! :badday:
Nice! You should have a GREAT yield on the cheese! I can just see it now, all of those big fat juicy colas sticking up from the screen.....man i wish I had some cheese!!!! :badday:


Active member
:lurk: :lurk: from now on the progress should be intense with the bud formation. I need to go to wormsway but I dont wanna drive there. :badday: :badday:

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