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GH Cheese Rubbermaid 132watt cfl assistance needed

I would'nt add any more additivies into the soil. You risk a BAD overfeeding and it would be VERY hard to correct. If i've read your post correctly, you already have bone meal, etc added in, so you should be fine for a while. The FERT you mention, is it a powder? Does it say to add directly to soil? You could possibly add it to H2O and then feed. Take a pic of the label so I can help more!

(EDIT: I just looked at Plant Tone online and since its organic you could lightly mix it in with water and feed. Start off with 1/2 teaspoon and see how the plants react. If needed add more next feeding)

I usually add schultz when they are about your size(When the little round "seed-leaves" yellow) at 1/4 of the recommended dose to a GAL of H2O then work my way up to 1/2 dose per gal.

BTW Schultz is a CHEMICAL fert, so if you are going for all-organic your out of luck. If you properly flush though, your buds will still be tasty!(Mine always were!)
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plants look good but I would simply just fill some more soil into that pot and top it off why not use that extra space and within a couple weeks the stem that is under the soil starts shooting roots out. I actually only fill my 16oz solo cups 3/4 of the way to start and then as they grow a bit I fill the cup all the way and then I got what looks to be your first internode just popping out of the soil and this really provides for compact growth and keep those lights close too, just get good airflow and they can practically touch your plants. I am using ProLume CFLS 42 watters at 5000k full spectrum with great results.
The small coteylons are defintiely yellowing, not much sign of green whatsoever...so i'm going do do a tiny dose into my gallon and water them tonight. 1/2 teaspoon...the stuff i have in my soil is cooking, waiting for transplant. I could fill up some of the cup also like you said jack, would that help alot you think? mad, im going to look for the shultz but until then im gong to do a tiny feeding, the coteylons are definitely used up, so i assume they need some foooods. :joint:
Yeah, i administered the 1/4 strength espoma last night and this morning they already are thanking me. The droopy, not so nice plant responded very well with the newer growth perking up and doubling in size. The other plants gained size in everything, but i think they need a transplant this weekend to go to their full potential. Any suggestions of when i should do this are very welcome. also, i am going to look into new light protection for my intake/exhaust they are both 120mm, and i was thinking maybe a small section of PVC like some other rubbermaiders? either way thanks for all your help along the way, and my PH was high before on my transplant soil, but I took care of it with aluminum sulfate....the vinegar idea sounds awesome if I encounter Ph problems later on once they are in their final homes. :joint:
PVC for light traps are awesome. That's what I use and they work great!

You still got a little while longer before you need to transplant, I'd wait until they have 3 or 4 nodes, unless before then they show signs of rootbound.IE slowed growth, wilting leaves...

Feed them every other watering then when you transplant up the dose. In time you will learn to "read" your plants and be able to tell exactly what and when they need it. Good luck, and keep us posted with pics! :rasta:
Yeah, i figured that once their coteylons were yellowing/browning it was time to give them some food. I'm going to wait until the end of this week, give or take a few days to see how they feel for a transplant. They do seem sort of constrained in their pots right now, and adding soil to the top of the pot would be nice, but i want to transplant earlier than later....and i don't really want to wait until the new layer is firm and soild enough to transplant. if anyone has some input, or a better idea by all means please speak up :rasta:

new pictures coming soooooon
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Active member
Transplant those shits... just be extra careful with the roots. I started my rubbermaid today but I still need to get the vanity strip/y sockets. I'm using 22gal maids and probably 6 26w (4100k) for veg and 4 32w and 2 42w (2700k) for flower. I think 11400 lumens for veg and 14000 for flower should be sufficient for 2 girls in 1 gal pots/12''x15'' scrog :kos:
sounds awesome man, is the rubbermaid going to be used right away? i thought you were just focusing on your cabinet, then taking clones?...either way you can get a nice vanity for 20 bucks tops anywhere. You should get the Y sockets i got they can handle up to 660 watts, which is way more than we use but its a good safety net for having lighting inside of a small box :biglaugh:

Im going to transplant either tomorrow or Saturday new pics coming on those days also. I need to double check my PH of my transplant soil before i do that, but I filled up their pots with some soil to keep them even and more low to the ground. Gave them their 1/4 dose of espoma again today, which has nicely broken down into the water...looks yummy for the babies.

soon we will have our own personal smoke buds 250 :friends:
Its nice to have a grow buddy near you! (you lucky bastard!) I'm all alone were I am....I guess its safe that way! :rasta:

Your transplant on Sat should be good, take some update pics so we can see em! Peace.


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I'm just starting 2 heath's nl x g13/w beans in the maid right now but I want to set up a second single 22gal with 6 6500k 15w's for clones/mom once the hydro cab is like 5 weeks into veg. If I do that I I'll have rooted clones ready for both cabs by the time they're harvested. I might try a dr bud greengenes style perpetual sog instead of a scrog in the maid once I have enough clones :muahaha: put in 3 and take 3 out every week... 27 clones in cut 20 oz soda bottles in 2sq ft. Harvesting like a zip or so every week from like 300w of cfl's should be pretty sweet. :lurk:

I really need to get some canna aqua flores, pk 13 14 and gh ripen before I flower the 250 cab so I can pull closer to an hp than a qp. :joint:


He used canna aqua vega along with nitrozyme for veg and flores along with pk 13 14 for bloom + gh ripen in the last week. This must be the magical formula for gram per watt yeilds.


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I'm just gunna get some GH floranova grow and bloom for like $15 each instead of spending well over $200 :bashhead:on the canna substra a+b nutes for veg and flower. I'm still thinking about getting some nitrozyme and superthrive to boost veg growth and the canna pk 13 14 to help fatten the buds up around week 6-8 of flower and then the gh ripen for the last week or so. I dont think any stores around here will have the nutes we're looking for so ordering online may be the only option. :fsu:
Hey 250,
If your gonna do a DrBud style SOG, you don't really need alot of VEG ferts because you throw the clones directly into flower. I'm using Canna Flores and pk13/14 in one of my flowering boxes and I can say thats all you really need. I'm probably going to start using that as my primary Flowering NUTE mix. It works really well, you will like the results. Ohhh also add some Micorrazzal Fungi(I spelled it wrong). The Fungi IMO make the plants SO MUCH MORE healthy! I can really see a difference in the plants that have it, and those that don't.

For my moms, I just use some schultz or Pure Blend Pro, some Fungi and Superthrive. When you get your mom to a decent size, you don't have to keep FERT'ing them like you would if you were to flower. You just want to give it enough to live. I give mine a LIGHT feeding ONCE a week and it works great. Hope this helps you out!

P.S. I want some of those g13's!!!!! (I wish I had some to start!LOL)

P.S.S. If your gonna order online, go to wal-mart or wallgreens and get a PREPAID Credit Card to use online. Its much safer that way!
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sounds awesome man, I believe that online may be our only option too....I think the only thing i'd be interested in is the super thrive and the P K for now, im going to be doing my plant tone and flower tone for my nutrients this run, and if you get the nutes in time i will use some of those also, it is nice to have a growing buddy madhacker, but you have us on here and thats just as good! you've been very helpful to me so far...and the ladies thank you also...pictures very soon, and i may transplant on saturday...we'll see how they look, but when i try to loosen the soil to see if it will pop out, it still seems very breaky upy, if that makes sense to you...what should i do...wait another week till they get a little more root bound? this might hinder their growth though....ASSISTANCE ! :bashhead:


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Dr Herbivore said:
There are very few garden supply stores around here, and much fewer that may actually carry ferts that we are familiar with here on IC mag. There is always the option of ordering them, but I have nutrients in my next phase of soil for my transplant (espoma plant tone) I just added 1/4 strength into the soil so it isnt too hot, and ive adjusted the PH with aluminum sulfate, so its around 6.5 again (went up due to bonemeal/nutrients added in) The soil mixture has been "cooking" in the basement as i add things to it. I wish i could get some good liquid ferts somewhere around massachusetts where i live.

Hey Doc, What up? Nice thread! I've been growing with 42 watt CFL's for a few years now....cool! Anyway, if you're in eastern or central MA, there is a Worm's Way in Sutton on RT 146 (about 10-15 miles southeast of Worcester). they have everything you'll ever need to grow for hydro/soilless/organics etc. FYI
I never thought there was actually a worms way around here, i have to go check it out. How do I know when I should transplant though? I want them to grow more in bigger containers, but the soil is still breaky when i try to loosen them from their pots.


Active member
oh shit that worms way is still around!? I'm gunna have to make a trip out to that store sometime soon. The reason I wanted to go house with the veg ferts too is mainly because I also have a 250w mh/hps cab thats 4sqft with 6' of vert space which will be seeing some hydro scrog action(5 week veg)with gh cheese, heath's nlxg13/w (free gift from dr chronic), mandala hashberry and nirvana white widow. I guess I'll just spend the extra money on the canna flores/pk 13 14 combo since it seems that nearly everybody who uses it has amazing results :canabis: After I get my hands on these nutes I'll be saving up for a 400w hps for 100w per sqft in my scrog cab :lurk:
The plan is to have a perpetual style sog in the maids to keep me :joint: since my scrog cab will take 3 months between harvests. I wonder what would happen if I put 12 clones in 1l bottles put in the flowering chamber at 6-8'' tall (put 2 in and take 2 out every 2 weeks) and scrogged them in a 12'' x 15'' screen...I'm sure the greengenes way is a bit more efficient because he harvests 3 every week but I want to try combining scrog/sog in the rubbermaid since I havent seen anyone else do it and I think it could yield 2-3 oz every 2 weeks once its dialed in. :muahaha:


Active member
I transplanted bagseeds out of vermiculate into my hydro setup when they were about 5'' tall and now they're mad healthy and have like 3 internodes 10 days...just dig from below the roots and keep them in some of the soil they're already in to protect them. I dont think you wanna wait much longer to do it or its just gunna become an issue.
so even if the soil isnt compacted all together it will be safe? I made this mistake last time and lost some roots....then again they werent as nicely developed as mine now, so i guess i'm going to do it today, maybe even try right now. I'll see what the deal is, im going to test the droop first. I'll report back here with updates when i can, ttyl


Active member
madhacker- thanks for the tips :wave: I'll need to pick up that fungi along with the nutes when I get them :bandit: I need the ladies as heathy as possible because I'm planning on pulling 4-8oz per harvest from the 250w scrog and 8-16oz once I get my 400w. In a perfect world I would also be running a 600w cooltubed 30 plant sog in my 3x3 bedroom closet instead 2 rubbermaids but I still live with my parents so I must settle for a 4sqft basement scrog cab and the perpetual maids :puppydoge

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