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GH Cheese Rubbermaid 132watt cfl assistance needed


Try holding the pot upside-down with one hand, and rest your other hand on the soil around the base of the stem. Give the pot a couple squeezes with your hand, and everything should pop right out. If you are having trouble, it may help to wet the soil first. Once the plants get a little bigger, you can actually tug a little at the base of the stem to help it out.

Keep up the good work!
And don't forget some pictures once you get 'em repotted.

EDIT: If the plants have utilized all of the space in the pot, then there shouldn't be too much break-up when you remove them. Some of the top layer usually falls off however.
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Yeah what mtnbiker said....Get your transplant pot ready with about 4 in of soil in it, and put you had on top of the soil for the plant, with the stem inbetween your middle and ring finger, turn it upside down, give the bottom of the pot a couple of taps, volla! Hold the plant upside down and put in into the new pot, then fill up the dirt, and DONE! That easy. Don't worry if you lose some dirt along the way, your roots will be fine if you do it like this. I do it all the time.

Good luck.
transplanted last night everyone, everything was a great success as borat would say! once the sun comes up I will show you how theyve matured since last week! stay tuned :friends:
anyone else having trouble uploading? I have all the pics but once i upload it doesnt load to the page at the end that is required to be seen in order for it to work. No good, so until this works no pictures :badday:

I bought fish emulsion 5-1-1 and Neptunes Harvest 2-3-1 Organic fertilizer which i'll post pics of with this weeks update....hope it works :badday:
Hey everyone, now that the pictures are working I can show you what has happened at the end of week three. I purchased Fish Emulsion and Neptunes harvest for my liquid nutes, the espoma i was using before wasnt as easy to administer as this stuff. Planning on using the emulsion throughout veg, and the neptunes during flower. The plants have progressed a little more since the pics are a few days old, but ill take some more tonight and show you those tomorrow. Either way, I think they are growing rather slow for being on the end of the third week, but you all know better than I, so here they are:

Also, here is a nug of the high quality we get around here:

In addition, I killed the droopy/waste of space one in the red container, and installed a 42w warm white in the middle of the two plants to get some wattage/more growth going, i was only running 132 watts of daylights. I'm going to take the fresh pictures now, some words of advice or encouragement wold be appriciated! :joint:
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Took these updates about 30 minutes ago, the not so big one on the right has yellowing lower leaves, and an odd brown spot on it...not sure what this may be but i'm going to post it in the infirmary. The nice one is progressing, but i still think its slower than what it should be. either way:

best picture of odd spot, this one is also growing slowly, and more like the droop that was killed.

Looks like there over watered. Also I would not have transplanted until they were ALOT bigger. I let mine get about a foot (at least) until I transplant. The reasoning behind planting in smaller pots and then transplanting into bigger pots is so the taproot can hit the bottom of the pot and grow out, gradually increasing pot size so the plant can root faster with less stress. Slow growth can be expected with a pot that size and a plant that small. Its gonna take a little while for the roots to hit the bottom of that pot and fill it up. Trust me, cannabis plants can grow in a surprisingly small space, In the pots they were originally in you should have left them in for at least 5 weeks (under CFL) or until they started dropping from the bottom leaves.

All is good though, it will just take a tad longer. Don't water them, wait 3 days inbetween waterings. I have some in flower in 5 in sq. pots and I water every 3rd day. Cannabis LOVES AIR, so let the soil really dry out. Extend your waterings and see if they don't perk up. I bet they will. ALSO, don't give em anymore food until a week. They have more than enough with what you gave them. I know it seems that if you give it more food, it will grow faster, but thats not true, cannabis is a WEED that needs little to survive. You really should'nt need to give them anymore for a couple of weeks. in Flower is when they get hungry. Good luck, and post some updates in a few days.

EDIT: your last pic looks fine. That is what they should look like.
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Active member
I'd say get some peruvian seabird guano (10-10-2) for later on in veg and some indonesian bat guano (0.5-12-0.2) for flowering if you're trying to go organic. Chill out with the nutes for a week or two though because it looks like they have a bit of nute burn :spank:
sounds good to me, they need to chill for a bit so i just did straight water today, and wont touch them until 3-4 days from now. thanks for the help. I germed a trainwreck seed, that incase the right one fails i'm going to put the trainwreck into a smaller pot in some nice soil. either way, ill chill for a bit and take some pics, at least the nice one is progressing alot so i'm happy about that :joint:
Its all about finding what works and what doesnt. In my experience, watering every third day is plenty until they get later in to flower, then you will water everyday. You let the plants tell you when there hungry and thirsty. PATIENCE is the key to successful MJ cultivation. When growing in soil, remember "Less is More". I don't feed mine until 2 weeks before I throw them into flower. That is because I amend my soil with blood, bone meal, greensand and some bat guano. They don't need anything else until they flower.

From what I've read in your post, you should'nt need to feed them for a while. keep posting pics and I'll let you know when they are wanting to be fed. Remember everyone here is here to help you! Keep it up! :rasta:
Here are some more updated pics, i have just the nice one now the other two droopers kicked the bucket. I started a trainwreck that germed completely in exactly 24 hours. I have noticed weird little brown spots, and am fowarding the picture that you see here to the infirmary. Any suggestions are appreciated.

strange brown spots ( i have epsom salts if neccicary

trainwreck underground
I would have kept the others. Not all seedlings are going to be "perfect", with perfectly green leaves, and outstanding growth. Sometimes when their young they go through "hard times" when overwatered, or overfed, but MJ is a hardy plant!! I've seen absolute disaster looking plants turn out to be excellent. The problem you are going to run into now with 1 plant is.....it might be a male, and all the time growing him would be in vein! Take it as a lesson learned, next time give the runts a chance before killing them like a serial killer! LOL! :bashhead: :rasta: I did the same thing starting out, so don't feel bad! Some of my most potent pheno's have come from "runt's" in their seedling stage, but when they root, and get fed properly, they take off like a bat out of hell! Best of luck to ya!

EDIT: those brown spots look awfully like spider mites!!! Check under the leaf.
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Active member
In a week or two you should start doing some lst on that cheese.

I'm getting enough money back from taxes to buy a cloning kit and 400w hps/mh switchable sometime next month so I should get some nice nugs this time around :rasta: I'm converting my setup to a 2 plant dwc system with 6'' net pots, 2 airstones and a 22gal res for the next run from clones. I'm waiting until I have clones to fire up the rubbermaid but I'll be doing a 2 plant scrog with foxfarm ocean forest cut with vermiculite/perilite and feeding them some yummy organic foods. Since I'll have the extra 250 layin around I think it may be used for the last few weeks of every rubbermaid grow to help the nugs pack on a bit more weight :lurk:
Alot of things have changed since I last updated. The purpling on the fan leaf stems has diminished, and the plant is growing quite large and bushy. I LST'ed her for about a week to promote the new shoots growing from the internodes, and a few days ago upgraded to two 70wHPS, and an additional 32w Flouro Tube for side lighting. I am also planning on getting an additional tube for the other side. Everything looks great, and these were taken two days ago, and i will update again in a few more days to show the rapid progress with the new HPS.

The weird voids in the leaves are due to a small box falling on those leaves when they were young, and they grew out retarted ever since. I don't think it will effect much, and the new shoots/tops are unaffected.



Your plant made a nice come bac there Dr Herbivore,how many days now?
they are past week four, around 40 days now. It made a great comeback, i must agree...and although its a bit small its short and bushy, with 8 shoots coming out now, and I fimmed it very nicely on four of the middle shoots so i will double the shoots again, if not more due to fimming. This strain responds very well to trimming, I did an experiment where trimming one fan leave on the bottom most shoot, and left the other. In only 2 days since the clipping the shoot has a "leaf span" of 3.5 inches...remarkable rate of growth now that that silly fan leaf is out of the way of its sun :bashhead: So let it be documented, this GH cheese likes to be cut :joint: More updates once the tops have filled in, and this morning new growth has already appeared from the fimmed areas!

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