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Gene Traders Ludlow Mass Sunday Jan 14th

I'm glad i decided not to go to the CT Gene Traders event. I didn't even read until after the event that clones aren't legal there and weren't going to be sold and i'm assuming no one was selling shatter, wax, bud, edibles etc.?

Seeds are cool, but Clones are obviously a main staple at the Gene Traders events normally, as are the products i mentioned above.

Instead, i met up with someone on the forum that same day and got 9 nice clones for $175 and he threw in some free bud that was amazing and just transplanted the clones into pots with FFOF. I think i got a good deal there and can't want to grow these out. I picked up some great clones (Do-Si-Dos, GMO, Chem's Sister, Chem D, Durban Poison, SSH Cut, Puck Yeah which is Skelly Hashplant x Northern Lights #1).

I also just planted some feminized SFV OG x Blue Cookies seeds and now have 3 seedlings growing of them. I still have 2 GG4 Mothers, 2 Mendo Breath Mothers and 1 Super Lemon Glaze mother but i've had a lot of problems with them and when i tried cloning them, got no roots at all which is weird. I'm going to try again because i really need to keep that GG4 especially. The Mendo Breath and SLG are both good, but the GG4 takes the crown so far as my personal favorite.

I'd like to get the Blue Dream i grew last grow back. The yield was over double the yield of every other plant i grew in that tent, which is crazy. I think i could eventually get close to yieldling 2 lbs per grow if i grew all blue dream clones. It just packs on weight like crazy even though it's mostly sativa. I mainly want to grow some outdoors too because i've heard how well it does outdoors and seend like 14 foot tall plants of it on google.

Anyways i'm rambling, but anyways i hope the Gene Traders events come back to Massachusetts in a location that isn't too far from me, like the East Freetown event they did.


Well-known member
I know it's a pipe dream, but I was kinda hoping there'd be some semi-legit easy ways to get cuts by now. S'pose it doesn't exactly jibe with their tax and regulate scheme.


Active member
I think the stores can sell plants if they want.

Be advised that some of the big corporate dispensaries are actively lobbying in NY and other states to ban home growing.

Here in Mass. the ones that are doing this are Patriot Care/Columbia Care, and "The Botanist" and "Verilife" - DO NOT patronize these businesses! They are actively telling the government to ban the "Fallacy of Home Growing"



Well-known member
By my reading that link doesn't indicate PatriotCare or its parent company was involved in lobbying (in NY) to keep home growing out of proposed legal marijuana laws.

It says they lobbied MA to keep people with felony marijuana convictions from working in medical marijuana dispensaries (it was back in early 2017). If you follow the link in that article two steps you can get to the actual letter, but the linked article humorously points out that the industry people criticizing the idea of hiring people with felony drug convictions because they had broken federal drug laws (and couldn't be trusted)... the companies the industry people led were, and are, breaking federal drug laws.


Active member
This is where the article states that those companies were involved in the "Fallacy of Home Grow"

>>Who is involved in NYMCIA and why do they want to ban home cultivation?
Marijuana companies Columbia Care, Etain, PharmaCann, The Botanist and Acreage NY, Vireo Health and MedMen were all listed as members of NYMCIA in the memo to Cuomo’s office. (MedMen later acquired PharmaCann, and more recently, NYMCIA urged MedMen to leave the association amid a controversy over racist remarks allegedly made by the company’s executives).

Here you go - boycott!!! Don't buy Boehner's weed :noway::noway:

Columbia/Patriot Care: Lowell, Boston, Greenfield

Etain - none in Mass.

Medmen/Pharmacann: "Verilife" - Wakefield, Franklin, Holliston

Acreage - "The Botanist" - Worcester, Leominster, Shrewsbury

Vireo - none in Mass.
Has anyone seen any dispensaries selling clones/plants? I'm just wondering because it seems kind of weird to me that no one seems to be selling them at the medical and recreational dispensaries.

I'm assuming it's because it's either technically illegal or atleast a grey area thing where they haven't made laws yet pertaining to clone/plant sales?

One more thing, has there been any news on when the next Gene Traders event might be happening?

If i could get my cloning down, i could help some people here who need clones. I want to get a cloning machine because it's much more of a set it and forget it compared to just using a tray, humidity dome, rapid rooters, heat mat, etc. which seem very finicky. I notice there is a fine line between not watering enough and watering too much, when to take the dome off or put it on (i know some people prefer no dome at all), keeping temps stable with the heat mat, etc. I was able to root some clones a couple times, but my last few tries i have failed and got nothing to root which is weird. Granted the mothers i took them from were in pretty bad shape when i took the clones. I just don't seem to be very good at cloning lol.


Active member
My dude, it's still technically illegal to sell mj plants. That's why you don't see it anywhere, or advertised as such. Dispensaries are licensed to sell flower, concentrates, and edibles, not living plant matter. Maybe they could sell seeds, but I'd have to re-read the laws.

And yeah, cloning is a delicate matter, and it's a bitch in the winter months around here. Low humidity sucks the water right out of the plugs and shocks the plants when they're exposed, until you have acclimatized them, and the cold makes rooting just take longer. I'm gonna post some pointers and hopefully that helps out:

- I think one of the main things about the tray, and I don't know if I've seen this mentioned much, is that it has to be perfectly flat or you're just going to fail. You might want to use a level to double check that your tray is perfectly flat. If it isn't flat, the plugs will dry out on one side while the others are standing in water, and the heat mat will fry any plugs that are allowed to dry.

- You know how there are little channels in the bottom of the tray? When you put water in the tray, only the channels should be filled up, you don't want plugs sitting in water; however, if a particular plug looks dry, don't hesitate to give it a lil splash. If your tray is perfectly flat, the water you add to the tray will fill the channels before forming any puddles, and you don't want the Rapid rooters sitting in a puddle. At most, you want a Rapid Rooter positioned over a channel that is full. In this weather, I check every morning and night to make sure there is water in the channels.

- Rapid rooters should be dark brown in color, and they turn light tan as the dry out, so any that are starting to looking lighter in color should be given a splash.

- As for the heat mat, set it to 80. When cloning in the winter, you may want to keep the humidity dome on until you get roots. In my experience, I get a sharp drop in temp when I take the dome off because we don't set the thermostat over 65, so it's not really warm in my spot. To fight that, I wait until I see roots before trying to acclimatize them (aka take the dome off for an increasing amount of time over a week to have them adjust to the grow space instead of the humidity dome). I believe 75-80 is optimum for rooting, so I try to stay in that range until roots have shown, as lower will simply make rooting take longer.

- Try take cuts from healthy mothers, as leaves that look like they are dying or close to dying will grow mold in the humidity dome, and healthy leaves won't. You may want to manicure the branches you want to clone if you have any leaves that are not completely green on them. If you're cloning something that isn't healthy, you're going to need to take the dome off every morning and night for at least a half hour to discourage mold from forming on dying/dead matter, and even then, it is still a gamble as to whether they will root or not.

- When getting the Rapid Rooters wet before cutting clones and putting them in, make sure to squeeze out excess water from the Rapid Rooter, you want them moist, not dripping.

-Always clean your scissors with rubbing alcohol before taking cuttings.

-Remember, some clones will take their sweet time, so be ready to wait 3 weeks for some slower rooting varieties. And the cold can make that take longer, so be patient with them.

Damn typing all that out I can see why people like aero cloners... but SI, if you have all the stuff, maybe give it a try again with some of those pointers before you drop some bills on a nice aero cloner. Especially if you have some healthy mothers to take cuts from, because that makes a world of difference in terms of the speed of rooting and chance of success. Or if you find a good and cheap aero cloner, let me know, maybe it's time to ditch the dome...
Yeah, i figured it is most likely illegal for them to sell plants/clones. I'm assuming at some point they may change those laws and allow them to sell clones, like Cali, but who knows.

It's legal to grow now and if you can buy weed itself and edibles, concentrates, etc. from a dispensary, it would be kind of dumb to not allow dispensaries to sell clones at some point. But, you know how politicians and the "drug war" people are.

You're right about the low humidity in the winter. It's brutal. I have dry skin, but during winter it gets so much worse and the humidity in my tent, even with a small humidifier in there, is like 22-28% humidity.There have been many times where when i checked it, it was in the teens (13% to like 17%). During vent i know plants need around 50-60% humidity so i'm wondering if that is causing some of the problems i've been having.

If i close all the vents and turn off the the ventilation, it does get pretty humid but the plants need air and ventilation i'm assuming, so that's not good for them. The good thing is that the weather will start warming up and be more humid.

Thanks for all the tips for cloning. Some of that stuff i already know like squeezing out the rapid rooters, and sterilizing the scissors, etc. but a lot of that stuff i didn't know and will definitely try them out.

I'm going to give it another shot when they are healthy and use your advice. By the way do you cut the stems at a 45 degree angle and do you use any cloning gel or powder such as rootone or something?



Well-known member
This is where the article states that those companies were involved in the "Fallacy of Home Grow"

Duh, sorry, and that info was only one paragraph away from the other paragraph I was... "reading."

How does this reading thing work again?

Bit of a bummer for me as Patriotcare was going to be one of my closest options. Was only planning to use them as a backup anyway, not really feeling the dispensaries so far (extract is ok, everything else I've tried is pretty meh).
Duh, sorry, and that info was only one paragraph away from the other paragraph I was... "reading."

How does this reading thing work again?

Bit of a bummer for me as Patriotcare was going to be one of my closest options. Was only planning to use them as a backup anyway, not really feeling the dispensaries so far (extract is ok, everything else I've tried is pretty meh).

The dispensaries mostly suck IMO. From what i have seen, the bud is usually mediocre, and/or incredibly overpriced. I laugh when i see some of these dispensaries charging $400+ an oz. for that kind of bud.

Have i seen some really good bud from some of the dispensaries? Yeah, but it was even more expensive ($450+ an oz.), and the funny thing is, is that it wasn't even their weed. Some company from Cali made the bud and it was packaged in sealed cans. It smelled great, tasted good and looked great (it was purple punch i believe), but $450+ an oz? Fuck that

I mean, since i've received some elite clones from some generous people on here, i would say the weed i am growing is just as good as even the best weed i have received from a dispensry.

I always hear people that think they know weed asking me stuff like "is that medicinal quality?" and if you say no i grew it myself, they blow you off even though it's just as good lol. A lot of people are clueless and somehow think if it's from a dispensary or "medicinal" shop, it's somehow better, even if it is clearly worse for fucks sake.

I'd say what i think most people on here would say, which is that you are better off just growing your own. If you put care into it, it can be just as good as any weed out there.

There are quite a few cool people on here with good clones & seeds around mass, and the events in MA (Gene Traders, but also others) always have people selling clones and seeds.


Just this guy, ya know?
Duh, sorry, and that info was only one paragraph away from the other paragraph I was... "reading."

How does this reading thing work again?

Bit of a bummer for me as Patriotcare was going to be one of my closest options. Was only planning to use them as a backup anyway, not really feeling the dispensaries so far (extract is ok, everything else I've tried is pretty meh).
I agree I was bummed to read that since they are wicked close. Oh well, at least I can grow my own still :biggrin:


Active member
Yeah, i figured it is most likely illegal for them to sell plants/clones. I'm assuming at some point they may change those laws and allow them to sell clones, like Cali, but who knows.

It's legal to grow now and if you can buy weed itself and edibles, concentrates, etc. from a dispensary, it would be kind of dumb to not allow dispensaries to sell clones at some point. But, you know how politicians and the "drug war" people are.

You're right about the low humidity in the winter. It's brutal. I have dry skin, but during winter it gets so much worse and the humidity in my tent, even with a small humidifier in there, is like 22-28% humidity.There have been many times where when i checked it, it was in the teens (13% to like 17%). During vent i know plants need around 50-60% humidity so i'm wondering if that is causing some of the problems i've been having.

If i close all the vents and turn off the the ventilation, it does get pretty humid but the plants need air and ventilation i'm assuming, so that's not good for them. The good thing is that the weather will start warming up and be more humid.

Thanks for all the tips for cloning. Some of that stuff i already know like squeezing out the rapid rooters, and sterilizing the scissors, etc. but a lot of that stuff i didn't know and will definitely try them out.

I'm going to give it another shot when they are healthy and use your advice. By the way do you cut the stems at a 45 degree angle and do you use any cloning gel or powder such as rootone or something?


I don't think veg plants need 50-60% humidity, I think that's just the optimum for the highest rate of photosynthesis, kinda like how 85 is optimum for the highest rate of photosynthesis, yet we still keep it lower for preservation of terpenes. Def keep ventilation open as they need fresh air, and a lack of fresh air can certainly cause issues, but I think low humidity in veg isn't bad, just not optimum. I mean you'll def need to water more, but I don't think it's gonna cause any nutrient lockout or anything like that. Here's an idea, what about hooking up your ventilation fans to an on/off timer? That way you can get fresh air in, let the humidifier have some time to humidify the air, and then the average humidity will be higher than just having the ventilation fans on all the time.

Yeah, I'm happy to help, cloning in the dome can feel like an art but if you get certain things down you can get a good rate of success. Out of all the tips, make sure you check if the tray is level. Those trays are not designed to work on uneven ground, meaning literally every New England house.

I cut at a 45 degree angle, and sometimes I'll scrape the outer level of the stem, especially if it feels stiff or woody. I use clonex, but the other rooting compounds and stuff I've tried seem to work just as well, I'm just stuck in the habit of using clonex.

For my round of clones right now they're only starting to show roots and it's been 16 days (except for one plug just shooting roots everywhere), things just go slow this time of year (unless you have a lot of control over your veg space and can keep it at 80 year round).

and speaking of dispensaries, yeah, all their bud is trash. You could take any member on this site that grows bud and they would make the dispensaries look like a joke. It bothers me a lot cuz if you don't do it right the true medicinal properties won't be there, and if you're doing it in a completely legal space, how are you fucking it up?????

And don't support Patriot Care, they lobby against homegrow, so don't give them any support. Maybe take them up on that free 1/16 for new customers, so you're getting something and they're getting nothing, but don't financially support them. If they had it their way, you wouldn't be allowed to grow.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Hey ...

Hey ...

so the legal weed in Massachusetts is overpriced & generally sub par in quality? Is this what those whom have been to the shops are encountering?? growers can't help but wonder ...


Active member
so the legal weed in Massachusetts is overpriced & generally sub par in quality? Is this what those whom have been to the shops are encountering?? growers can't help but wonder ...

I'm def being harsh in saying it's trash, but none of the stuff I saw is something I would go back for. It looks great, and sometime it's smelly, but it just doesn't have an amazing smell. I think a lot of them keep bud in plastic containers with boveda packs and I think that might impart a kinda plasticy smell to it, I dunno, something just doesn't smell right. And they do have decent effects. I just haven't seen any bud from a dispensary that has a delicious, lingering taste with potent, lasting effects. I feel like, if you haven't had the luck to smoke world class herb, the dispensary stuff seems like good herb, but if you've had what is truly good herb, it's a disappointment.

disclaimer: I have not been to what are considered the best dispensaries in the state (from my understanding patriot care and theory wellness), but I've been to a few in the Boston area.

and it's good to see you around Starcrash!


Well-known member
I can only speak to the two I've visited (NETA and INSA), I'm a non med user. Bought a gram or two here and there, sampling various offerings. Only had a small grow and I smoke a ton so I'm mostly comparing it to herb I've bought elsewhere.

Pricewise I think it depends on what you're comparing it to. At both you're basically paying $60 an eighth (with tax), which may be fairly reasonable, or may be expensive, depending on whether you have other options and how good those options are. I suspect a lot of customers are people without better options. As it happens I have better options, and I mostly take advantage of those (it is kinda nice to have a place open business hours that you can just pop in and out of as backup).

Similarly, people's view of the quality is going to be colored by their other options. GYO or know reliable-quality dealers? You probably won't be that impressed. Buying from some random dude you met? You may be impressed?

I pretty much agree with Robney, it looks decent, smells nice, but where I differ is that I don't think there's much high there. They boast of super high cannabinoid levels, but, meh? It reminds me of mid kind bud I used to get that looked decent, but you'd smoke a whole bunch and not get much of a high at all. It definitely doesn't look kiefed to me, I dunno.

I imagine it isn't unrelated to the dispensaries, but my usual option has both increased in quality and gone down significantly in price the last few months.


Active member
Everybody I know is paying about $250 per ounce in the underground for good-quality hydro buds. Maine is nearby and the price is more like $150-200 there. A few friends have gone to the stores once for the novelty of it but are not going back at $450/ounce.

I could see justifying that for ultra-premium 100% organic soil-grown herb. But none of these Wall Street-backed dispensaries is growing weed that way - it's very difficult to use organic soil methods on a large scale.

In fact I'm certain not one store in Mass. is currently selling weed with exclusively organic fertilizer and soil medium. It's never going to make sense for a big corporate operation to offer this niche product. Like all the oligarchs they don't like workers, want as few as possible. They're lobbying right now to get semi-organic but dangerous pesticides like Spinosad and Azidachtrin approved.

As myself and other home-growers have noticed for years - once you're used to full organic soil herb, smoking chemie hydro weed does NOT get you high anymore.

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