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Gene Traders Ludlow Mass Sunday Jan 14th


I went 2 years ago and it was a lot of fun. Not sure about what will be available, but i t is a pretty big area (Northamton 3 county fairgrounds). It's a good fun time for cheap $. Live bands, vendors etc. Just remember no gate sales tickets must be bought in advance.


passing the gas
My buddy near Boston has some nice extra clones to vend if you are in the area DM me, GMO, Chem D, OGKB 2.0, TK, pre 98 Bubba and more, 50 donation.


ICMag Donor
Awesome, finally another one in MA so i can hopefully grab some beans and clones and do my thing. I do wish they would come closer to where i live again, but atleast it's in MA this time and i'm hoping by then i have another car so i can safely make the trip.


ICMag Donor
Doesn't look bad. Here's goog maps.
The last one I went was Carver Ma. It was a house. Most vendors were outdoors or semi outdoors and it rained.
As some people in here probably already know, i've been having a ton of issues getting my cloning down. I probably wasted over 100 cuttings while having almost no success. I should of just trusted my gut because i kept thinking that i was probably way overwatering them with my OCD. However, i kept focusing on changing everything else instead like the lighting, which plugs/medium i was using, when to take the dome off and when to keep it on, what rooting gel/powder to use and ignoring the basic fundamentals.

I simply wet them instead of soaking them when they were almost fully dried out and kept repeating that and 10 days after taking the cuts i have 12 out of 21 rooted. 2 out of the 21 were only put there like 5 days ago so really only 19 were planted 10 days ago. 2 of the 12 that have rooted, showed there roots today so i'm hoping a couple more might root as well. So slightly above 57% rooting rate so far which isn't amazing but good enough for me considering lol.

I used mostly a mixture of new and re-used rapid rooters, but 2 were put in rockwool macro plugs (both of which rooted) and 3 in perlite as a test (1 of which rooted).

I liked the rockwool, though i would need to try it with a bigger sample size to compare it fairly with the rapid rooters but one thing i noticed is that while they seem to hold more moisture, they aren't as finicky about the exact moisture level. It seemed like the rockwool was harder to overwater, basically.

I just copied the regular tips on here mostly, mainly JJ scorpio's idea along with some suggestions from people in pm's and posts around the forum. I used fiskars and a hobby knife to cut them 4-6" long and at a 45* angle and placed them in solo cups with tap water for like 15-20 minutes, then i cut most of the growth off each cutting except for the top main growth, i cut the tips off of/squared the ends off of the remaining leaves, i scraped the outer layer off of the bottom inch or so of each cutting, then while damp stuck the stem into the packet of rootone and applied generously, blowing the excess off gently afterwards and placing them into their respective plugs/mediums.

I used a standard 10 x 20 inch propagation tray with a cell insert and humidity dome. I also used the hydrofarm heatmat and thermostat combo to control temps as it's been quite cold in my house and in general. I set the thermostat to 73 degrees F which a lot of people said was a good temp for the roots, although just like everything on here i'm sure it's debated lol. My cell insert has some holes so i put the probe in one of the holes roughly the same depth as the roots would be.

I noticed the cutting that were a little too large and had thick stems seemed to be harder to root, but that could just be me and i can't back that up as fact. On some i noticed nitrogen deficiency starting at about 4-5 days, and it seemed like it was mostly on the ones that i probably left a little too much growth (leaves) on. On one cutting you might have small leaves on the top so leaving another leaf or two below on the cutting will be fine, but the ones with bigger leaves seem like they need more of their growth (again mainly leaves) taken off and the tips of the remaining leaves pruned enough.

The nitrogen deficiency as i'm sure is obvious had an effect on root development too. Of all the clones that rooted successfully, the ones with the yellowing leaves had the smallest and least amount of roots. The ones that rooted and stay all green had a lot more root development, so next time i need to make sure that i take enough growth off of the cuttings so they have enough nitrogen.

I'm hoping that tweaking the small and basic things like that, figuring out the perfect temp for the thermostat, learning the best sites to take clones from, how often to take the dome off, etc. will increase my success rate even more.

It feels good to finally be able to do something at least halfway right that it seems everyone but me could do lol. It only took me like a year...
Haha, it seems he was having basically the same problem(s) i was. The rockwool macro plugs seemed to be a little more forgiving but i have noticed with the rapid rooters there's a fine line between watering the right amount and too much. If i felt they were too wet, i just gently squeezed some of the moisture out. I only used a couple of the rockwool plugs though so i'll have to experiment further to see if that's true.

And after i just checked it appears i PROBABLY have 2 more that will successfully grow. One just has one root, but we'll see if it takes and the other one has tons of little nub roots on it but looks like it started to become a little too damp and the roots didn't fully grow out, but i rinsed it off, applied some more rootone for the fungicide and transplanted it into a solo cup. I'm hoping with that many root nubs (it has like 25-30 atleast) it will take.

I kind of experiment with different soils but lately i've been using a mix of 2 Parts FFOF to 1 Part FF Happy Frog and then adding like maybe 15-20% perlite. I'm hoping this won't be too strong for them, but i did get clones to grow fine in FFOF with a little perlite before so i'm thinking it should be fine.

How much light intensity should i be giving them for now since i just put them in to solo cups? do i need anything stronger than like a 2200 lumen tube above them?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I used mostly a mixture of new and re-used rapid rooters, but 2 were put in rockwool macro plugs (both of which rooted) and 3 in perlite as a test (1 of which rooted).

Yeah I would never reuse any medium for cloning...Especially when Pyth is your number one enemy.
Yeah I would never reuse any medium for cloning...Especially when Pyth is your number one enemy.

Alright, that is probably why some seemed to be effected while others were fine. I have put all of the rooted clones in soil in cups, what if any further steps should i take to make sure i get rid of it? There are so many different fungicides out there for different things, but all i have right now is neem oil. Appreciate the help!


Just this guy, ya know?
I wouldn't say it's a great thread, but it helped me get my technique down. I stopped using the DWC lately though and have just been putting cuttings directly into rapid rooters. Spray them with the clonex spray, check on them once a day to make sure the rooters didn't dry out, and within 2 weeks I have been batting 100% on the roots. Knock on wood though, watch me botch it the second I start bragging :laughing: I feel like the best advice I can give is leave them be. I had the same problem Sweet did and was always over watering and babying them. They clone "despite" me, not because of me :D


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Alright, that is probably why some seemed to be effected while others were fine. I have put all of the rooted clones in soil in cups, what if any further steps should i take to make sure i get rid of it? There are so many different fungicides out there for different things, but all i have right now is neem oil. Appreciate the help!

If they are fine do nothing. If you note brown or discolored roots while planting put on a cheap fungicide like organocide or monterreys version of the same chemical. You can go the expensive route as well as there are some pretty pricey fungicides.

I recently got tired of chancing plugs of the sort again and will be moving to pure coco cloning as back up for aeroponic cloning. 60 bucks to make easy aero cloners. Use h202 2 tsp a gallon and half tsp of organocide to combat pyth. I use jr peters clone fertilizer in the water around 130 ppm reading- 180. Ph 5.8 to start. I use a back up cloning method because power outages are a real thing anywhere.


Use 3/4" this guy says one inch in video and he is using like fuckin half inch lol...I also put 6 and half inch pieces on the corners with a 3 way instead of a 90 degree elbow so it balances at the corners of the tubs and wont ever tip over. Some pumps are pretty unstable.


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