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Gender dysphoria and the trans movement.


Well-known member
I am not ”smearing poo”. I am discussing the gender queer issue and gave you example of what happened during pride week. Since gay and trangender persons are social constructs, what you are saying is that you have nothing against the state constructing such persons by religious indoctrination and gentital mutilation. And mutilating genitals is what ”good people” do, right? Only in a society where mental illness has been made into the norm.



In my empire of dirt
Premium user
I am not ”smearing poo”. I am discussing the gender queer issue and gave you example of what happened during pride week. Since gay and trangender persons are social constructs, what you are saying is that you have nothing against the state constructing such persons by religious indoctrination and gentital mutilation. And mutilating genitals is what ”good people” do, right? Only in a society where mental illness has been made into the norm.

I did not expect you to convert from the religion of rainbow to the religion of peace so easily :ROFLMAO:

Whoa, easy with the coprophagophobia! One reason to touch the poo could be to smear it on the walls of your 5-star hotel room?
you did!
/ im not just making this shit up
but i think you were trying to make a point of some kind...
/what i dont know
but yeah homos and trans and all into that i guess, or not
im curious about your ghey religion? who do we worship
are the fabulous?! and will you be there, you know, to help guide me? in
/ i will know who you are because you will be the guy who smells like poop
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So Hai

Well-known member
you did!
/ im not just making this shit up
but i think you were trying to make a point of some kind...
/what i dont know
but yeah homos and trans and all into that i guess, or not
im curious about your ghey religion? who do we worship
are the fabulous?! and will you be there, you know, to help guide me? in
/ i will know who you are because you will be the guy who smells like poop
Why do the majority of queer faggots have intestinal parasites? Its a question for you to savour with your next meal at the queer bar.

For their feces to end up plastered all over the walls of the hotel room I would assume that the rainbow queers had to touch it, or did they spray the walls with shit from their rectums funny guy.



Well-known member
Why do the majority of queer faggots have intestinal parasites? Its a question for you to savour with your next meal at the queer bar.

For their feces to end up plastered all over the walls of the hotel room I would assume that the rainbow queers had to touch it, or did they spray the walls with shit from their rectums funny guy.

ask this guy how it happens


or these guys



In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Why do the majority of queer faggots have intestinal parasites? Its a question for you to savour with your next meal at the queer bar.

For their feces to end up plastered all over the walls of the hotel room I would assume that the rainbow queers had to touch it, or did they spray the walls with shit from their rectums funny guy.


how do you come across these nuggets of fact! i did not know ghey are filled with worms fro touching feces
does that go for trans people too?
/sorry bro, not clicking on your stupid link
but it is proofz that the ghes like to touch poop, but so does @So Hai
im not putting two and two together but you sound pretty gay dude

today is taco tuesday, so i might go and feast on cheap tacos at the mexican place i really like
i dont think they are gay and the bathrooms are clean

/ next time i go to a gay bar i will call you
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So Hai

Well-known member
pedocon strikes again. also rapes his dog(s). thin blue line fash pig.

Didn’t you get the memo that children have the right to have sex with anyone they like as long as they consent (the same, of course, has been said about dogs):

Gender queer pedo groomer ”literature” for children:


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Didn’t you get the memo that children have the right to have sex with anyone they like as long as they consent (the same, of course, has been said about dogs):

Gender queer pedo groomer ”literature” for children:

like i said im not clicking on your stupid links
/pro tip give a synopsis of what im about to see before i click, otherwish gtfo

/another pro tip: children have no legal rights re: the law in the real world
they cant enter into legal contracts or consent to sex

#the more you know

So Hai

Well-known member
how do you come across these nuggets of fact! i did not know ghey are filled with worms fro touching feces
does that go for trans people too?
/sorry bro, not clicking on your stupid link
but it is proofz that the ghes like to touch poop, but so does @So Hai
im not putting two and two together but you sound pretty gay dude

today is taco tuesday, so i might go and feast on cheap tacos at the mexican place i really like
i dont think they are gay and the bathrooms are clean

/ next time i go to a gay bar i will call you
That is you projecting homo, as I have said before I am not a working projection surface and you argue like a retarded child.

But there is no need for you to press play or anything, that was just your friendly neighbourhood muslim explaining that your gender queer rainbow movement will not be long lived.

So Hai

Well-known member
like i said im not clicking on your stupid links
/pro tip give a synopsis of what im about to see before i click, otherwish gtfo

/another pro tip: children have no legal rights re: the law in the real world
they cant enter into legal contracts or consent to sex

#the more you know
I did not adress you, you can press play or not I don’t care.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
That is you projecting homo, as I have said before I am not a working projection surface and you argue like a retarded child.

But there is no need for you to press play or anything, that was just your friendly neighbourhood muslim explaining that your gender queer rainbow movement will not be long lived.
retarded child! lolz! @So Hai
i thought we were connecting? you know like maybe a date night thing...
but yeah call me a fag

and fwiw, im not trying to be rude about the links, but at least give a brief summary of what the link is about so we arentstepping on poop mines
this is a link about this kid who over comes her fears of heights and big ramps and sends it

you got this sky

*just the last link i sent to mrs.chicky; yeah she get this shit all day long

moose eater

Well-known member
Despite paranoid conspiracy theories and fringe paranoid histrionic sources posted by racists/ethnocentrists, homophobes, transphobic people, and xenophobes, the age of consent in Alaska, for example, and many other places, has been age 16 y.o for years, like since about 1983, -providing- it didn't involve a partner over 19 y.o., and both parties were competent (not drunk, passed out, or mentally deficient). Though the more (faux) 'conservative' fundamentalists here who want to criminalize birth control also want to raise the age of consent for sexual relations to 18.

Any wagers in advance re. what's about to happen here with that if these wanna'-be Oral Roberts zealots and unreasonable, disconnected from reality buffoons get their way??

I'll put $100, no, make that $1,000, on more unwanted babies, and more illegal activities surrounding such things, to include a notable increase in people on the sex-offender registry who maybe don't belong there at all. Thus, there'll also likely be fewer 'fathers' claiming ownership of their babies, too. Which will translate to more welfare money in many cases, with less support from the fathers.

Stupidity, knee-jerk reactions, short-sightedness and lack of understanding have consequences, that can be human, legal, and financial in nature.

But what the heck, rolling the dice in ignorance is a sport to some.
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So Hai

Well-known member
retarded child! lolz! @So Hai
i thought we were connecting? you know like maybe a date night thing...
but yeah call me a fag

and fwiw, im not trying to be rude about the links, but at least give a brief summary of what the link is about so we arentstepping on poop mines
this is a link about this kid who over comes her fears of heights and big ramps and sends it

you got this sky

*just the last link i sent to mrs.chicky; yeah she get this shit all day long

Sticks and stones as they say, fwiw it wouldn’t be my bones breaking. But hey if that kid can overcome a fear of heights, then surely you can overcome your coprophagophobia and eat shit.

No worries, all this gay shit will end with implementation of sharia.

Anjem Chaudary explains the islamic duty to implement sharia and estimate the timeline of the coming islamic revolution (UK, etc).

So Hai

Well-known member
Despite paranoid conspiracy theories and fringe paranoid histrionic sources posted by racists/ethnocentrists, homophobes, transphobic people, and xenophobes,
thats alot of diagnoses to put in one sentence, so many even that you neglected to mention islamophobia and pedophobia along with them. I am sure you did not mean to be pedophobic by suggesting that there should be a 16 year old age limit to sexual intercourse?

if you do not agree that the limit should be set at three years then that makes you an antisemite, racist and pedophobic bigot ☘️

just kidding irish, it obviously reads less than three years old.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Sticks and stones as they say, fwiw it wouldn’t be my bones breaking. But hey if that kid can overcome a fear of heights, then surely you can overcome your coprophagophobia and eat shit.

No worries, all this gay shit will end with implementation of sharia.

Anjem Chaudary explains the islamic duty to implement sharia and estimate the timeline of the coming islamic revolution (UK, etc).

no matter what you think of me, i have enough sence to aviod my own poop
but i think im getting where you are coming from
are you a muslim? im sorry for offending your sharia sensibilities with my western thinking
/not touching poop, forbidding women access to education or safe passage in society, and lets the beard
you might be confused about islam, they arent bad people
most of the arabic people/muslims ive met are very nice
its the extremist weirds who give it a bad name
/the ones ive met seem well educated and are very inviting, plus their food is off the hook
but god said unto man send it and so it did rain upon the earth
good luck with your gihad
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So Hai

Well-known member
no matter what you think of me, i have enough sence to aviod my own poop
but i think im getting where you are coming from
are you a muslim? im sorry for offending your sharia sensibilities with my western thinking
/touching poop, forbidding women access to education or safe passage in society, and lets the beard
you might be confused about islam, they arent bad people
most of the arabic people/muslims ive met are very nice
its the extremist weirds who give it a bad name
/the ones ive met seem well educated and are very inviting, plus their food is off the hook
but god said unto man send it and so it did rain upon the earth
good luck with your gihad
I told you that I am from land of the rainbow and I might be this, that or whatever is in your head, or not. Perhaps you are having ideas out of predjudice like a bigot, argue strawman fallacies and go to full retard on ad hominem because you are conflicted about queer.

How many of the nice muslims that you met shared your positive, yet conflicted view of queer? Did they share your belief that people are born in the wrong body and the remedy of how to fix this divine comedy or rather I should say mistake? How did they react when you told them that their Allah makes such mistakes, and that his mistakes require such corrections?


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
you seem to be confused, like very confused
frst you espouse sharia law and how its going to rid us of gays, then in your next post you seem to back peddle and take it all back?
and accusing me of ad hom attcks, in the same sentence where you call me a queer
nice touch dude
maybe get your feet under you and try coming back with something of substance,man
but you are coming off as a f'n nutter
i dont ask most people what they think about gays, i dont ask them about their religion either, or politicts for the most part
when they invite me into their house i am a guest
i just talk about normal stuff, you know like normal people
but from what i can tell, they like for their kids (that includes the girls) to get good grades in school, some enjoy sports and they make great food
we just get along
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So Hai

Well-known member
you seem to be confused, like very confused
frst you espouse sharia law and how its going to rid us of gays, then in your next post you seem to back peddle and take it all back?
and accusing me of ad hom attcks, in the same sentence where you call me a queer
nice touch dude
maybe get your feet under you and try coming back with something of substance,man
but you are coming off as a f'n nutter
i dont ask most people what they think about gays, i dont ask them about their religion either, or politicts for the most part
when they invite me into their house i am a guest
i just talk about normal stuff, you know like normal people
but from what i can tell, they like for their kids (that includes the girls) to get good grades in school, some enjoy sports and they make great food
we just get along
Talking about confusion lmao, thats rich coming someone who think people are born into the wrong body. I told you already, I am not a working projection surface and for whatever things may appear to you it is you who is far from reality but no surprise that the sane appear to be insane from the viewpoint of insanity.

Watch a gender queer groomer get schooled by friendly muslims.


Well-known member
Talking about confusion lmao, thats rich coming someone who think people are born into the wrong body. I told you already, I am not a working projection surface and for whatever things may appear to you it is you who is far from reality but no surprise that the sane appear to be insane from the viewpoint of insanity.

Watch a gender queer groomer get schooled by friendly muslims.

😅 I kept wondering why i didn't see any rainbow flags at these protests

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