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GAVITA Pro 1000 DE


Sorry but I am not even going to respond to beta any more, that seems a complete waste of time. As for support: Please contact the correct company!

I get all sorts of support requests forwarded by email from our horticultural colleagues in Norway, who manage the Gavita.com site. It is NOT the Gavita Holland site, nor will you get any support on Gavita Holland products from our kind Norwegian colleagues. Our Dutch horticultural site is www.gavita.nl, this is also NOT the site to go to for Gavita holland support. Do NOT send e-mail or pms or facebook messages, that is not a correct way to handle support.

Go to www.gavita-holland.com - click on support - open a new ticket. We work with an on-line ticketing system, and our average response time is about a working day, sometimes a bit longer when there are a lot of questions.

We handle a few hundred tickets per month with a team of skilled engineers.
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As for ppf and ppfd: Of course, Philips is wrong, Li-Cor is wrong, Wageningen University is wrong, Purdue University is wrong, Gavita is wrong, we are doing things completely wrong for all those large greenhouses, production rooms and research facilities, and Beta is right.

We do not specify ppfd because that is intensity depending on the positioning of the fixtures. With 2100 umol s-1 from the lamp and a reflector with 96% reflector efficiency you can get 1000 umol m-2 s-1 avg on a 2 square meter surface. It is as simple as dividing umol s-1 by surface to get umol m-2 s-1. Same as going from lumens to lux.

As for uniformity: do look at our light calculations, where we easily get 90% of uniformity in any room, in optimized rooms over 95% uniformity. And not only in a little square part between 4 lights somewhere in the middle of the room, but at the complete surface. It will be very hard to measure the differences in levels and there are no hot spots. The sun gives you 53% infrared, HPS a few percent more, so there is no excessive heat either.

As for small rooms we just showed a new type of reflector, with which you can get a really good uniformity with a single fixture. In fact, Mammoth and Gavita worked together on optimizing a special tent and reflector for this. If you have visited the Spannabis you probably already have seen it.

On display next MY trade show in Los Angeles.

So do take a look at the facilities of one of our legal clients (who of course is also doing things completely wrong).



Just Say Grow
which tradeshow are you going to be at in LA? is it one of the industry only shows or is it open to the public?
As for ppf and ppfd: Of course, Philips is wrong, Li-Cor is wrong, Wageningen University is wrong, Purdue University is wrong, Gavita is wrong, we are doing things completely wrong for all those large greenhouses, production rooms and research facilities, and Beta is right.
Really?! Even after I proved it beyond doubt?

The fact is all of the following people, companies, and groups are correct, that PPFD, PPF, and PAR are all different terms for the same thing (umol/s/m2):

BTT, LI-COR, Apogee, Dr. Bugbee Ph.D, Dr. McCree Ph.D, and American Society for Horticultural Science’s (ASHS) Growth Chambers and Controlled Environments Working Group.

But it sure does make your point seem salient if you try to claim I'm the only one making a correct claim...

And it's clear you didn't read the post I wrote to Avenger. The fact is, all of the above companies, people, and groups are correct, but Philips, Gavita, etc. are incorrect if they try to claim PPF means umol/s.

But you sure won't admit such. And it makes you and your company look very silly, not because you're wrong, but because you refuse to admit you're wrong.

On display next MY trade show in Los Angeles.
I've already met you buddy, when I work the SAME trade shows. I'll see you there and introduce myself as BTT (if you're referring to the MaxYield show in LA) ;)

So do take a look at the facilities of one of our legal clients (who of course is also doing things completely wrong).
Disingenuous much?
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To anyone reading:

If Gavita doesn't understand basic concepts about controlled environment agriculture growth rooms, and won't admit when they're wrong, and make claims that are lies (like a single fixture has great uniformity, and their fixtures have 90% efficiency when it is really 80.95% efficiency NOT 90%, etc.) I would suggest using ePapillion instead.

Oh yea, ePapillion emits about 1% more umol/s in PAR range than Gavita. So ePapillion is not only much better in terms of uniformity, but also has greater total radiation output.

To anyone that wants to read facts about Gavita, not the biased and untrue claims made by whazzup, check out these threads and posts:

"Gavita Pro DE vs. ePapillion: irradiance uniformity results"

PPF, PPFD, and PAR: What they mean according to plant science

"LED vs. HPS: Truth about photosynthetic eff. & uniformity"

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To anyone reading:

If Gavita doesn't understand basic concepts about controlled environment agriculture growth rooms, and won't admit when they're wrong, and make claims that are lies (like a single fixture has great uniformity, and their fixtures have 90% efficiency when it is really 80.95% efficiency NOT 90%, etc.) I would suggest using ePapillion instead.

Oh yea, ePapillion emits about 1% more umol/s in PAR range than Gavita. So ePapillion is not only much better in terms of uniformity, but also has greater total radiation output.

To anyone that wants to read facts about Gavita, not the biased and untrue claims made by whazzup, check out these threads and posts:

"Gavita Pro DE vs. ePapillion: irradiance uniformity results"

PPF, PPFD, and PAR: What they mean according to plant science

"LED vs. HPS: Truth about photosynthetic eff. & uniformity"


So one of the things you are saying is this video is a fake? For example?

Its a silly example, but at least they show how they do their measurements.

Also "[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]These data were collected by Dr. Bugbee and Dr. Nelson. Not by us.

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Like I wrote, these data don't account for reflected photons. So please, stay on topic. And start a new thread if that's what you want to discuss."

I would like for you to do a video if you don't mind, of you personally doing the measurements, real time graphs if possible too. Shouldn't be too hard, you probably have all the equipment required.

And what company do you work for? You mentioned you work the expos, I wonder if you work for a light company

Your video link isn't working.

I don't work for a lighting company, but I care a lot about provable facts.

A video of what? Measuring uniformity of a single fixutre? If so, sure, I could do that as I have the equipment. But doing it won't show anything different than what was done by Dr. Bugbee. So it's a waste of time. That said, if whazzup wants to set it up so I get a Gavita to test I would be happy to test and post results, and then I would return the Gavita as I don't like them and wouldn't use them (instead I would use ePapillion).
Quite disappointed with Gavita's durability, 2 of 7 gavitas are no longer functioning... one wont fire and the other has a broken dial. Hoping to get them fixed without too much $. Going with E-papillon next purchase.
Your video link isn't working.

I don't work for a lighting company, but I care a lot about provable facts.

So far the only provable facts you have shown us is that you are incredible wrong about everything and you are a giant pain in the ass crybaby. I think you need to check your meds because someone with so much OCD to prove about nothing is a bad for you and anyone you come into contact with that you think gives a giant shit about what you interpret as facts. I am willing to bet cash money that you. Don't. Grow. Shit. Nope, you just found some piece of information that has you locked in with and you don't know how to let it go. Yep, you definitely have some coping skills missing there. I tell you what though, there are THOUSANDS of grows using Gavitas and for each one there is a happy plant and happy owner. So what does all of your nitpicking say about that? The proof is always in the punch and I can see a company shill when I see one. And I am looking right at you Beta. But you keep on slamming that head into the wall, it's a good look for you. And by the way, nobody here is taking you serious at all. :moon:


Active member
question about that pick. those beds look to be atleast 9' wide and 20 something feet long. how do you go about tending the plants in the center of those rows?

As for ppf and ppfd: Of course, Philips is wrong, Li-Cor is wrong, Wageningen University is wrong, Purdue University is wrong, Gavita is wrong, we are doing things completely wrong for all those large greenhouses, production rooms and research facilities, and Beta is right.

We do not specify ppfd because that is intensity depending on the positioning of the fixtures. With 2100 umol s-1 from the lamp and a reflector with 96% reflector efficiency you can get 1000 umol m-2 s-1 avg on a 2 square meter surface. It is as simple as dividing umol s-1 by surface to get umol m-2 s-1. Same as going from lumens to lux.

As for uniformity: do look at our light calculations, where we easily get 90% of uniformity in any room, in optimized rooms over 95% uniformity. And not only in a little square part between 4 lights somewhere in the middle of the room, but at the complete surface. It will be very hard to measure the differences in levels and there are no hot spots. The sun gives you 53% infrared, HPS a few percent more, so there is no excessive heat either.

As for small rooms we just showed a new type of reflector, with which you can get a really good uniformity with a single fixture. In fact, Mammoth and Gavita worked together on optimizing a special tent and reflector for this. If you have visited the Spannabis you probably already have seen it.

On display next MY trade show in Los Angeles.

So do take a look at the facilities of one of our legal clients (who of course is also doing things completely wrong).



Active member
So far the only provable facts you have shown us is that you are incredible wrong about everything and you are a giant pain in the ass crybaby. I think you need to check your meds because someone with so much OCD to prove about nothing is a bad for you and anyone you come into contact with that you think gives a giant shit about what you interpret as facts. I am willing to bet cash money that you. Don't. Grow. Shit. Nope, you just found some piece of information that has you locked in with and you don't know how to let it go. Yep, you definitely have some coping skills missing there. I tell you what though, there are THOUSANDS of grows using Gavitas and for each one there is a happy plant and happy owner. So what does all of your nitpicking say about that? The proof is always in the punch and I can see a company shill when I see one. And I am looking right at you Beta. But you keep on slamming that head into the wall, it's a good look for you. And by the way, nobody here is taking you serious at all. :moon:

couldn't agree any more, at this point it's more like beta- attention-troll.

(and B-A-T, you're not anywhere as smart as you think, please stop proving it…)
The Docktor and pune: funny that you can't disprove what I wrote, so you offer insults. Very telling, indeed...

Also, trying to argue I'm wrong because lots of people have success using Gavita is just silly.

If you both think what I've written is incorrect I suggest you loose your biases and re-read. Then, if you still think what I wrote is incorrect, please offer some data/facts to prove I'm incorrect.
The Docktor and pune: funny that you can't disprove what I wrote, so you offer insults. Very telling, indeed...

Also, trying to argue I'm wrong because lots of people have success using Gavita is just silly.

If you both think what I've written is incorrect I suggest you loose your biases and re-read.

That's just it. We aren't even trying. You aren't proving anything to anyone except the big fact that you want to argue with someone. You have a sever case of hobbyist OCD. As I said before, I have worked in the aerospace industry and they don't go one like this about CONSUMER GRADE products. You entire argument is revolved around nonsense nitpicking on things that do not apply at all to anyone except the most anal retentive. Your constant griping about testing equipment and everything else shows you are just stuck on something that has got your brain on lockdown. I don't think, I KNOW that you are so wrong in every way imaginable about this. Seriously, go talk to someone about your issues because if your intent was to try and give information to get someone else to see your side of things or to change their minds, you have done the exact opposite. You have zero people skills son and you may want to work on that if you plan on addressing people that you want to take you serious. You passive aggressiveness is so fucking tacky bro that it shows you have NOTHING of substance to offer here. You blew your wad with your constant clinging to test equipment that even the scientists in the field say that readings are negligible and non applicable for the purpose of growing. After that, your basic bitch posturing has pretty much soured this thread to a shitshow. And all for what? You don't even grow.

I'm done with you about this. Now go get your fucking meds.


Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
This has been on my mind for a while now. Folks claim you need to burn the bulbs for 100 hours on 1000. So what do you do when changing the bulbs out? Do you need spare fixtures to do the burn in time?


got me puzzled a bit this one, on my information sheets with my gavita there is nothing said about burning anything in for any hours? I have had no problems at all.
never seen it on the gavita site at all.= my gav dealer said he has never heard of running the globe in?