What is highvic if you don't mind me asking?have a look at thirum we grow alot of leeks and onions
always damp conditions this really helps
another one is highvic
What is highvic if you don't mind me asking?have a look at thirum we grow alot of leeks and onions
always damp conditions this really helps
another one is highvic
Hey big leek thank you for the input. I have looked into thirum in the past but reading about the hazards and also its difficulty in obtaining (did find concentrated crystals on ebay but didn't really want to play around with it) I never tried it. I did hear it is pretty effective against fusarium though. I believe the old rootone cloning powder contained 0.4% thirum as one of its ingredients. Was discontinued in the US although its still available in canada. Was looking into that for using while cloning but haven't tried it yet.
Wow, that sounds just incredibly frustrating! Condolences and best wishes man, I hope you can start up again at some later date with nothing but smooth sailing in the future!After all that work, about 10 days later plants were not growing correctly. Pulled 5 out by the stem and the same exact symptoms. Am completely stumped how it was still in the grow environment, much less regained a foothold, but it did. Time to call it quits. Fought this problem for 5 months and honestly can say tried everything. Good luck to the rest of you guys.
Hi man, you've got maximum solidarity from me. I had the same problem three years ago, I stopped growing to resume this year, I cleaned everything with pure bleach and quaternary ammonium salts ... nothing to do, he always comes back, plus here in Europe many products as Physan20 Zerotol and 2.0 are not available. I'm desperate I do not know how to do, even to those who ask for help.After all that work, about 10 days later plants were not growing correctly. Pulled 5 out by the stem and the same exact symptoms. Am completely stumped how it was still in the grow environment, much less regained a foothold, but it did. Time to call it quits. Fought this problem for 5 months and honestly can say tried everything. Good luck to the rest of you guys. fusarium rockwool&f=false
Relatively effective preventative, but if spores remain or are reintroduced to environment it returns. Pretty much back to square 1 in my experience, as if spores did not remain or did not become reintroduced to environment, none of these measures would be necessary after disinfection and new genetics. fusarium rockwool&f=false
Relatively effective preventative, but if spores remain or are reintroduced to environment it returns. Pretty much back to square 1 in my experience, as if spores did not remain or did not become reintroduced to environment, none of these measures would be necessary after disinfection and new genetics.