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Fungus gnats or WINGED ROOT APHIDS???


Oh damn. Well how has the spectracide effected your bud development? Any problems with nutrient uptake? Any damage being reversed? Was one application enough?
Yea man, one application killed everything in the medium and my plants noticeably improved in vigor. There are absolutely no negative effects to the plants. Three days after the application my clones have doubled in size.


Yea man, one application killed everything in the medium and my plants noticeably improved in vigor. There are absolutely no negative effects to the plants. Three days after the application my clones have doubled in size.

It won't hurt your plants directly, but it is systemic, so the plant absorbs it and it ends up in your final product. The rule is harvest no less than 90 days after applying the Tree & Shrub, even at only 1/2 strength. Some say wait longer. I did mine, vegged for 30 days, and flowered for 60, bud tasted fine and no headache. As far as other chemicals that made it in there, who knows, most of it ended up as bubble hash anyway!
I've been told that the sulphur burners will get rid of fungus gnats, and that neem oil reacts with the sulphur and creates sulphuric acid that burns the leaves, not sure if thats true, and not sure if any of that works, and I don't have a sulphur burner (yet!), and thats why I haven't resorted to Neem yet, either. What do you think?

Haven't heard of Sulfur Burners helping with fungus gnats but if you do burn sulphur make sure it isn't within 2 weeks of any oil treatment (neem included) or you will burn your plants!

If you are dealing with fungus gnats use Gnatrol or some other source of BTI that will kill the larvae and some kind of bomb to eliminate the fliers. Apply Gnatrol in 5-10 day intervals 2-3 times to break their life cycle.


Haven't heard of Sulfur Burners helping with fungus gnats but if you do burn sulphur make sure it isn't within 2 weeks of any oil treatment (neem included) or you will burn your plants!

I'm probably still gonna get the sulphur burners, I've heard nightmares about PM from other guys around here. I haven't had a trace of PM near any of my stuff, but it sounds like a good preventative for it, especially with strains prone to PM, such as the purples.


are u guys finding them real high up on ur plant on leaves and whatnot,,,i never noticed fungus gnats going up high in the main bud before?....peace


are u guys finding them real high up on ur plant on leaves and whatnot,,,i never noticed fungus gnats going up high in the main bud before?....peace

Yes the fliers will be all over everywhere, stuck to buds all over the plants. They are laying eggs.

Look as closely at your gnat-like pest, then look at the picture on the first page of the thread. Up close, they look distinctly different than a fungus gnat.

If you've got this pest, you need to get on the problem immediately. Your plants can be saved, but left untreated yer pooch is screwed.


so the bottom pic is the root aphid? the one with the round body not the longer body?,,,if so thats exactly what i got they are all dead when i find them,,,do they lay eggs then die?,,,because i had mites so i did a DE treatmeant on the flowerroom now i am finding them dead, but i never noticed them before seeing them dead,,so i was wondering if the DE was killig them or that was thier life cycle,,,peace


i find them justy setting on the bud dead dried up thatas what wade me think the DE was working,,peace
Just treated all my veg and 2 plants I placed into flower yesterday with Bayer Fruit, Citrus and Vegetable Insect Control at 6 ml per gallon. My plants are grown in soil and I will update with results.

Thanks IGT for making me aware of this product!


So, after applying the spectracide last night i saw countless dead ones in the trays. But, today I went in and they're crawling all over the surface of my soil without a care in the world. I'm sure it put a dent in their population but it didn't do anything close to wiping them out. Kind of worried now. I definitely don't want to use imid, but I won't sacrifice this crop.

In my coco and another posters dwc system, 7.5 ml/gal was enough, but maybe the dynamics are different in soil? Perhaps you should try a higher dosage; they actually recommend 15 mL/gal.


Active member
Just treated all my veg and 2 plants I placed into flower yesterday with Bayer Fruit, Citrus and Vegetable Insect Control at 6 ml per gallon. My plants are grown in soil and I will update with results.

Thanks IGT for making me aware of this product!

does this have imidacloprid as the active ingredient as well? I know bayer TREE AND SHRUB does.
Yes it has it at .235% imid as it's active ingredient.

It's just a weaker version of the Tree and Shrub, which has 1.47%. Of course, when you dilute it with water at 2 ml a gal like I did you end up with a soultion that is .02%, which is miniscule. 2/10,000ths Imidcloprid vs 9,998 parts water. Not to toxic, although still wouldn't want to ingest it.

Fat J

The air in the common home is probably more toxic than even a freshly treated plant - we're surrounded by toxic shit every day that most ppl dont know about

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