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Full room reset. Current Culture RDWC. GG4 clone only, what did you expect from me?


Well-known member
Ok I have never heard that before....more learning. I am wondering how these guys pull off all these fantastic grows using these exact numbers I did then...documenting every week nute levels and the makeup in detail...they are all wrong too?? I swear the more I dive into this the more complicated and opposing opinions I get...I do appreciate it tho. Keeps me thinking.
Thanks again. Peace, negative.
Oh man I'm way off I guess. My bad. Don't listen to me. I read different somewhere else. Now I'm really confused.

For cannabis, K, Ca and Mg all appear to be needed in larger quantities compared to other greenhouse floriculture species. In general, the rule is provide K, Ca and Mg in a 4:2:1 ratio to avoid antagonisms.


Well-known member
I am wondering why Jacks would set a level that is not even close to 4 to 1 with the recommended doses??
Your numbers look about perfect according to the 4:2:1 thing

I know why I was confused for a minute. I didn't know hydro would be that different. I was thinking of the CEC in soil and thought it would be the same ratios. But it's pretty much the opposite for some reason. I'm gonna have to figure that out.
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Well-known member
Hi all. I have not taken many pics lights off. Timing seems off to get any shots and I don't disturb them once there sleeping. Was able to snap a few right before lights on this am.
Day 34.
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They are all really praying up to the light and Ph numbers have been rock solid at 5.9.
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Still pretty dark green but I just started to use the no N Masterbloom 0-12-24. I do notice some leaves are lighter than previous grows. Checking closely with pictures from the same time on other grows. I am going to say they look better than before. I do not see the level of edge brown and tip burn that I have had in the past. Gonna wait till we get to about week 7 to declare any big wins but all signs point to good things. A bit tall and thick but we are working with it. Looking for ward to what week 6 and 7 will bring to leaf health. I am pretty sure the increased temps and the lower N levels are really helping...Makes me excited for next run. Be able to use Hydrobuddy and the Masterbloom no N formula right from the start.
Thanks all for advice and following along everyone.
Peace, negative.


Well-known member
Hi all. Been doing a tent reset today that I use for my veg place. Good clean up and filling the tank for nutes. Started playing with hydrobuddy and having problems with it.....again. I am watching Greengenes video on Jacks. Putting in the exact 2 items he is using and all the parameters are correct...as far as I can tell. Then I hit calculate and get some super high P number. No matter what I do I cannot recreate his number using the exact same formula. I guess I am doing something wrong again....man. I like learning but not every single time I use it....
Some tent pics and the 2 GG4 clones.
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Getting close.
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Wish me luck with the hydrobuddy. I know I can use the 321 or even a 4/2 and be fine but I want hydrobuddy to tell me the correct numbers...
Have a good day all
Peace, negative.

Rocket Soul

Well-known member
Hi all. Been doing a tent reset today that I use for my veg place. Good clean up and filling the tank for nutes. Started playing with hydrobuddy and having problems with it.....again. I am watching Greengenes video on Jacks. Putting in the exact 2 items he is using and all the parameters are correct...as far as I can tell. Then I hit calculate and get some super high P number. No matter what I do I cannot recreate his number using the exact same formula. I guess I am doing something wrong again....man. I like learning but not every single time I use it....
Some tent pics and the 2 GG4 clones.
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View attachment 19027585
Getting close.
View attachment 19027586
Wish me luck with the hydrobuddy. I know I can use the 321 or even a 4/2 and be fine but I want hydrobuddy to tell me the correct numbers...
Have a good day all
Peace, negative.
Consider the possibility that GG gothis numbers wrong.


Well-known member
Hi all. Got the tent all reset and up and rolling along with the F and D system. I will say hands down this is the EASIEST hydro method known to man. Very little equipment and amazing growth with not much input from you.
I have had my tent set up in some very complicated configs. Running 3 lights and growing in 2 diff mediums....way overkill but it taught me a lot. Now I just have the 65 watt LED, 15 gallon rez, water pump and circ timer. That's it.
Ah that new rez smell...
IMG_9019 - Copy.JPG

A note on Jacks, Masterbloom and the raw salt game. I gotta say, for me, this is the ultimate way to grow, period. Along with Hydrobuddy you can literally make ANY mix you want from about 4 or 5 raw salts. I chuckle every time I mix up a rez. It is so clean, so pure and I can customize it infinitely. Putting 3 products into my rez compared to about 13 or so with Advanced. Again the best part is I know what makes up the NPK, not just the NPK because the first is more important for sure.
Dam fans get so dirty so fast. yuck.
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Planting the bare root cutting, the preferred and recommended method by CC. That little platform is called the "planting deck" Makes height placement real easy. Then back fill with hydroton. I pull off the collar and cup. Do not want that restricting and keeping moisture around the stem.
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All done, I only have 2 so easy. In a couple days I will cover the entire tray and black it out protecting my little roots. 1 hour off and 6 minutes on to reach proper level in the tray.
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The week 1 of veg mix as per my Hydrobuddy....really close to a traditional 321.
week 1 veg hydrobuddy 2 - Copy.png

I used the EC adjuster to slightly tweak it down to 1.7. The EC adjuster keeps the ratios correct, up or down, with the push of just one key.
Here is thee elemental breakdown by ever part in the mix...this is the important stuff. As long as YOU dont mess up hydrobuddy will not mess up...lmao.
week 1 veg mix hydrobuddy - Copy.png

The predicted EC was 1.71. It came out at 1.7 on my bluelab. Spot on.
Looking forward to end of week 5 in the flower room. Excited to see how those leaves are holding up.
Have a sweet day all. Peace, negative.
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Well-known member
Hydrobuddy has made me a much more educated grower. The more you use it you get more familiar with the proper levels of all the key elements and how they play on each other. Feel like I can much more effectively deal with defs or tox pretty easy. It can make growing super simple. My mind tends to do good with numbers and data. Other people learn by seeing it or doing it, Either way it can help and it is free.
Peace, negative.


Well-known member
I have seen this video a few times...it always makes me laugh pretty hard. Gotta do research before you start RDWC to see if it is for you. Not everyone needs a Ferrari to grow. When the guys says "yes, mother fucking cups" I spit out my drink.
Here is the link it is on the tube. funny rdwc video
Peace, negative.


pure dynamite
Oh man, if you only shared that video a while ago.. (joking! :D)
Just did final setup on my RDWC system and thread will go live as soon as the seedlings are ready to go in.
Btw, I like when you show what you are doing step by step, helps people like me with no experience to figure out things.


Well-known member
Thanks for the nice comments exploziv. I figure more is better plus I don't have any other people to share with so....I do more sometimes.
Been checking back through some pictures of past runs. Looking at end week 5 specifically to compare to this run. It is kind of hard to get a great comparison shot but I did my best.
Here we have about day 35 from last run.
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Here is day 34 from current run.
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Me seeing it in real life shows me this. Leaves are overall less green, not all of them but some for sure. Much LESS leaf edge burn and less tip burn. I would have to say that the issues I was having are not nearly as apparent. My feelings after looking at the numbers tell me I was giving them to much N and to much K. Was constantly adding MPK. So I am pretty sure it was a toxicity I was seeing.
This switch to the no N Masterbloom and using hydrobuddy are good things. I consider this the mid point of the grow since I normally go 10 weeks. Things are leaning towards a good second half.
Been real nice to have some ideas and advice thrown my way to help figure this out. Credit to a couple posters who said toxicity the whole time...nice you nailed it!
Have a great day all. I am transplanting a few tress today.
Peace, negative.