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Full room reset. Current Culture RDWC. GG4 clone only, what did you expect from me?


Well-known member
Wait till you find out you can dump all the nutes you have in there and input the ppms you want and it will select the best to use (and how much of each) to hit that recipe you asking for as close as possible. You can basically copy any comercial recipe with cheaper incredients that way.
I saw that you can do that. Man we are light years ahead of where the growing game was just a few years ago. I am glad I stopped giving away my cash to the water peddlers...lmao.
When I started this adventure so long ago I had to walk uphill both ways for awhile...if you get the reference. Nowadays there is soooo much good info available at your fingertips. The learning curve can be MUCH faster.
Have a sweet day all.
Peace, negative.


Well-known member
Ok. I am blown away by Hydrobuddy. I have been playing with it for like 5 hours....the software I mean....lol.
It is so good! For anyone who mixes their own nutes this is a absolute must have! I mean if you have the knowledge of what to do with all the info it gives you it could be a game changer for some. I have been needing something like this to help with the complexity of the numbers. It does the heavy lifting for you.
If you have your other parameters dialed this can help for sure.
Doing the Hydrobuddy dance here...
hudrobuddy dance.gif

Have a sweet day all. Tomorrow is day 21, end of week 3 for me. Big strip and a new mix for the nutes programed by Hydrobuddy...excited. They need to get me a shirt...lol.
Peace, negative.


Well-known member
End week 3, day 21 of flower.
The mood is good here. Things are going along well. Numbers are staying right where I want them, both environmental and nute wise. Doing the weekly water change out today. Spent some time with Hydrobuddy putting together a custom mix for week 4. Another big shoutout to that program! Not sure if you all understand that with RDWC you can run MUCH lower EC levels than in other meduims. That is due to the efficiency of the system and the fact that the roots are always in the nutrient rich water. That is why you will see me run like 1/2 of what is recommended from normal. I am trying to follow Cultured Solutions feeding schedule as far as the numbers go. Finding that to be a bit to hot hence the switch to a no N formula.
Here is my mix for week 4. Red is the resultant PPM. Blue is the percentage difference between recommended and what I actually used. Fuck I love numbers! This screen also shows projected EC, green arrow. My original calculation left me at 1.4 something...to high. All I do is hit the minus button a few times to get to where I want to be and Hydrobuddy does the rest!! Sweet!
hydrobuddy week 4 mix 2 - Copy.png

The other page with target amounts, yellow arrow.
hydrobuddy week 4 mix 3 - Copy.png

Love this program.
Ok plant pics. End week 3, GG4 clone only.
IMG_8932 - Copy.JPG

Some bud sites.
IMG_8933 - Copy.JPG

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Whole room.
IMG_8927 - Copy.JPG

Doing some leaf stripping. I am a defol guy but not like strip them naked type. They need a bit more still.


pure dynamite
For some reason or another you are way too high on the MgSO4. Both Mg and S are over the needed ratio compared to the others, so you basically should only use about half of the MgSO4. Now I am wondering how you managed to get hydrobuddy to fuck up by 50%, in my experience it doesn't happen.


Well-known member
For some reason or another you are way too high on the MgSO4. Both Mg and S are over the needed ratio compared to the others, so you basically should only use about half of the MgSO4. Now I am wondering how you managed to get hydrobuddy to fuck up by 50%, in my experience it doesn't happen.
I was debating on not using the epsoms. It is prob because I made it do the calculation that way. I have not done the change yet. I like to do them when lights are coming on not going off. I appreciate the heads up and advice. I will play around with the mix some more.
It seems the masterblend has alot of S in it...way more than Jacks.
Peace, negative.


pure dynamite
Use it! But try to stay within 10% error. S doesn't even matter that much to the recipe (as long as it is there in enaugh quantity). You should judge the quantity of MgSO4 needed mostly by the Mg result.
And I hope you don't mind me coming in when I see something like this. You will have plenty of oportunity to get back to me by being in my thread as well (if you wish, ofc) very soon.


Well-known member
Use it! But try to stay within 10% error. S doesn't even matter that much to the recipe (as long as it is there in enaugh quantity). You should judge the quantity of MgSO4 needed mostly by the Mg result.
And I hope you don't mind me coming in when I see something like this. You will have plenty of oportunity to get back to me by being in my thread as well (if you wish, ofc) very soon.
That high Mg might account for the burt edges that look like K deficiency. What do you think? I still consider myself somewhat of a newbie so take that with a grain of salt.


Well-known member
That high Mg might account for the burt edges that look like K deficiency. What do you think? I still consider myself somewhat of a newbie so take that with a grain of salt.
I have not used that mix yet so results will be seen in near future. Pretty sure it was/is K def. I think higher levels of Mg mess with K uptake. Thanks for the input as well. Always appreciated.
Peace, negative.


Well-known member
Hi all. I have some questions. So using Hydrobuddy to calculate this weeks mix I came up with what I thought would be a good bloom mix using others advice. I plugged it in to the buddy and got the results. I used the EC reducing tool to lower the EC from 1.6 or so to 1.3. Then I used those numbers multiplied by the gallons of my system. I was surprised at the small amounts compared to my normal 321 but I trusted the math.
Mixed it up and I get a real life EC of .4......what?? WHY? When Hydrouddy tells me it should be about 1.3 and it comes out at .4 something is wrong. I will assume right off the bat I did something wrong but I can tell what that is. Any ideas?
To give you a idea of the amount difference I normally use around 50g of Jacks A...this mix called for 8 of MasterBlend. Don't know why. Kind of scratching my head here. I will mess with Hydrobuddy today and see what I can figure out.
Here is the calculation...you can see the ratio is nowhere near the 321.
hydroweek4 - Copy.png

Thanks for any input.
Have a great day all. Peace, negative.


pure dynamite
Did you get any sediment? I can only think that you tied up some elements by improper mixing or incompatible nutrients. But since part B seema to be Calcium Nitrate, there shouldn't be any incompatibility. Did you mix well inbetween adding them to the water? Are you sure you put the right weight? If you start again does it end same EC, or is it diferent (you can do a liter to test)? Did you do proper math when going from liter to gallons for your full res? Also, why not set the gallons needed into hydrobuddy and no need for math then? Did you multiply by 4 (liters to gallons) as well or just 1 liter x how many gallons you got?
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Well-known member
Ok I figured it out...had a setting wrong. Set for LITERS not GALLONS...fuck me. Now the figures look more like what I would expect. I knew I would find it and I knew it was me. Thanks for the look and advice there explosiv. Always gonna get a couple human related hiccups when using new software.
Back on track...peace, negative.


pure dynamite
Glad I could help.
Keep in mind you can set it up to give you the result for any ammount of gallons or liters to take out human error. No need to calculate for one and do the math manually. Also, you can set up the starting water parameters, for a more exact end result.


Well-known member
Ok. So I got my maths, lol, right now. Put in the CORRECT amount of MB and Jacks B and what do you know. Hydrobuddy nailed the EC exactly. Amazing what happens when you remove HUMAN error...AI growing?? JK.
This is very cool. I can achieve the same EC I had with Jacks 321 but with a complete different elemental breakdown using the Masterblend. Notes on the MB. easy to work with consistency but I did have trouble getting the last few bits to dissolve completely. Like 20 grains of sand at the bottom of my jug. It is a cool light blue/green color. I can see that because I am dissolving the entire amount in just a gallon of water. In a full system the color would be not visable.
Let week 4 roll on! We will see how the lower N effects things. Kind of excited about these couple changes. These plants have reached 6.5 feet tall and its a jungle in there. Not going to jinx anything but these plants look lovely to me. Some of the greenest stems I have ever achieved on the Glue.
Sorry about the wall of text and no pics today. I am worn out from shoveling 10 yards or so of fill dirt...I aint a kid no more and that's a lot of work for me. I also transplanted a 7 foot pine tree I was gifted. Thing was a beast...had been in a pot for 15 years!! Talk about rootbound...holy hell. Took me 20 minutes just to bust it up.
Have a sweet night...dabs and glue...woot.
Peace, negative.
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Well-known member
Premium user
I am worn out from shoveling 10 yards or so of fill dirt...I aint a kid no more and that's a lot of work for me. I also transplanted a 7 foot pine tree I was gifted. Thing was a beast...had been in a pot for 15 years!! Talk about rootbound...holy hell. Took me 20 minutes just to bust it up.

lol...getting old sucks. Glad you're rolling with the punches.

Let week 4 roll on! We will see how the lower N effects things. Kind of excited about these couple changes. These plants have reached 6.5 feet tall and its a jungle in there. Not going to jinx anything but these plants look lovely to me. Some of the greenest stems I have ever achieved on the Glue.

woot, woot


Well-known member
Been a couple posts since any pictures.
Day 24. GG4 clone only at 6.5 feet high!!
IMG_8955 - Copy.JPG

Had to tie down about 8 or 9 tops...touching the light. Got to be more aggressive with the scissors in veg.
Bud sites have set nicely all over. All the big stretch and drama is over...lol. Now its a hopefully a easy ride into big bud town!
gg4 flower day 24 - Copy.jpg

Doing pretty good here. So week 5 in the past is were I start seeing the def issues come up. Holding my breath here as were are approaching that quickly and things look excellent so far.
No N mix is in the water and working. I don't see the tip burn progressing. So far no edge browning yet either. Pretty stoked with Hydrobuddy and the information it has allowed me to use. I think it is making big differences in overall leaf/plant health. Knowing what's in that NPK mix is as important as the mix itself.
With this MB no N mix I have been able to keep the other big 2 elements in the proper ratio along with the micros instead of having to lower them all to get the right EC. Only running around 70 ppm per gallon of N compared to over 130 before....that's a big change.
IMG_8959 - Copy.JPG

Hope you all had a great weekend. I got to go to a nice BBQ and had some great food and nice music. I don't get out socially much anymore so that was a nice day for me.
Peace, negative.