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Fresh new DNA from China!


Dr. Narrowleaf
Interesting thread, love the pictures!

These might infact be the ancestors of todays indica plants found in Afganistan altough I'm not quite sure if the flow of genetics was from East to West or the other way around. Anyways they seem to represent an ancient hybrid population of cannabis and humulus japonicus. You can clearly see that from the leaf traits in some pictures and I have a paper that tells exactly that. Some of the plants look exactly like Deep Chunk btw.

Keep us posted!


Elmanito - From what I've came to understand weed here isn't exactly unpotent but more accurately varied. It simply is not bred for these characteristics. The women who pick it to sell to foreigners care less of quality. Why would they? The Chinese don't use it. I've heard plenty say things like "I only found one bag that got me stoned the entire time I've been here." The thing is that means they have all encountered atleast one plant here each that had the right stuff.

Its difficult to find a good potent Yunnan strain since those strains could also contain high levels of CBD or THCV (both antagonists of THC), but some strains are really interesting to make hybrids, especially for medicinal purposes.From what i've noticed is that you can find strains with different fragrances like the smell of oranges to frankincense.

This is a Yunnan indica strain from last year.I crossed this strain with Parvati.

There is another thread where you can find some more info about the Yunnan strains.(line:69)


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

There is enough variation to be found here to go around! It seems every plant I encounter has some novel trait that makes it different than the previous. Take this new find for example :


Nothing special at first, just a small little plant growing along some bushes. Then you happen to look at the stem and see this :


It is wooden! I have never seen weed have a wood stem before. This is a young baby with a completely wood stalk.

Here she is potted with some others for now (I will repot them individually when I find where to buy pots.) :



Thule, whether they are ancestors or not, they definately have a distinction all their own.

Elmanito, I will read through the thread you posted also and see what others have found in Yunnan as well. Thank you for the link.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I so enjoy partaking in this epic adventure with you, OS!

(lol...I tried to resist but...) Much better than a video of Arjan stumbling around in some jungle with Franco tailing behind....


so no one else but me associated big seeds with crappy smoke?

I've always been a buyer of bags..and I can't remember a bag with big seeds in it that was acually good smelling/tasting or even produced a good stone.

It notable reminds me of a guy i used to get from who had quit smoking years before but had kept selling for the dough. He didn't care of quality, because he wasnt consuming it, so ended up getting the cheapest pounds that the mexicans would sell him..sometimes as low as 700$ for a elbow..and it was the shittiest shit you ever did touch

but I never have actually tried popping a "big" seed (for good reason, the stuff it came from may as well have been ruderalis)..Would like to know others opinion on this

I also noticed the one and only time that i got seeds online, they were super small..So is there any concrete info on how the size of the seed correlates to the plant itself? (and for that matter "tiger stripes" everyone thinks if they striped they awesome..any truths there?)


Dr. Narrowleaf
Well, big seeds are often the result of breeding as a food source, therefore thc production might be only the secondary goal. There are ofcourse numerous exceptions to this.. Thai seeds are often quite massive but the bud I've sampled from such strains has been top notch.

I'd say seed size doesn'tr correlate with the quality of the end product, it's just a sign of long domestication history. Ruderalis has teeny weeny seeds by the way, as do most wild strains.


Active member
ICMag Donor
so no one else but me associated big seeds with crappy smoke?

I've always been a buyer of bags..and I can't remember a bag with big seeds in it that was acually good smelling/tasting or even produced a good stone.

It notable reminds me of a guy i used to get from who had quit smoking years before but had kept selling for the dough. He didn't care of quality, because he wasnt consuming it, so ended up getting the cheapest pounds that the mexicans would sell him..sometimes as low as 700$ for a elbow..and it was the shittiest shit you ever did touch

but I never have actually tried popping a "big" seed (for good reason, the stuff it came from may as well have been ruderalis)..Would like to know others opinion on this

I also noticed the one and only time that i got seeds online, they were super small..So is there any concrete info on how the size of the seed correlates to the plant itself? (and for that matter "tiger stripes" everyone thinks if they striped they awesome..any truths there?)

Seed size has nothing to do with smoke quality of what is grown from those seeds.

I had seeds from Chile in the mid 1990's that were HUGE and the smoke was not to be matched by anything at the time. My Northern Dreams has Huge seeds and is the most powerful smoke that I have ever come across in my Exsistance on this lovely plant Earth. My Arizona Iced Tea has some of the most tiny seeds that you will ever see and is not as Couch Lock, Knock you down, make you crawl on the floor, want to sleep the high off powerful of Northern Dreams.

Also if you didn't know the stripes on seeds wear off. Grab a seed, rub it in your fingers, POOF those stripes are gone. Before I send my beans in to seedbay.com I wash/clean them and most of the stripes are gone by the time they are bagged and sent in. The "tiger stripes" also have nothing to do with potency.

The only thing that determines potency is the genetics of which were blended to make the seeds. Some Cannabis has been bred for years upon years upon years by cultures to be smoked as a plant so the plant matter is potent and caries effects, other Cannabis has been bred for hash making so it works better when used for that specific purpose, some Cannabis does not get you high and produces big seed and that is because it has been bred as a food producer. Seed from each of those Cannabis plants will carry the genetic make up to do what it was specifically bred for.

Hope this information is helpful. :)



I just want to say that this thread is full up with WIN!

What a great read it has been with my sunday morning coffee. I'm sure I'll spend my day with grandiose pipedreams of scouting landrace genetics in some poor corner of the world and having the local farmers grow out zillions of seeds for my selection.


Great thread!!! Thanks so much, OS! This is like watching the Ganja Discovery Channel - Adventure! Danger!! Excitement!! Won ton!!!!! Something new unfolds with each post. I remember reading a chinese herbal about 25 years ago...there were like 13 pages devoted to the medicinal qualities of cannabis. They've had it right for about 5000...we are the barbarians.


Hopefully everything is good with OS. Very interested in the future updates thanks for taking the time and effort to do this for the community. Im sure there is potential genetic gold to be found in china in regard to cannabis.


love machine
ICMag Donor
i love it when you need a new strain you just take a walk and pick one up from the ground or other places lol. I would love to do that !!!

Good luck with your adventure and plz keep us posted.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yea man good luck with those I hope you find something really cool in there, be nice to see some new strains we never knew about come out of this...


New member
There is enough variation to be found here to go around! It seems every plant I encounter has some novel trait that makes it different than the previous. Take this new find for example :

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Nothing special at first, just a small little plant growing along some bushes. Then you happen to look at the stem and see this :

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It is wooden! I have never seen weed have a wood stem before. This is a young baby with a completely wood stalk.

Here she is potted with some others for now (I will repot them individually when I find where to buy pots.) :

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Thule, whether they are ancestors or not, they definately have a distinction all their own.

Elmanito, I will read through the thread you posted also and see what others have found in Yunnan as well. Thank you for the link.

Hey OrientalSplash - how did the grow/adventure turn out in the end?