magic chef....not sure if ya familiar w/ Lurchers, but a favorite combo is the whippet/bull cross....can run down 'bout anything and give it a whirl....
pic of Izzie who is from Raptor and Sniper's dam crossed to Rollie-ROM.......
she's 'lil over 2 yr's and a nice gyp....hope to keep the blood strong......
dawg on............
my bitch aint the brightest, they say bully breeds are not. She insists on standing in front and essentially 'up swing' of me when i sweep with a broom, however she learned the word 'beer' within two days...
Checked his papers, dad was sir Duke Capone mom was Elliot's total justice. I think I remember his breeder saying something about red devil blood line, that sounds really familiar. He had a chart on the wall of both the mom and dads linage, but I was young and pretty baked when he was telling me and I kind of tuned it out I guess.
I SWORE I would NEVER dress my buddy up like people do but when we had that deep freeze a few weeks back I HAD too! Poor dude was pawing at the top of the blankets on our beds and drug me home after pissing on his walk lol so I had to help him out to get his exercise without freezing with his short hair...
Rocking the hoody!
He was such a good sport about this it didn't bug him at all he knew it was keeping him warm and didn't try to take me home when he had it on during the freeze... He's not wearing it anymore since it's not as cold... I just had to point out my dog has the biggest asshole I've seen on a dog and folks say shit all the time about LOL I saw it when he was a pup and me and my buddy thought he'd grow into it.... HAHAHA nope! It just got bigger with him lol...
This is your dog, Buddy?
Gotta call bullshit.
His name is Steroid. He's owned by Red Lion Kennels.
The dog is massive, but thats about it. No way he is a champ of ANYTHING. No judge would place him. The UKC would laugh you out of the ring. The only place you could attempt to show a dog like this would be the ABKC, and he's so easty westy, he wouldn't place there either.
I was in the EE both at the nationals and for the 'palooza, and know most of the EE members very well. You or anyother Red Lion dogswere not there.
I always talked shit about people who dressed up their dogs, but now that we live in an area where it regularly gets down to the teens, I had to get my bull a couple of dog sweaters...