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For All The Pitbull Owners/Lovers Out There

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Anyone who gives a dog steroids, should be force fed arsenic, with a side of broken glass..

WTF, top shelf human stupidity, right there.
137lbs. = not APBT
To me, it's ghetto influenced ignorance.
You deserve ZERO respect, in ANY, walk of life, **** head.


Active member
This is Layla. She saved my life (and vice versa). She's a brindle pit of some sort mixed with a black lab, and I love this dog more than anyone or anything in this entire world. Sorry to the wifey or any brothers-from-another-mother who may be reading :tiphat:




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Pitbulls are for inadequit guys with small dicks, they should all be killed.
I carry a knife when walking my Rhodesian Ridgeback in case he gets attacked by a pitbull.


Prednisone is *NOT* and anobolic steroid and in point of ACTUAL FACT it is CATABOLIC with prolonged use , the water retention is what's responsible fro the excessive urination.

Prior to coming back at me with any sort of arguement look up the various corticosteroids and their usages , then ascertain the *ACTUAL* meaning of anabolic and catabolic.

And quit spreading myths , it's quite damaging to the breed and several complete and total myths have been excessively promoted within this thread.

Get something straight folks " rednosed" and " bluenose" is NOT a freaking " breed" of APBT , and there is no such damn thing as an " American Pitbull".............the name of the breed is the " American pit Bull Terrier"............period with the exception of the AKC and *every* that's once again *E V E R Y * AST i.e. American Staffordshire Terrier traces *directly* back to the APBT , don't even attempt to argue I've got the damn pedigrees to back it up.

Size................. the jugheaded 90 lb lowrider razors edge ' Gotti etc dogs are NOT APBTs , they're crossbred backyardbred inconsistent , saddled with genetic problems JUNK perpetuated by a buncha greedy scum breeding solely fo color and a phenotype that can't get out of it's own way and suck wind walking around the block.

Don't give me crap on that one either , especially with the Okla/Texas weight pull dogs , I know where the crossbreeds are buried on the Whopper dogs and I *knew* E.Eddington.

Thes dogs were never meant to weigh 90 lbs , that's a modern development of the last 25 years.

Here's an example *every* APBT or AST will have the " Imported Rafferty" dog in it's pedigree , that dog came in duriong that era because he was the best under 20 lb dog in england....he matched at 14 lbs.

And if you go *behind* the APBT to the various and sundry Bull-n-Terier crosses that eventually distilled into the modern dog you'll see nary a one that reflected a selection for large size , the dogs of Walsall and Darlaston , the dogs of the Chainmakers of Cradley Heath and the rest of the Black Country Dogs , the Irish dogs that we today still see in the Irish SBTs , especially the Dublin Reds and the Ricky's " Psycho B" , the Scots Blue Paul ( Poll) dogs of Edinborough and Glasgow that brought down the blue color............NONE of these were anywhere near being a large dog.

Breeding for size , color and other CRAP criteria over temperment , structure , athletic ability and wind has pretty much completely ruined the dogs , along with the perpetuation of bullshit MYTHS , often by owners of APBTS and ASTS.

Amd I a cynical nasty bastard about this , damned straight since not only has my family been in thes dogs for six generations I spent 25 plus years doing breed specific rescue for this breed and cleaning up other folks messes while listening to the excuses. You'd be a cynical grumpy bastard too.
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Thanks, brutha.

The red nose male was, indeed, a fine specimen of a canine physically. The problem with him was that he was bred fighting stock and had all kinds of attitude and triggers (territory, food, toys, attention, etc). Definitely a one owner type dog. I was single when i got him (and for most of his life), so he got the best of treatment and reaped the benefits of responsible ownership.

I have kids now and the blue girl doesn't have an aggressive bone in her body. The perfect match for where i'm at right now. Once the kids are gone i'm thinking about building a small relief shelter for some of the local rescue efforts. I am experienced with the extra demands of dealing with dogs of all personality types and i love working with them, so it's kind of a no brainer for me.

Great thread here! Lovin all the pics. :thank you:

Ok we'll start HERE. This is an example of MYTH promotion.

" He's that wy because he's bred for fighting." as an excuse for man aggressive behavior.

B U L L S H I T....................and falling right in line with promoting the HSUS and PETA agendas , the two worst enemies of this breed.

A. And don' bother even trying to argue any of this , you won't like the results...............

THe FACT of the matter is that your dogs is the way he is ( here it comes and it's Harsh) because YOU tolerate a potential maneater...........it has not a damned thing to do with his breeding and in point of absolute FACT the ****gamebred**** segment of the breed is overall much less human aggressive and is responsible for the loving attitude towards humans that the majority of these dogs have.

For 300 years the vast majority of " fighting dogs" that showed human aggression were CULLED , meaning they were freaking well killed on the damned spot if they even growled at a human , keep in mind that there were three men in the box with the dogs , two handlers and a ref , ya think anyone wanted to get bitten by one of the dogs?

Quit promoting that damned myth and take some damn responsibility for your dog 'cause it's YOU........yeah start telling me this stuff , please do. I've lost count of how many examples like yours that I've seen come through rescues , and folks making excuses for potential maneaters are what's gotten us to the media crapfest we've now got.

By the way I *know* which deaths in the charts as regards the APBt were " gamebred" dogs and which weren't. Take a guess how many times they turn up.

Here's your second myth " not an aggressive bone in her body" , the mark of a novice , and I don't how many years you've been at it that statement marks you as one.

It's an *extremely* rare APBT that's completely totally cold and by demonstrating such an attitude your setting yourself up for total and complete failure if that dog ever for any reason lights off under stimulus.

Which brings us back again to your "bred for" MYTGH , 'cause guess what *every* APBT or AST in the entire damn world leads back to " fighting stock" and it's one hell of a lot closer to the front of the pedigree tha folks like you usually think.

Three rules for keeping these dogs.

1. You never , EVER completely trust a bulldog not to scrap , not ever. Hence rule #2.

2. You never at any time EVER let a bulldog run loose uncontrolled.

3. Maneaters/biters become fertiliser. No negotiation , no rehabilitation , culled period.

By the way as I write this there's and ADBA conformation Gr. Ch. dog at my feet , out of two direct pit champions with 7 wins and a game loss between them...........

She's a registered therapy dog.

What was that myth you were promoting again? Odd isn't it that I have a kennelyard full of dogs down directly from those " fighting lines" you so disparage , yet *anyone* can walk through that kennelyard.

But then manmean examples get buried here , and I make no apologies for it and I don't care who does or doesn't like it and when it's necessary I'll put a bullet through their brainpan myself , it's better for the breed in the longrun.

Now you're going to be real pissed off and want to come back at me , stop and take a deep breath and think about what I've just said to you and how the breed has arrived at it's grisly end today.

And keep in mind I cleaned up other folks messes for 25 years until I close the rescue in complete disgust not with dogs but with humans.


Very nice...he's a solid bull dawg..i just love em..
im traveling long miles next year,to buy a boyles gyp of a good honest french man..

Now we're talking , still got stuff that goes back Doubled up on Andy Capp , crosses real well with the old Morfin stuff and other stuff that I originally got from Floyd and guy . didn't work out so well with the Garner dogs either through Chinaman or Spike but you take the Rancheria dogs through Black Angel and Cuervo and drop that on a Frisco/Lever red type bitch and you get a litter of keepers.

Nice combo on the Boyles stuff is through Gr.Ch.Snaps , that brings in the old Whites dogs , the Alien/Ch.Bullshit type stuff.
Just had to pop in here and say, THANK YOU Bluenote for actually knowing what you're talking about! There's so many bullshit myths perpetuated by "gangsters" with brick houses for dogs, and paranoid stay-at-home-moms constantly yelling "What about the children they're gonna get eaten by babyeating pitbulls!!"

A human aggressive pitbull is not a common occurence in a REAL pitbull. Almost never happens for the same reason Bluenote said. Yes, these were traditionally fighting dogs. But what did they fight? DOGS, not people. Any dog that bit a human during these fights, even by accident, were frequently shot on site. There was literally no safer dog to have around your family until backyard-breeding shitheads decided to make a quick buck and ruin the breed. We will never get rid of these stereotypes as long as people keep spreading crap and breeding mixes.

Of course, there is the flip side of this, every pit owner should be aware of the possibility/probability of dog-aggression, and take steps to ensure the safety of both their own dog and others. One thing you should NEVER see is a pit off-leash at dog parks and such, this happens far too often and is part of the reason people think they're totally aggressive instead of just towards dogs, "That evil pit just bit my precious Snookums, it must hate everything and Im next!!"

Sorry if this comes off strong, this topic gets my blood boiling for sure!


Uhm, dogmen used APBTs as well to guard, a lot of dogmen didn't give a shit if there dogs were man biters in fact, a lot of ROMs were man biters. Breed has almost none % of what a dog perceives as a threat.

Don't believe everything you read on stupid forums.

Really ? A LOT? Comeone and name 'em , because I know 'em and know /knew a slew of the people involved , yeah bring up Bullyson why don't you and I'll send you to Maurice's grave and you can ask him what I told B. Hall about Bullyson.

See you're just as bad as the fools who keep an APBT for protection.


I would stress to every person with a powerful dog breed, regardless of breed but bullybreeds especially is to have a few Breaksticks around the house and on you at all times with your dogs, just in case you never know.

You can find out more here.


You can buy one from pbrc(though they're pretty expensive considering you can make your own with $5 hammer handles or you can order them through many suppliers

www.pitbull-chat.com (Will sell custom made ones, talk to the mod named zoe there.)

Here's how to make them, I recommend this method because it's cheap.

http://www.obriensk9supply.com/store/index.php?target=products&product_id=1653 (Nylon)

So PBRC has finally gotten some sense , that must mean Veronique is out of the picture since of course with her anyone who had the commonsense to keep a parting stick around was XYZ and evil.........

I'll bump this forward...........folks should listen but they won't.


Active member
Here's my Red-Nose APBT .. His names Diesel and his nicknames are Diesely D or Deez. We flew him in from Colorado
I love pitty's and he such a well tempered pup .. Really smart too
But we baby him so he's a BIG lap dog lol .. Even sleeps in bed with us and HAS to sit on the couch between us or on us
His mother was 85# and his father was 95#

He's maybe 10-12weeks in the pic I forget .. Giving his approval lol


5months old .. 50lbs
In light ..

low light ..

And here he is 6months old @ 60lbs .. Pic taken a few days ago


bluenote banned???????????

bluenote banned???????????

Now we're talking , still got stuff that goes back Doubled up on Andy Capp , crosses real well with the old Morfin stuff and other stuff that I originally got from Floyd and guy . didn't work out so well with the Garner dogs either through Chinaman or Spike but you take the Rancheria dogs through Black Angel and Cuervo and drop that on a Frisco/Lever red type bitch and you get a litter of keepers.

Nice combo on the Boyles stuff is through Gr.Ch.Snaps , that brings in the old Whites dogs , the Alien/Ch.Bullshit type stuff.

Thanks for sharing your insights into this wondefull breed!!
I was talking with BattleGround Don,who ran the tight white stuff right.but i never managed to get out and visit him sadly..
Thanks and respect..azad


pit wisper/ rare strain collector
man hes beatiful !. i luv seein thoes lil guys. i cant wait to let my two breed and get some pups. your lil guy is just like mine,sleeps in bed with me and my girl,sits on the couch between us lol,big ass lap dawg. follows me in to the grow room(big ass likes rubbin in the plants when there flowering so i have to watch his ass) and all i got to say is "is your medicen done poppa?" and he lets me know when to pull her down lol. luv this breed and will allways have them and breed them......... i hope his eyes stay that cool color mine had greenish blue but turned around the six month to a really light brown.:thank you:


i swear my dog thinks the stuffing from her Tuffy animals is guts and entrails.

I grab the stuffing before she starts chewing on it, but she can break into one of those seems in < 10 minutes (and then continues to 'attack' the weak spot), im not throwing it away, she loves them.


Hey Shroomdr,,let her have the soft liver and heart..
or stick a bone in her toy,so shes rewarded for her kills ahahah....stay well and grow strong


Active member
Thanks guys .. He's my big baby!!

Ha .. Shroom mine does that too so not he has a few stuffed ( or lack there of) animals but I removed the innards because he eats the stuffing for whatever reason lol

Yeah I hope his eyes keep. We're looking for a blue nose girl to breed him with and a red nose girl that looks similar but not until were in Cali with lots of room for them and the pups


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

This is my little angel Scooby Doo, I adopted her on St. Paddy's Day from a rescue center in Minneapolis. An absolute sweetheart looking for love n' a biscuit and probably not in that order. This adoption was the best move I've made in choosing a dog and my first pitbull, she's tiny @ 37.5 pounds and a great companion to my other dog Alice. Scooby exhibits typical berserk terrier behavior at times but is usually fairly subdued in the house until I mention 'outside' or 'ride' to the girls.

The rescue center I adopted from is privately run and places each dog in foster homes to assess their behavior before adopting them out, this usually includes knowing their behavior around other dogs, cats, children and any other issues such as food competition if aggressive.

I'm glad to say that the biggest challenge so far is trying to get her to settle down in bed more politely, she thinks snuggling is a full contact sport.......





Active member
Here's my Red Dog holding down the smart pots, he thinks these things are his and he likes to bask in the sun, thought I would throw it up in the bully lovers thread. Hes been a farmer with me for all of his 7 years, he knows all the tricks of the trade. Granted he sleeps in the bed between me and my wife, but he spends his day in the fields with me.



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