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Florida Growers Thread

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omg, don't even get me started on I-4!!!

Every trip I took in Orlando when I lived there took like 1.5 hrs. at least if I had to get on I-4.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I would probably stay away from florida then, and btw that is prejudice

No, it is about my family being safe. Unfortunately in the real world when you are the only one of a cetain nationality there is the chance of problems arrising. I am NOT prejudice, but I can't speak for others and it is those others I worry about. And I have black friends, hispanic, jewish ect. what ever -, it doesn't matter to me. But like I said I want my family to be safe. I am sorry you took it the wrong way. That is the problem, race talk is always such a touchy subject and it doesn't have to be. People embellish what others say to the point that they take offence to it - and it shouldn't be that way. Now that we know I am not racist lets get off this topic because it always gets dragged into topics all the time.


dj digigrow

Active member
yo this florida marijuana growhouse law is crazy....
basically anything over 25plants your fucked... the MMS kicks in.. even more if you have kids...
looks like i might be going back to NYC afterall..lol..
Ill have to keep 10 flowering/ 10 clones / and 4 mothers...
looks like I really have to start taking advantage of floridas outdoor growing..
24 plants inside... 1 million plants outside... lol...

Guest 16149

I plan to go to 6 Mothers and 18 plants in veg/bloom and grow them BIGGER :)


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I think for people in Florida it is best to grow less numbers and tree style. I grow small numbers under each 1000 and I find if I have a veg area and a bud room I can elliminate the veg time so that I have plants in bud all year round. The day the plants are triggered I take clones. After about a week or so they root and then I place them under a 600 watt HPS. While the bud room is budding the clones are vegging. I find I can get a good month and a half veg before the next batch is placed in the bud room. This gives me very large plants and I am constantly budding, so a crop very 2 months. I think this is the way to grow when numbers are a concern. You might want to take the clones and do them at another location if your plants your total number exceeds the limit. I think for a home grow you should be fine and be able to produce plenty for you and friends even with the limit.

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TGT said:
No, it is about my family being safe. Unfortunately in the real world when you are the only one of a cetain nationality there is the chance of problems arrising. I am NOT prejudice, but I can't speak for others and it is those others I worry about. And I have black friends, hispanic, jewish ect. what ever -, it doesn't matter to me. But like I said I want my family to be safe. I am sorry you took it the wrong way. That is the problem, race talk is always such a touchy subject and it doesn't have to be. People embellish what others say to the point that they take offence to it - and it shouldn't be that way. Now that we know I am not racist lets get off this topic because it always gets dragged into topics all the time.

Just to make things clear I didn't mean that YOU were racist or prejudice, cuz I don't know you. but the statement you made WAS. Perfect example actually. Your concerns were not based on crime rates or anything having to do with safety, you just don't want to be the minority. So I don't think I took it the wrong way. Either way , good luck.


Active member
I agree with TGT. Wanting to live in a diverse neighborhood is not racist. Wanting to live in a segregated neighborhood might be.

As far as the new grow house law, I don't have to change anything from what I have been doing. I only veg indoors, then I flower them outdoors at a friend's backyard. I'll start being careful not to take too many clones at once now.


Active member
Blaner123Doobie said:
I plan to go to 6 Mothers and 18 plants in veg/bloom and grow them BIGGER :)

nothing like growing big bushes or tree's :joint: any know the specifics of the law? everyone is mentioning IN house, what about sheds or building which are seperated from the house but within the same property? theres a loop hole to everything we just gotta find them :joint:

Guest 16149

You wanted more details, here ya go

HB 173

A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to controlled substances; amending s.
3 893.02, F.S.; defining the term "cultivation" for
4 specified purposes; amending s. 893.1351, F.S.;
5 prohibiting a person from owning or actually or
6 constructively possessing a place, structure, trailer, or
7 other described place with knowledge that the place will
8 be used to manufacture, sell, or traffic in a controlled
9 substance; providing that possession of a specified number
10 or more of cannabis plants constitutes prima facie
11 evidence of intent to sell or distribute; providing
12 criminal penalties; creating s. 893.1352, F.S.; defining
13 terms; providing that a person with actual or constructive
14 possession of a place, structure, trailer, or conveyance
15 being used to manufacture a controlled substance for sale
16 and distribution commits a felony of the first degree if a
17 minor is present or resides in the place, structure,
18 trailer, or conveyance; providing that a person who allows
19 an infant or toddler to be in close proximity to a
20 controlled substance commits a felony of the first degree;
21 providing criminal penalties; amending s. 893.10, F.S.;
22 providing that equipment used in the cultivation or
23 manufacture of controlled substances may be photographed
24 or video recorded and the photograph or video recording
25 used as evidence for later use at trial; providing for the
26 destruction of the equipment; amending s. 921.0022, F.S.;
27 ranking specified offenses in the offense severity ranking
28 chart of the Criminal Punishment Code; amending ss.
29 465.016, , 465.023, and 893.135, F.S.; conforming cross-
30 references; providing an effective date.
32 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
34 Section 1. Subsections (5) through (21) of section 893.02,
35 Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (6) through
36 (22), respectively, and a new subsection (5) is added to that
37 section to read:
38 893.02 Definitions.--The following words and phrases as
39 used in this chapter shall have the following meanings, unless
40 the context otherwise requires:
41 (5) "Cultivation" means the preparation of any soil or
42 hydroponic medium for the planting of cannabis plants, the
43 tending and caring of cannabis plants, or the harvesting of
44 mature cannabis plants.
45 Section 2. Section 893.1351, Florida Statutes, is amended
46 to read:
47 893.1351 Ownership, lease, rental, or possession or rent
48 for the purpose of trafficking in or manufacturing a controlled
49 substance.--
50 (1) A person may not own, lease, or rent any place,
51 structure, or part thereof, trailer, or other conveyance, with
52 the knowledge that the such place, structure, trailer, or
53 conveyance will be used for the purpose of trafficking in a
54 controlled substance, as provided in s. 893.135; for, or the
55 sale of a controlled substance, as provided in s. 893.13; or for
56 the manufacture of a controlled substance intended for sale or
57 distribution to another.
58 (2) A person may not knowingly be in actual or
59 constructive possession of any place, structure, or part
60 thereof, trailer, or other conveyance with the knowledge that
61 the place, structure, or part thereof, trailer, or conveyance
62 will be used for the purpose of trafficking in a controlled
63 substance, as provided in s. 893.135; for the sale of a
64 controlled substance, as provided in s. 893.13; or for the
65 manufacture of a controlled substance intended for sale or
66 distribution to another.
67 (3) Proof of the possession of 25 or more cannabis plants
68 constitutes prima facie evidence that the cannabis is intended
69 for sale or distribution.
70 (4)(2) A person who violates any provision of this section
71 commits subsection (1) is guilty of a felony of the third
72 degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.
73 775.084.
74 Section 3. Section 893.1352, Florida Statutes, is created
75 to read:
76 893.1352 Unlawful possession of a controlled substance in
77 the presence of a minor.--
78 (1) As used in this section, the term:
79 (a) "Close proximity" means the item is so close to the
80 infant or toddler as to be within his or her reach without
81 regard to whether the infant or toddler is likely to attempt to
82 reach for the item.
83 (b) "Infant or toddler" means any child from birth until
84 the child's third birthday.
85 (2) A person who is found to be in actual or constructive
86 possession of a place, structure, trailer, or conveyance with
87 the knowledge that the place, structure, trailer, or conveyance
88 is being used to manufacture a controlled substance intended for
89 sale or distribution to another and who knew or should have
90 known that a minor is present or resides in the place,
91 structure, trailer, or conveyance commits a felony of the first
92 degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.
93 775.084.
94 (3) A person may not possess any amount of a controlled
95 substance in close proximity to an infant or toddler. A person
96 who violates this subsection commits a felony of the first
97 degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.
98 775.084.
99 Section 4. Section 893.10, Florida Statutes, is amended to
100 read:
101 893.10 Burden of proof; photograph or video recording of
102 evidence.--
103 (1) It is shall not be necessary for the state to negative
104 any exemption or exception set forth in this chapter in any
105 indictment, information, or other pleading or in any trial,
106 hearing, or other proceeding under this chapter, and the burden
107 of going forward with the evidence with respect to any such
108 exemption or exception is shall be upon the person claiming its
109 benefit.
110 (2) In the case of a person charged under s. 893.14(1)
111 with the possession of a controlled substance, the label
112 required under s. 893.04(1) or s. 893.05(2) is shall be
113 admissible in evidence and shall be prima facie evidence that
114 such substance was obtained pursuant to a valid prescription
115 form or dispensed by a practitioner while acting in the course
116 of his or her professional practice.
117 (3) In the prosecution of an offense involving the
118 cultivation or manufacture of a controlled substance, a
119 photograph or video recording of the manufacturing or
120 cultivation equipment used in committing the offense, including,
121 but not limited to, grow lights, growing trays, and chemical
122 fertilizers, may be introduced as competent evidence of the
123 existence and use of the equipment and is admissible in the
124 prosecution of the offense to the same extent as if the property
125 were introduced as evidence.
126 (4) After a law enforcement agency documents the
127 manufacturing and cultivation equipment by photography or video
128 recording, the manufacturing and cultivation equipment may be
129 destroyed on site and left in disrepair. The law enforcement
130 agency destroying the equipment is immune from civil liability
131 for the destruction of the equipment. The destruction of the
132 equipment must be recorded by the supervising law enforcement
133 officer in the manner described in s. 893.12(1)(a) and records
134 must be maintained for 12 months.
135 Section 5. Paragraphs (e) and (h) of subsection (3) of
136 section 921.0022, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
137 921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity
138 ranking chart.--
140 (e) LEVEL 5


After a law enforcement agency documents the
127 manufacturing and cultivation equipment by photography or video
128 recording, the manufacturing and cultivation equipment may be
129 destroyed on site and left in disrepair. The law enforcement
130 agency destroying the equipment is immune from civil liability
131 for the destruction of the equipment.

:fsu: Aint that some bullshit. You haven't been found guilty yet but they get to destroy your personal property

dj digigrow

Active member
After a law enforcement agency documents the
127 manufacturing and cultivation equipment by photography or video
128 recording, the manufacturing and cultivation equipment may be
129 destroyed on site and left in disrepair. The law enforcement
130 agency destroying the equipment is immune from civil liability
131 for the destruction of the equipment.

:fsu: Aint that some bullshit. You haven't been found guilty yet but they get to destroy your personal property
Thats true... what if found not guilty?? I guess you have to take em to court to get the $$ back or something...

Guest 16149

The law enforcement
130 agency destroying the equipment is immune from civil liability
131 for the destruction of the equipment.

Apparently you just lose out, they are IMMUNE from Civil liability, big words=you cannot sue them :)

Guest 18340

Damn asher1er, nice crops. Be careful man, thats enough shit to put you away for a Loooooong time here in Florida. :joint:


Active member
evlme2 said:
Damn asher1er, nice crops. Be careful man, thats enough shit to put you away for a Loooooong time here in Florida. :joint:

Looooong time? For a measily 20 tree's??:joint:

Thanks for the compliments tho:joint:
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