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Florida Growers Thread

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evlme2 said:
For those who know the orlando area, i used to live off Lee rd, between I-4 and OBT.

By Sam Ash music store. Not that bad a neighborhood compared to some, but that's why I'm a litttle further north. I'm not much of one for the beach, I like the springs in the Forest better.

Peace and be safe!


dj digigrow said:
doja420 what's up...
if you want you can go the the sunshine on 436 and I'm sure you can shake any LE, by the time you get back to orlando.
btw I used to stay in lake Mary and had people in pine hills by the orange bowl..
the orange bowl is in downtown orlando no in crime hills


Active member
No, I missed that one but I saw the juror who was missing for the start of the mj possession trial. It turned out that she was busted during the break because she went outside the courthouse and smoked a joint. So the pot possession trial was delayed by a juror busted for pot possession. Ironic.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Thanks a million for all the great info on places to buy in Florida! I am wondering if anyone knows if there is a special tax for Canadians that only spend 6 months out of the year there? I would think they would charge us more since we don't live there permanently.

Another thing I am concerned with about getting a place in Florida is I don't want a part of town that is filled with a nationality that I am not. I am not prejedice by any means, but it would be hard living in a place that is filled with say black folk and I am the only white boy around for blocks? I wouldn't care, but I am sure they wouldn't take to me too kindly lol. You know what I mean, I just don't want problems. Are there a lot of neibourhoods say in Orlando and the surrounding area that are mainly one race, or is it all pretty much a mix? I would prefer a mix as it would be safer.

Thanks again!



TGT said:
I don't want a part of town that is filled with a nationality that I am not. I am not prejedice by any means, but it would be hard living in a place that is filled with say black folk and I am the only white boy around for blocks? Thanks again!


I would probably stay away from florida then, and btw that is prejudice


Active member
I would probably stay away from florida then, and btw that is prejudice

Prejudice or not, You coming from another country will not like to fall into the wrong place neither im sure.

TGT, anywhere you go in south Fl your gonna run into a mix, however simply driving around you can see what the majority of the nationality is. Miami is mainly hispanic but you find it all mixed and at the same time you find it solitaire in some places.

The area Tropical speaks of does have a good bit of canadians but its seasonal and just like anywhere else, you can cross the street and be in a whole different scene. Weston is an upper class MAINLY white area but has a pretty large hispanic population in it now from all over the place like brazil quatemala etc.

Best advice.. Rent a place out by the beach for a couple months and just tour the area you will get a feel for the places pretty quick and find something your comfortable with :joint:


Pull my finger
hey fellers. took a little road trip down to Destin this week. i like to go here to get away from the house every once in a while. i brought a little blockberry headstash this time. cant wait to get my toes in the sand and relax for a bit.

just thought i would toss up a few pics to show people what they are missing here in the panhandle.

dj digigrow

Active member
kuff23 said:
the orange bowl is in downtown orlando no in crime hills
well it wasnt far from the orange bowl I should have said.. he actually lived near the grayhound bus....
its definitly hood over there.. lol..

I used to get some decent dro from a cat in kissimmi as well..
Vine st. I belive
With Fl. being the second grow state(Cali#1) they are definitly tryin to bust every house they can...
Be safe.. dont tell anyone, dont steal power.... that should slim your chances up a bit...


dj digigrow said:
well it wasnt far from the orange bowl I should have said.. he actually lived near the grayhound bus....
its definitly hood over there.. lol..

I used to get some decent dro from a cat in kissimmi as well..
Vine st. I belive
With Fl. being the second grow state(Cali#1) they are definitly tryin to bust every house they can...
Be safe.. dont tell anyone, dont steal power.... that should slim your chances up a bit...

Yeah that greyhound station actually is in Pine Hills. It's about 10 min from the Citrus Bowl. Regardless, I understood the area that you meant, lol (I know you're responding to someone else).

If you're still good with the guy in K-town, tell 'em your boy from Orlando is looking! Lol, nah j/k.

Are you still in FL?


TGT said:
Thanks a million for all the great info on places to buy in Florida! I am wondering if anyone knows if there is a special tax for Canadians that only spend 6 months out of the year there? I would think they would charge us more since we don't live there permanently.

Another thing I am concerned with about getting a place in Florida is I don't want a part of town that is filled with a nationality that I am not. I am not prejedice by any means, but it would be hard living in a place that is filled with say black folk and I am the only white boy around for blocks? I wouldn't care, but I am sure they wouldn't take to me too kindly lol. You know what I mean, I just don't want problems. Are there a lot of neibourhoods say in Orlando and the surrounding area that are mainly one race, or is it all pretty much a mix? I would prefer a mix as it would be safer.

Thanks again!

Orlando is very very diverse. For the most part, Orlando is just one big mix with very diverse neighborhoods. There will be an affluent neighborhood sandwiched between two ghetto neighborhoods, and vice versa. There are some patches where there are MOSTLY whites or MOSTLY hispanics, etc., but those areas aren't really that large and it's definitely not the norm. It's really homogeneous across the whole metro area. That's what I love about Orlando, and FL in general. The diversity.

dj digigrow

Active member
what I dont like about orlando is its too touristy...
I was stayin in Lake Mary for a while, north of orlando like 20 mins...
and Yea Im still in FL.. only been here 3 yrs...
Im by Tampa now....
I dont think Id move back to NYC... not when I can get 2 mansions in FLA for the price of one small house in Brooklyn... ;)
and its better for the kids ya know...
I had to go to the public pool and dirty beaches... now they have thier own pool and clean beaches...
Ill never stop visiting NYC though...


wassup , i lived up north and never went 2 the beach, hated those dirty ass public pools,u r right they tryin 2 change orlando like how thy did 40deuce ,i dont care what anyone says the leo r racist as fuk,they violate people rights daily


Yeah Orlando does have that tourist vibe but that generally stays to the SW of the metro area. Living in Lake Mary I'm surprised you had to deal with it.

It's always people from NY moving down here! You're another one of the many, lol. Conversely, I've never been to NY but I'm dying to go.

@kuff23: yeah I know LEOs out here are racist, by first-hand experience and by the bullshit you see go on in the news around here

dj digigrow

Active member
doja420 said:
Yeah Orlando does have that tourist vibe but that generally stays to the SW of the metro area. Living in Lake Mary I'm surprised you had to deal with it.

It's always people from NY moving down here! You're another one of the many, lol. Conversely, I've never been to NY but I'm dying to go.
I-4 is a mutherfucker!!... killed me every morn and afternoon..lol I moved from NYC to get away from the madness...
but yea get your ass up to NYC when you can.. and dont just do the tourist stuff... hit up the 5 boroughs...
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