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First Gorilla Seeds Giveaway - 7 Winners!


Well-known member
We'll never claim to be perfect, but as a company, we make it a policy to always admit if we're in the wrong & make up for it.

Honesty works well for us.


Honesty does work well for you. I believe it is what makes a business last in this type of stuff. Now I just feel like a spoiled kid having the chance to win more, sorry for literally the three people that weren't happy. But other then that you really shouldn't feel the need to draw more winners on which ever fact. Then again I am not complaining. Keep safe and positive ;)

Land Lord

sounds fair and I'm far from a troll.


I tell you what, I was going to pick 4 more winners based on what I saw. But, I'll open the entries back up through midnight my time today (I'm Eastern Time) and make it 5 more winners. It might be next week sometime before I announce.

Here are the raw numbers as of the time I made the pick --
127 unique entries (1 new person who entered was banned so I took them out)
21 people posted more than once, most of those were only 2 entries
we're going to take out the 7 people who already won

so, that takes us down to 120 entries plus anyone from yesterday & today.

Sparky Mcfly

New member
Thank you Sherry and to the great folks @ Gorilla Seeds for being you!Please don't ever change! Giving represents respect and One Love in this fine community we call cannabis!forget the rest!


pure dynamite
Congrats on the communication skills you showed since you came on this forum and for solving this mistake and making everybody happy! I bet there will always be some trolls that will try to bitch about your bussiness, but if you continue to do this great customer service, they'll be just the kind of trolls that show up to confirm you are successful.


Active member
: sweet i can still win ...... You guys find that tech male to make my cross I'm feeling lucky ...but not as lucky as you coco you sure you were forced to that nerd convention .....:biggrin:

Xray Kimono

I think I want to marry Sherry... Dunno if my gf would share her though..loll

Thanks so much Gorilla Seeds!!!! I never win any types of contests! Makes my Christmas!
Easy site to order from!



Still at large...
Awesome news, you guys rock!

Happy Holidays Everyone :tiphat:

Let the haters roll off.... like the morning dew off your siver backs!!! Go Gorillas...lol.:biggrin:

Gorilla Seeds

I think I want to marry Sherry... Dunno if my gf would share her though..loll

Thanks so much Gorilla Seeds!!!! I never win any types of contests! Makes my Christmas!
Easy site to order from!


This is my 2nd marriage proposal of the day off this thread alone.

I'm not nearly so popular in real life .... and, i already have a husband.

But, it's the thought that counts, right?

Love you guys - thanks for playing along.



Of course Sherry won't marry anybody, this thread is rigged!! We demand free mail-order brides.


Well smack my ass and call me grandma,that's good of you sherry.
I will throw in bubblegum again lol.


Active member
: sweet i can still win ...... You guys find that tech male to make my cross I'm feeling lucky ...but not as lucky as you coco you sure you were forced to that nerd convention .....:biggrin:

I'm a construction guy so I wouldn't normally go to such a event. I like tattoo convention, the sex convention lol not so much for comic stuff just never into it much.

I hope some of my luck makes its way to you guys. Honestly I play these more for fun and if I win there's a member here who's not very lucky I told him if I win I'll let him collect the beans in my place I don't actually need any more seeds I am set for quite a whole.

Lol @xray your hilarious buddy. You wanna marry sherry, both of you are attached that's soooo funny. Maybe in the next like you can give her a poke to say thanks for the beans. Have to wait till then though haha or your gf might have something to say

I love the fun vibe in here this is how a contest should roll. Forget the trolls we will have fun. Let's just hope the ic community dosent start swinging all together cause I think that would just be weird...
congrats to the 7 members who have the chance to keep their dream strains a growin, can only imagine the cheeky bloody grins you guys got after loggin in. Blown away a bit, with all the unjustified shit goin on in the world, someone wants to sook over not winning a free comp, fella like that dont need seeds, needs to be growin himself. Anyway I will choose whateva strain the sook said just to rub some salt into his wounds.


And, the winners are ....

Chrondiddle O
Xray Kimono

I'll PM everyone with instructions about how to claim their prize sometime tomorrow.

Thanks for playing everyone!


You Little Ripper! (Aussie for Fuck Yeah!) Just came back from a break and seen this. Good Shit Gorilla. Thanks for the opportunity and the gift. Appreciated. To anyone who had a whinge, very poor form.

Congratullations Ozza fuck yeah.

Thanks Mate! Fucking grinning from Ear to Ear.

No family and nothing to look forward too but growing weed so I'm shit out of luck oh well this site is a waste of time for me

I was going to give you a blast, but you actually sound pretty down there Ol' mate. You should buck up and throw on a smile. Come back with a good attitude and friendly and before you know it, the wealth of the Ganja Gods will be upon you. Come on mate your a stoner, your above this.

Could you tell us why they won? I'm sure it was not a random choose!

I'm a definitely random so they chose well. :)

Sorry - that's my mistake and it's because I decided to announce on Christmas instead of making everyone wait.

To be honest, there was such a low turnout, it didn't really matter all that much. I think there were 182 posts - and quite a few of those were ours.

To be fair, I'll do another true drawing from the original 182 posts next week & exclude the current 7 winners. The number of winners will depend on the number of unique entries - I'll count them up & let you know how many there will be.


Well fuck me that is really going above and beyond, Now all you haterz should be happy. True awesomeness!
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Well-known member
eyes closed, fingers crossed chanting.... archive seeds archive seeds

this is getting more fun by the day.


Well-known member
You Little Ripper! (Aussie for Fuck Yeah!) Just came back from a break and seen this. Good Shit Gorilla. Thanks for the opportunity and the gift. Appreciated. To anyone who had a whinge, very poor form.

Thanks Mate! Fucking grinning from Ear to Ear.

I was going to give you a blast, but you actually sound pretty down there Ol' mate. You should buck up and throw on a smile. Come back with a good attitude and friendly and before you know it, the wealth of the Ganja Gods will be upon you. Come on mate your a stoner, your above this.

I'm a definitely random so they chose well. :)

Well fuck me that is really going above and beyond, Now all you haterz should be happy. True awesomeness!

You definitly deserved the win man. Hope to see some updates in a wee whiles on how it all goes.

In case we have to re enter the next competition I'll stick with my first choice of blueberry gum from g13 labs
Good luck again everyone and have a safe day.

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