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First Gorilla Seeds Giveaway - 7 Winners!


Congrats to all the winners.

Big thanks to Sherry for putting on the contest - this was actually really cool to see what kind of beans everyone wanted. Gave me a few new ideas of beans I wanna get.

Happy Holidays to everyone!!


Holy shit i won!
Happy holidays to everyone on here
Especially to u sherry your awesome


Well-known member
And, the winners are ....

Chrondiddle O
Xray Kimono

I'll PM everyone with instructions about how to claim their prize sometime tomorrow.

Thanks for playing everyone!


Wow I won yipee! Thanks Everyone and merry Christmas


Fuck Christmas this was rigged anyway the one thing I've been looking forward to and I'm not picked fuck this place

I suggest you never buy lottery tickets, the disappointment every week of not winning sounds like it would push you over the edge...... LOL
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Active member
Fucking A rights one of my buddies won. Go XRAY KIMONO!

Ahahahahaha ha that's so amazing @kornwood you are one sore looser dude. I haven't seen any of those motherfuckers win anything on here yet. It's random. I haven't heard of anyone winning all the contests. It's not rigged.

Hey thanks gorilla. That was sweet you put up so many spots to win. Lol one donkey gets bummed they didn't get picked but they would be mad if there was only one spot. I was just happy to play and will keep playing these just cause its fun. To be honest I win so many contests and shit already I don't need to win every one but it's always fun. Lol the company that manages my appartment building just Ran a free months rent contest and guess who won? 1600 bucks I didn't have to cough up sweet!


Fucking A rights one of my buddies won. Go XRAY KIMONO!

Ahahahahaha ha that's so amazing @kornwood you are one sore looser dude. I haven't seen any of those motherfuckers win anything on here yet. It's random. I haven't heard of anyone winning all the contests. It's not rigged.

Hey thanks gorilla. That was sweet you put up so many spots to win. Lol one donkey gets bummed they didn't get picked but they would be mad if there was only one spot. I was just happy to play and will keep playing these just cause its fun. To be honest I win so many contests and shit already I don't need to win every one but it's always fun. Lol the company that manages my appartment building just Ran a free months rent contest and guess who won? 1600 bucks I didn't have to cough up sweet!

Wow that's a good win,rent free for a month.


Well-known member
Agreed man, the thought of winning was pretty exciting at that. Only thing I'll ever enter are these competitions, the sound of free rent for a month would have to be another >.< that's fucking awesome hahahaha. 7 spots for winners, some of those selections we not cheap either, an extremely generous offer on anyone's half in my opinion.


Yeah you can tell they weren't cheaping out selecting winners, if I had been picked my seeds were only £14 for a pack of 4.


Active member
Wow that's a good win,rent free for a month.

I've won countless things. Concert tickets, a replica samurai sword (went with a friend to a nerd convention and won the draw gave him the sword haha) I won money earier this year doing a landlord survey, I have won a few answer the survey things... free tires for my truck when I called Into a radio station at a red light, I almost never listen to the radio I hate it but sometimes if I have clients in the vehicle shit like welcome to the ghetto or any of the other usual joints won't land me much buisness... man I've won so much I stopped keeping track of what I win. Oh I did legit amply win plane tickets that were like a all inclusive vacation type deal. I gave them to a buddy who has always wanted to travel but has no money.

My buddy won a car calling into the same radio station. Lol his dad calls radio station contests for a living. He won his house and car doing it I'm 100% serious... though he's having some troubles lately cause he's banned from winning any more contests from half the local radio stations. Fucker still won't work though


Active member
This was definitely not rigged, but stick around anyway - we'll have lots more of these.


You guys are mad cool. Totally cool to do these for us.

Lol that individual wants to leave ic because he didn't win that's hilarious what a scrooge...

If he was a bit nicer I'm sure peeps would just give him free beans. People give me tons of seed and now I give it away too... one of my buddies just got a bunch of seed from me and he's flat broke so it was a real windfall for him...

Anyway keep on killing it gorilla team.


I've won countless things. Concert tickets, a replica samurai sword (went with a friend to a nerd convention and won the draw gave him the sword haha) I won money earier this year doing a landlord survey, I have won a few answer the survey things... free tires for my truck when I called Into a radio station at a red light, I almost never listen to the radio I hate it but sometimes if I have clients in the vehicle shit like welcome to the ghetto or any of the other usual joints won't land me much buisness... man I've won so much I stopped keeping track of what I win. Oh I did legit amply win plane tickets that were like a all inclusive vacation type deal. I gave them to a buddy who has always wanted to travel but has no money.

My buddy won a car calling into the same radio station. Lol his dad calls radio station contests for a living. He won his house and car doing it I'm 100% serious... though he's having some troubles lately cause he's banned from winning any more contests from half the local radio stations. Fucker still won't work though

I'm the opposite, I've only ever won a competition once. That was seeds as well. Even though I don't win I still enjoy taking part and I certainly wouldn't moan at not winning lol.
My luck will come in one day,I hope it's a day when I buy a lotto ticket haha


Active member
I'm the opposite, I've only ever won a competition once. That was seeds as well. Even though I don't win I still enjoy taking part and I certainly wouldn't moan at not winning lol.
My luck will come in one day,I hope it's a day when I buy a lotto ticket haha

I should gamble but don't. Hate the though of loosing money too much. Half Irish, half Jewish I'm cheap sometimes... But I think I literally got all the luck all the unlucky Irish and jews missed out on, cause I'm as lucky as they come for real...

Here's a good win... I was with my ex for 8 months, she was totally fun and fine as hell. We broke up I was single for less than 14 days and I met this super cool and awesome hot chick I ended up marrying a year later...

I lucked out too, lol my grow got ripped twice in '13, which sucked but I took the money I had and started a contracting company and now I do pretty good for myself. Though I got hurt this year and just sold my buisness and will probably grow for a living from here on out


Active member
What is it with newbies today?

Both of them post 15= I'm a dick whiner cause I didn't win. Their bums hurt cause they didn't win...

Honestly everyone just needs to keep their head up and keep playing. I can't believe people are complaining when a vendor is giving away seeds for free. Look at the price, cut it in half and you see what they paid out of pocket. Gorilla could have given away 500 usd in seeds

Anyway congrats to the winners, luck to the ones who didn't win, and for the whiners (aka trollz) go pound sand