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Fireknot farm 2016

Way too many. Thanks. I've already killed a bunch off. I'm probably just going to veg out the 75 bodhis. I want to put all my focus on the 20 best. I just hate killing plants.


Way too many. Thanks. I've already killed a bunch off. I'm probably just going to veg out the 75 bodhis. I want to put all my focus on the 20 best. I just hate killing plants.

i hate killing plants too so i try to make it fun. if they are big enough i grab a machete and do my best japanese samurai impersonation
Shcrews said:
i hate killing plants too so i try to make it fun. if they are big enough i grab a machete and do my best japanese samurai impression

Fuck yeah Shcrews, I was going to just juice them, but they might as well go out with a bang! That is some good shit :laughing:


Well-known member
Your killing them after you've identified sex right?

Males grow faster than females most of the time, so I hope your not just culling the smaller seedlings.

IMHO culling is best after sexing.


Active member
You guys are killin me talking about cutting plants down while I lag behind. My first round of 33 Bodhi starts got cut down alright.... by mice :(. It's ok. 99 more get started tonight :)

Thanks for the tip Jointedone. Those are the things one can miss when working with something new. Where were you to warn me about rodents!


Active member
You guys are killin me talking about cutting plants down while I lag behind. My first round of 33 Bodhi starts got cut down alright.... by mice :(. It's ok. 99 more get started tonight :)

Thanks for the tip Jointedone. Those are the things one can miss when working with something new. Where were you to warn me about rodents!

Three years ago my property was a honeycomb due to gophers, ground squirrels, mice and rats. Got three cats, and the problem is under control. Still get the occasional damage, but the cats quickly take care of those buggers.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I am sooo behind you guys..I have to hit the ground RUNNING.....good job Tess


Well-known member
You guys are killin me talking about cutting plants down while I lag behind. My first round of 33 Bodhi starts got cut down alright.... by mice :(. It's ok. 99 more get started tonight :)

Thanks for the tip Jointedone. Those are the things one can miss when working with something new. Where were you to warn me about rodents!

The majority of rodent problems are from the little guys looking for water, and finding a nice moist stem to chew on fits their needs ok. One trick is to leave a shallow pan of water or two or three near your garden when the plants have softer stem cell structure. Something shallow enough where the rodents won't drown, like pie pans, work good.

That being said maybe your seed starts should be off the ground till you pot them up?
I found what looks to be a sizeable agaricus californicus, or your typical button mushroom, growing out of the Cootz but I'm not 100%, I drop kicked it to innoculate the rest of the soil with spores.


I'm still trying to finish the intelligent gardener. I read today that I should have used #100 ag lime, or finely ground. Mine came in a box in pellet sized pieces. So what im going to do is ammend #100 into the mounds and if I see a deficiency (white or light green lines) I am going to foliar epsom. The bd+gdps in the black gold are showing deficiency by now, ca, mg, n, or at least thats the looks of it. They were planted about a month ago. Im going to cull them as soon as I know the bodhis are good. Im a little paranoid this being my first run. It took them a week to need another watering.

I think im starting to see trace mineral deficiency now in the cootz. Some of them are not as green as the others. Looks like zinc or manganese but I'm new to this. I'm still a couple weeks away from being able to source those products. I'm going to look into how much like an oz of each trace mineral I'm deficient in costs, hopefully get some asap, and apply everything but the boron via foliar (its active in the root zone and needs to be washed off leaves), and the copper at half the rate.

What do you guys think?



Active member
Im sorry if you have already said,but how long ago did you transplant? Unless, you got a bogus cootz mix there is no way you whould be deficient of anything at this stage with plants anything under a foot, they shouldnt have depleted anything. Id say some type of a lockout or something along those lines. Was the dirt still cooking when you got it?
I transplanted into the 5's a week ago, been watering at 6.5ph, between 60-75f, I had the dirt for a month before I planted, and there was significant rainfall.

They are growing, but there is slight discoloration in some on the lower leaves, some of the tips look necrotic like a zinc deficiency. I can get all my trace minerals for 15$, Im going to order tomorrow and experiment. From what I've read it cant hurt, and if they are deficient, I will see results immediately.

Leadsled on page 22 says I need boron, manganese, copper and zinc. I'm positive it isn't pythium or fusarium


Active member
Yes i can see the discoloration in the pic. I wouldnt go against what leadsled said and if it cant hurt, 15$ is a cheap remedy. Based on my experience and eye id guess something like a lockout of some sort or a mix lacking micro activity which would help the delivery. Based on color alone they are clearly hungry.
The intelligent gardener suggests foliar at 30ml/g of trace minerals except copper at 15. Should I go for exact amounts, or follow the intelligent gardeners suggestion since I'm not ammending it? I think the 30ml /gal is making more sense to me right now... which I'll probably do weekly until they are planted.

I'll try an epsom foliar in the morn' for kicks.

Shoulda already done it, live n learn :)

Noonin NorCal

Active member
I transplanted into the 5's a week ago, been watering at 6.5ph, between 60-75f, I had the dirt for a month before I planted, and there was significant rainfall.

They are growing, but there is slight discoloration in some on the lower leaves, some of the tips look necrotic like a zinc deficiency. I can get all my trace minerals for 15$, Im going to order tomorrow and experiment. From what I've read it cant hurt, and if they are deficient, I will see results immediately.

Leadsled on page 22 says I need boron, manganese, copper and zinc. I'm positive it isn't pythium or fusarium

Looks good man, isn't 5.5-5.8 optimal for PH? i been running indoor and my plants yellowed out literally half way through there cycle. a buddy of mine told my to check my ph and lower it. I was watering at or around 7 this whole time while i had a big jug of PH down

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