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Fireknot farm 2016


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Also...check this out. My first time running a cookie cross (candyland is platinum gsc x gdp) I have never seen leaves crystal up like this in my life. Wk 5.

View Image[/QUOTE]

DUDE that looks like a little slice of heaven....kill it bro..I'm sending you ALL the positive vibes I can!

I'm busy here with contracts and lawyer lol


Well-known member
What a dream work! Enjoy Tess' thankz for the show!
If you wanna get a try to oldschool genetics feel free to let me know! :)

Btw do you know the RCW to reduce watering and fertz?

Nutritional role: it helps regenerate and maintain the richness of the soil, and provide food web through the leading role of the young lignin (in the form of oligomers or monomers) and the fundamental action in basidiomycetes depolymerization of lignin, resulting in the production of glomalines favorable to soil formation, with a major influence on the storage and distribution of biologically active water symbiosis between mycelial hyphae and roots.

Irrigator role and structurateur ground
: RCW fragments scattered in the surface soil absorb rainfall avoiding or limiting the leaching and prevent them from rising damp and therefore evaporation characterizes this ground area, especially in the absence of vegetation. The presence of wood fragments variable volume depending on moisture level also helps soil aeration.

Thermoregulatory role
: in addition, the BRF is found to have a buffering effect on soil temperature which is, by its presence, cooler in summer. This has a protective effect on the plant growing in the BRF as the soil fauna.

Add the BRF provides a durable rebuild an ecosystem at ground level.

This technique is used by all forms of culture, home gardens, horticulture, agriculture, new plantings and hedges institutions, forestry, arboriculture ...

(google trad.)
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Kinda like hugulkultur? Adding old pieces of wood under my mounds?

I'm starting to think I should experinent with all these options and see what works best since it's all new to me. I am definitely down to try permaculture techniques like this, thanks.
Its kinda funny, I remembered something you said after I posted that: "you dont want your shit to be a science experiment though." A few holes done a few different ways does sound kinda fun. I like the logs idea, and have all these oak leaves, I'm surrounded by ranches I could go scoop shit up from, and still have a pile of what looks like half decent dirt too.

Without knowing what is "best" I'm just running off logic. I'll do a variation for the 3 holes that have no old soil just for kicks. I think ideally consistency would be better but who knows if I'll even stay here next year? So much to learn so little time . .


Its kinda funny, I remembered something you said after I posted that: "you dont want your shit to be a science experiment though." A few holes done a few different ways does sound kinda fun
there's nothing wrong with using a small part of your garden to try new things, that's what keeps it interesting, that and new genetics


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Kinda like hugulkultur? Adding old pieces of wood under my mounds?

I'm starting to think I should experinent with all these options and see what works best since it's all new to me. I am definitely down to try permaculture techniques like this, thanks.

Hey tess nice garden. im also trying out hugulkultur this year on a few my plants. i used different pieces of wood i found on the forest floor.i used rotten to half rotten to fresh wood. from all i have read about it u get the best effects after the 2nd year. im a guerilla grower so the water holding abilities will be a godsend to me if they work like i have seen.
If I do hugulkultur it would just be 1 or 2 mounds, and I might be setting myself up for overwatering issues if I set them on a drip with the rest. Perhaps I could just water those two by hand instead. Or scrap this idea completely for the sake of simplicity. I like it though. I want to learn and incorporate as much permaculture into this project as I can. I used to study it thinking I wanted to go work on an organic farm. Now I'm running one and am slightly overwhelmed by it all. :)

Noonin NorCal

Active member
Ive heard good things from Candyland. You know if its from King Klone, or Kens? I don't think they get all that big just beautiful dense buds like GSC. We ran Phantom cuts which is (cherry pie X GDP) multiple times from King Klone and it was some of the frostiest pot I've seen. While trimming it seemed like scissors gooped up every 5 minutes and had to swap for a new pair
Mine are the kk cut, it's not a yielder like ssd or white buffalo but its supposed to do better than gsc yield wise, sativa dom, comes out purple, smells so dank I cant wait to pull it down!

Rb-26 says he found broad mites on 3 flats of kk cuts and returned them :(

I used to love them now I don't know what to think. I still dont know if I got them from cuts or they were in the house already. Sucks, they used to be the best. Im totally bringing a scope if I ever go again and inspecting in front of them.

Noonin NorCal

Active member
We got most of our King Klone cuts from out of Vallejo, they were beautiful with big healthy white roots shooting out the rock wool

Noonin NorCal

Active member
There Bay Dream cut looks real promising for a monster outdoor plant, it says up to 2-2.5 pounds indoor per 1,000 watt light
When? RB-26 reported this last month. We all go to the same location.

Broad mites are a growers nightmare, and you know whats fucked up? Im used to them now. Avoid getting them at all costs. Bring a damn good scope if you go there again. I trust Rb-26... I think he said he used a 400x

No clones outside for me just seeds.

Noonin NorCal

Active member
Vallejo Patients Care is where we got our last batch of King Klone cuts. And looks like they have every strain/clone and most there flowers on the menu


I got ~93% germination on the bodhi seeds.
A couple look funky but the rest look great. They'll get culled.
I'm going to start pHing the water for the seedlings up to 6.5.
It's sometimes 5.1 out of the faucet. Seedlings are more susceptible to problems than larger plants in this context.

The biggest one so far is space monkey.

Still waiting on consult report. .

I'm starting to think I should have waited to test my soil. It's rained basically non-stop this month. That has got to have some effect. I might test it again later on just for kicks.

