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Fireknot farm 2016


Active member
So I didn't get much info but I did hear that nothing is changing in the county. No cultivation ban upcoming. That info is from a grow shop though (ie someone with a vested interest in keeping people buying grow supplies), so take it with a grain of salt.

Yea it definitely depends how far your holes are from your soil. It would have taken me forever in that slow ass bobcat.

Shcrews-- why not a skid steer with wheels? I've never tried the other kind.
Thanks for the update, we probably know the same guy, and if so, youre right, he's cool but definitely a salesman. Its a bit of a hike. Maybe I can take a video or something. Or just do it and take my sweet ass time like I do with everything these days. I imagine track would cover a dirt bumpy steep hill better than wheels.

I still wont be able to do this for at least a month.
Welcome to the party buckets!

I'm going to try bro I didnt pop beans for nothing.

In other news, my dads cancer treatment is working, he wants to save the RSO for backup. I have no more cannacoconut oil here which I apparently cant sleep without. Im starting to think maybe I need it more than he does since I can always make more. Shitty to think about but I can't keep staying up all night for no reason. I've been trying to balance my bills with my medical needs for a long long time.


I really wanted to attend the BOS meeting today. I tried to go to sleep at 11 but didnt end up actually doing so until 6. When my alarm went off at 8 I knew there was no way. Im saving the rest of the RSO for my dad. Insomnia blows. So I have absolutely no idea what happened today. Anyone know? Plants? I'll try to find out asap.

It was a busy day. I smell disgusting. Even the chick at the DUMP gave me a funny look. Old barrels just full of pythium slime showering me with their blessings. Oh I need to check for ticks... It took two SUV loads to clean the garden up and I'm still not done, the cabin needs work, theres years and years of degraded plastic, cigarette butts. I plan on getting all of it, it drives me a little crazy.

So about that hill. I drove my 2x4 up there today with hardly any slippage. Here are some pics. In case you are wondering yes that is my house I really do live inside a Durga yantra.
Hi Tess,
I attended the entire BOS meeting. It was really just a big discussion. The decision on the ban is postponed 7 weeks. It's really just the sheriff that's pushing for the ban. After seeing how the sheriff addressed the county I don't feel like a ban is going to happen.
However, the board is not happy with people like yourself doing 99 large outdoor plants. They made it very clear that 600 square feet is their policy. I've have been here my whole life and every one I know is over 600 ft but they stay well be 99 plants. I'm actually considering moving; I can't stand the way law enforcement treats people here just too many bad stories.Basically I'm just letting you know that you're the guy they are after so be careful and put thought into you're choices.
Thank you, I cant do 99 big ones, only 20, and its not a big space at all. I think its rather humble. Way smaller than a lot of folks here. But I feel you. I've heard theyre disrespectful but they were where I come from too so what are you going to do? If they ban im moving too. I want to do it legally not having to worry and fear anymore all the time im sick of it.

I would gladly give them my tax money for their blessing. Maybe then I could sleep at night. Who knows?


It's just so convoluted. I know people who had numbers in the low hundreds last year had helicopter activity and nothing happen. I also know people who got busted for less than 50. They really like to take our kids even if they are not at the grow site. I still don't know how much to do this year I'm staring worry.

I've had some deaths in my immediate family recently and it's really starting to make me reconsider what I've been doing. Maybe I need to relocate. I want to be legal too. The last 2 years have been so hard I don't think me and my family can handle any more loss .
It's fucked up, I pray we are living at the tail ends of prohibition---where it is absolutely at its worst in all facets---and not some other witch hunt in disguise. I don't know.

Placer has my vote if these folks drop the ball.

I think I might start looking actually. Why not? Just to see what pops up. Banning in the wake of "legalization" it is nonsensical. I refuse to be a part of the twilight zone . .
Carport it up.

I'm currently building my cheapest greenhouse ever. It's made of garbage the previous guy left behind and home depot plastic. ;)
So apparently at the BOS meeting the sheriff said "if we ban medical patients can still grow" and was quickly corrected and looked like a fool.

Now, we know lobbying groups are the ones pushing sheriffs to ban. Now we know they are LYING to them! That somehow doesn't surprise me.

Apparently the last time the BOS said to wait 7 weeks it was basically just thrown out. So it looks good but it's still yet to be determined. As far as I know there wasnt any talk of taxation yet which im curious about. Do they plan on sticking to 600sq ft for good? They would be limiting not just us but also themselves (hint hint).

Im going to review those links now chunk thanks. Do you have personal experience with this straw/compost bed method of yours? Are there some links on IC or another site? I think this would work for the empty holes, not on top of the filled soil, no?

I know you said a lot of this isnt scientific but I have a pretty firm grasp on a few different sciences and want to apply the method to my craft and understanding as much as possible. I dont see why not. The data is all there it just needs to be comprehended and applied...and I have a fuck ton of work to do in this dept! I do appreciate the dialog regardless. I actually have a ton of oak leaves raked up but I decided on a straw and 12 seed living mulch instead.

Oh and I decided I'm doing 20 of my best bodhis and chopping/juicing the rest. Dont like it...dont care.


Active member
Oh and I decided I'm doing 20 of my best bodhis and chopping/juicing the rest. Dont like it...dont care.

Noooooo, donate some to me! I can give you a donation for your costs. Come on man, you don't really want to see me only grow stupid old blue dream do you?!? Hahaha. Just kidding you had broad mites right? Lol I'm not coming within 100 ft of you homie. :D


Active member
Oh and I decided I'm doing 20 of my best bodhis and chopping/juicing the rest. Dont like it...dont care.

Noooooo, donate some to me! I can give you a donation for your costs. Come on man, you don't really want to see me only grow stupid old blue dream do you?!? Hahaha. Just kidding you had broad mites right? Lol I'm not coming within 100 ft of you homie. :D


Active member
Whoops I would delete that dupe if I could.

Speaking of mites, a friend got some Tangie x OG clones but they have spider mites-- will being outdoors wipe these fools out or does he need to dunk them?
Theyre easy to kill and I dont think they survive outside

For the sake of staying on topic stuff like that can be brought up in another thread


I think they want to stick to the 600 ft for personal medical. Seems like they haven't come up with a plan yet for commercial.
Thanks Noonin,
So far it's that or either Chunky's suggestion of a bed of straw and manure. I'll be looking into it and deciding soon. Oh I also have a big pile of oak leaves and like a yard or two of dirt. You can see below.

@quit, word thanks.

I got like 35,000 views since the last time I posted. WTF? How can I get in on the ad revenue on this??? ;)

Today I cleaned all day again. Walking the property lines, the woods, finding so much little shit everywhere. I got another dump run to do in the morn'.

Here is a picture of old stems. Looks like he was growing some trees. See all that trellis net? That is going to be such a bitch to untangle. Yeah!


The last garden shot I took my battery was low and couldn't see shit. Here she really is:


I might be getting a soil consult report tomorrow. Probably going to just clean more all day. It's so god damn gorgeous here! My greenhouse should be up next week maybe. Now this isn't the nicest, the biggest, or most technical GH I have made, but it's for sure the cheapest, and I think thats worth something.

You can spend 500 bux on a hoop house. I plan on doing mine for 50$.

Also...check this out. My first time running a cookie cross (candyland is platinum gsc x gdp) I have never seen leaves crystal up like this in my life. Wk 5.
