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Federal complaint filed against Sacramento pot shop


Well-known member

:ying:Thats what im sayin.That aint easy or cheap.Good work Bro,keep it up.Peace and stay Safe,DancesWithWeed:ying:


Well-known member
No reply on how to run it to your liking that would be the save all of compassion Clubs?I wanna here how you would run it better n fix all the bad things that are rampant right now,lol.:ying:


I love my life
i don't get it, why are you all trying to ridicule me away? maybe you don't know of gregor mendel? i learned of him in 4th grade when i was 9 years old. are you saying that mendel and punnet are not the methods you all are using to produce seed? please enlighten me then. here i was thinking all that these seed vendors were doing was cross breeding plants.

is there magic and runes involved? do you invoke lord satan in the process. please do expound, because your ridiculing certainly makes it seem like i am way wrong on this.

Calm down President Hard Mode. This thread is not about your 4th grade science knowledge or how anyone is making beans.

Get back on topic of the US Federal Government, issuing a complaint against a licensed CA business ALLEGING that the licensed CA business violated CA law. Great thing for the fed to be doing instead of the state of CA don't you think?



Active member
you guys aren't making any sense. one second you're not in it for the money and are doing it to help needy sick people, then the next you aren't gonna be working hard in the hot sun all day to give away your weed to lazy stoners... que?

and as for the weed thing, i have a box that produces x amount of weed all the time, i multiply those boxes and i multiply my weed linearly, so what the fuck exactly are you talking about exactly? cuz im missing something.

thanks for the offer but i can trim up my whole grow in a few minutes.

someone up there told me that i was wrong about breeders selecting for traits and crossing them which is why i was talking about 4th grade science. but

you're right dude, im gonna drop it, lets get back to the topic at hand which wasn't people arguing for or against dispensaries and cooked books.

but i will leave the beginning of my post cuz i really wanna know. take it to the pm's.


Freedom Fighter
you guys aren't making any sense. one second you're not in it for the money and are doing it to help needy sick people, then the next you aren't gonna be working hard in the hot sun all day to give away your weed to lazy stoners... que?

Ok, this is where I think you are misunderstanding--
Nobody said they didn't want to make $$...actually, we all said that is why you cannot run a D the way you are saying it should ...because that leaves no room to make a living-- What WAS said, is that when it comes to the truly sick, most D's (Not all, I realize this) but most have discounts and freebies for the sick with financial needs--
But, for the patients that are not in that category...they pay full price-- And seeing as they prefer to come there and pay that, versus growing their own, then it can be deemed a fair deal--
But with all the overhead, Rent, Licensing, Security, Employees, (excessive) Lawyer Fees, Buying Meds, and the one most don't realize...DONATIONS, yeah...most make heavy donations to the Community-- After all that, there is still $$ left over, but not nearly the millions that you think--

and as for the weed thing, i have a box that produces x amount of weed all the time, i multiply those boxes and i multiply my weed linearly, so what the fuck exactly are you talking about exactly? cuz im missing something.

Yes, you are man-- I'm not trying to be a dick, it just doesn't work the way you think--
We have a 6000 sq ft greenhouse, so these equations don't even have to include running lights!!
Also, keep in mind, I am not an owner, just an Employee...so I am not making excuses for any money mongering...I am giving you actual figures!!
Out of 400 plants, in 15 gal soil buckets, we pull about 175 lbs a year...we have a Spring Crop, and a Summer Crop--
After Mortgage, Utilities, Maintenance, Wages, Nutes, Soil, Pest Control....it costs an average of about $140,000 a year--
That alone is $800/lb--
Then we have a crew that trims...we pay an additional $150/lb for that--
That is $950/lb--
Then we incur all the Dispensary Costs listed above, minus the Buying Meds part...however, this runs out quickly, that is why I added buying meds above--
Point being...the more you grow, the less you can handle it all yourself, that is why you cannot simply multiply linearly what you are doing now, and have the same numbers--
I hope this helps clear up your questions...no hate here...just trying to help you understand where some of us are coming from--:tiphat:




"the criminal complaint said all of the defendants were involved in growing marijuana with the purpose of making as much money as possible."

And that says it all..........funny thing is tho. Is their ANY Business that IS NOT in Business, To Do Exactly That.
One Fuked Up Society IMO. :artist:



Feds seize Sacramento pot shop bank accounts - 10/01/11

SACRAMENTO, CA - The United States government has seized nearly a quarter million dollars in bank accounts controlled by two Sacramento medical marijuana dispensaries.

An attorney representing the two dispensaries said the action was part of a campaign by the federal government to send a message to California's pot shops, a source of irritation to the feds.

Accounts totalling as much as $247,875 held by SAFE Federal Credit Union were raided last week.

Tax agents claim the two dispensaries made multiple smaller cash deposits to circumvent federal law requiring banks to report deposits exceeding $10,000, a practice known as structuring.

According to the seizure warrant, River City Cooperative Corp., doing business as the One Love Wellness Center at 1841 El Camino Avenue, made 19 deposits over the course of just six days totalling $79,206.

None of the individual deposits exceeded $10,000 and many were separated by just a few minutes, according to a tax agent who signed the warrant.

The total value of the two River City Cooperative bank accounts being seized was as much as $102,713.

In a separate case, tax agents seized up to $145,162 from MJ's Wellness Inc., doing business as Mary Jane's Wellness at 2271 Sunrise Boulevard.

Owner Mark Mitnick declined to speak about the seizure when reached by phone, but the Mary Jane's sign had been taken down and a man inside the dispensary said it was now operating under new ownership with a name yet to be chosen.

The federal government doesn't recognize the legal medical use of marijuana, but has largely left California's dispensaries alone.

In a conversation with News10 this week, U.S. Attorney Ben Wagner confirmed his office would pursue civil penalties as well as criminal prosecution in a crackdown of what it sees as the most egregious violators.

Wagner declined to comment specifically on the two bank seizures.

On Thursday, a federal grand jury indicted a Sacramento dispensary owner and five associates who were named in an earlier complaint for allegedly running a for-profit marijuana store.

"It's definitely sending a message," said attorney Mark Reichel, who represents the two dispensaries that had their bank accounts seized.

"The U.S. Attorney's office is sending a message that they're not soft on medical marijuana," Reichel said.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
$250k between 3 dispensaries... ? That sounds like some serious money hungry capitalistic millionares hell bent on domination of cannabis patients:laughing:

What really makes no sense to me is how people get behind the govt on this type shit... Oh well theyre FOR PROFIT ... so fuck them i hope they rot in jail!!!

When did turning a profit in america became a crime?

Starbucks just makes a fuckign cup of coffee and they clear about $1.5 billion dollars a year...

Coors makes a shitty beer and pulls about $3 billion a year...

Pfizer's net income is $68 billion dollars. But i dont see feds kicking in their door arresting them for profit or see people sitting on forums bitching about how they should be giving medicine away for free...

its no fucking wonder its taken over 70 years to accomplish the few measly things we have for mj. if smokers cant even support the growers and distrubtors who keep weed in their bongs and papers, how in the fuck are we supposed to pull support from our opposition???

get fucking REAL - the enemy isnt the growers. or the dealers. or the dispensaries. its these fucking clowns in washington who think they know whats good for you better than you do. besides the fact most of them are racist overweight close-minded fascists who belong in a mining camp in bolivia rather than on a cushy seat in congress - none of them have ever worked a real job or have any idea what its like for hard working people in america. they grew up on mommy and daddys silver plate being spoon fed luxury from day 1 and then was freeloaded into the political system because their parents had all the connections. how in the fuck could they possibly know whats good for you better than you do???

this SHOULDNT be a smoker v. grower / stoner v. seller argument. this SHOULD be an US v. THEM - and the sooner the people who id imagine would be on our side realize that... the sooner we can work together to get rid of prohibition.

but you smokers need to grow some fucking balls. im tired of working to pass MJ laws only to have cowardly stoners not want to sign a petition because they are ultra paranoid that their name is going to end up on some list some where and they will get raided by the DEA because they signed some petition to pass better laws.

the DEA has 5500 people WORLD WIDE. do you think they give a fuck that you buy 8ths or you sell 8ths or you have 9 or 10 plants growing in your closet???

come the fuck ON... they are looking for the EDDY LEPPS and MARC EMERYS who are publicly pushing the limits and smearing it in their face. they couldnt give the fuck in the least about johnny nobody and his weed collection consisting of 10 grams and bong. jesus fucking CHRIST it blows my mind what some peoples thought process entails!!!!!!

-end rant


Well-known member
$250k between 3 dispensaries... ? That sounds like some serious money hungry capitalistic millionares hell bent on domination of cannabis patients:laughing:

What really makes no sense to me is how people get behind the govt on this type shit... Oh well theyre FOR PROFIT ... so fuck them i hope they rot in jail!!!

When did turning a profit in america became a crime?

Starbucks just makes a fuckign cup of coffee and they clear about $1.5 billion dollars a year...

Coors makes a shitty beer and pulls about $3 billion a year...

Pfizer's net income is $68 billion dollars. But i dont see feds kicking in their door arresting them for profit or see people sitting on forums bitching about how they should be giving medicine away for free...

its no fucking wonder its taken over 70 years to accomplish the few measly things we have for mj. if smokers cant even support the growers and distrubtors who keep weed in their bongs and papers, how in the fuck are we supposed to pull support from our opposition???

get fucking REAL - the enemy isnt the growers. or the dealers. or the dispensaries. its these fucking clowns in washington who think they know whats good for you better than you do. besides the fact most of them are racist overweight close-minded fascists who belong in a mining camp in bolivia rather than on a cushy seat in congress - none of them have ever worked a real job or have any idea what its like for hard working people in america. they grew up on mommy and daddys silver plate being spoon fed luxury from day 1 and then was freeloaded into the political system because their parents had all the connections. how in the fuck could they possibly know whats good for you better than you do???

this SHOULDNT be a smoker v. grower / stoner v. seller argument. this SHOULD be an US v. THEM - and the sooner the people who id imagine would be on our side realize that... the sooner we can work together to get rid of prohibition.

but you smokers need to grow some fucking balls. im tired of working to pass MJ laws only to have cowardly stoners not want to sign a petition because they are ultra paranoid that their name is going to end up on some list some where and they will get raided by the DEA because they signed some petition to pass better laws.

the DEA has 5500 people WORLD WIDE. do you think they give a fuck that you buy 8ths or you sell 8ths or you have 9 or 10 plants growing in your closet???

come the fuck ON... they are looking for the EDDY LEPPS and MARC EMERYS who are publicly pushing the limits and smearing it in their face. they couldnt give the fuck in the least about johnny nobody and his weed collection consisting of 10 grams and bong. jesus fucking CHRIST it blows my mind what some peoples thought process entails!!!!!!

-end rant
:ying:Good post Bro,and its the truth!

CanniDo Cowboy

"its no fucking wonder its taken over 70 years to accomplish the few measly things we have for mj. if smokers cant even support the growers and distrubtors who keep weed in their bongs and papers, how in the fuck are we supposed to pull support from our opposition???"

And there in-lies our problem. While we as growers and distributers cant individually change the Feds way of thinking overnite, we can certainly serve warning to dispensaries that just because they are deemed the "legal outlet", doesnt mean they get to drive the bus. As growers, if we ever decide to put down the pipe long enough, we could very easily shift the one-sided advantage the dispensaries now hold by simply refusing to sell excess to them until they are forced to deal with us on a fair and equitable basis. Prices based on a fair price market system. Jesus, it just isnt a complicated and long drawn out deal. The dispensaries just use the Feds as the boogeyman to try and scare us growers into thinking we have no power, choices or say. The important thing that growers have to grasp is that without us, the dispensaries cant exist...Feds or not...

There will always be good businesses and there will always be those that are so bad, you wonder how they stay in business. But in the dispensary business, there is suppose to be only the GOOD. They dont sell tires and they dont sell mattresses. They sell medicine, based on care and compassion. And therefore there should be no middle ground. I dont care if dispensaries sell crappy meds, because in the long run as in any business, poor product will catch up with them.

What I object to is: Because of the way the dispensaries are forced to operate under state and Fed guidelines, we as growers and distributers are taking it in the shorts. I actually had one dispensary owner tell me I had to co-sign my excess meds with him because state law prevented one time cash sales, based on Fed guidelines...WTF? In short, yea the dispensaries are bein legally ruffed up and some deserve it while others dont. But in both cases, it is us the growers and distributers who are paying the price. Why? Because we are not standing up saying: "Look, you wanted to be a dispensary owner and yea, it's a tough business and the Feds dont like you but if youre in it for the money, quit whining, suck it up and keep going or go find something with less danger and stress, like maybe selling mattresses. And oh by the way, as your supplier, this is what your wholesale price is and like any wholesale/retail operation, the more you purchase, the lower your price...Sorry pal, I'm as compassionate as the next guy but I gotta make a livin too..."CC


Active member
BiG H3rB Tr3E

this SHOULDNT be a smoker v. grower / stoner v. seller argument. this SHOULD be an US v. THEM - and the sooner the people who id imagine would be on our side realize that... the sooner we can work together to get rid of prohibition.

WINNER...Come on down...

but you smokers need to grow some fucking balls. im tired of working to pass MJ laws only to have cowardly stoners not want to sign a petition because they are ultra paranoid that their name is going to end up on some list some where and they will get raided by the DEA because they signed some petition to pass better laws.

not too sure the DEA cares, but in my state they may not release Pedo-Pete, but I'm pretty sure they would let out some wife/kid beating drunken knuckle-dragger to make room in the local Hard-Luck Hilton for a genuine drug cultivator/manufacturer even though it's just a few plants in a closet.

It's the principle,you see. A blatant scofflaw trumps pathetic and stupid all day around here. Not playing by the rules and ignoring them is a much bigger threat to the social fabric than being a rascally good ol' boy.

If you grow in this state there's stuff you can do but being visible and signing stuff ain't one of them unless you want to be Weed Gandhi.
You'll be signing a state property voucher at the intake desk.
A buddy can confirm that the green bologna in Sheriff Joe Arpio's Arizona lock-up would be a gourmet treat in this State's clink.

It's for your own good, you see. You might graduate to mainlining THC in your eyeballs or something like that.


Freedom Fighter
not too sure the DEA cares, but in my state they may not release Pedo-Pete, but I'm pretty sure they would let out some wife/kid beating drunken knuckle-dragger to make room in the local Hard-Luck Hilton for a genuine drug cultivator/manufacturer even though it's just a few plants in a closet.

It's the principle,you see. A blatant scofflaw trumps pathetic and stupid all day around here. Not playing by the rules and ignoring them is a much bigger threat to the social fabric than being a rascally good ol' boy.

If you grow in this state there's stuff you can do but being visible and signing stuff ain't one of them unless you want to be Weed Gandhi.
You'll be signing a state property voucher at the intake desk.
A buddy can confirm that the green bologna in Sheriff Joe Arpio's Arizona lock-up would be a gourmet treat in this State's clink.

It's for your own good, you see. You might graduate to mainlining THC in your eyeballs or something like that.

I call Bullshit--
First off...out of the thousands signing petitions, they are NOT going to have the manpower to raid them all....looking for the few that might be growing a few plants-- Dude, many ppl sign petitions that don't even smoke, let alone grow!! But they BELIEVE that we have the Right to do so!!
But, for a second, let's entertain the thought that they could/would do that--
So you are saying that if things are so out of control that by signing a LEGAL Petition, to try and change a Law...in the LEGAL way...that because you are afraid of being "in trouble", you think it is alright to curl up and lick your nuts...and do NOTHING?? Well man, that is where the "Grow some balls" thing comes into play!!
But be realistic...they do not do that, for simply signing a Petition--
So I challenge you and all others who think like you, to become Freedom FIGHTERS...instead of Freedom WISHERS--:tiphat:


Active member
big herb tree, and kali, thanks for the clear explanations you have given and i see it better now from your perspective and i admit i was a little off to calculate it in my head like i would do it. mostly because i am not in your shoes. from my own point of view i would not have any trouble handling and i would be able to do it.

but on the same token here we have what appears to be (we know how the govt is when it comes to accurate reporting of facts) a front for a drug running operation. making small deposits trying to avoid the eye of the "law" and who knows what they didn't report and deposit in the bank. anyone watch breaking bad?

i wish it was legal and we could all grow and sell as much as we want directly from our houses. but it's not, and we won't do that by having places like this one be representative of our movement for legalization. that's pretty much what i was failing at trying to get across, i have anger issues.

prohibition would never have been overturned if there were peaceful protests for the repeal of prohibition as im sure there were, yet all over the news was al capone and the other gangsters ruining the movements image. same thing today with the weed movement, can't say were about legalizing medicine with profiteers in the mix being the guys who get to the news. i just think since we are fighting up the steepest of hills maybe we should start slowly and not jump straight to selling weed out of store front at the same high prices as the black market, maybe we should start off by leaving the negative aspects of it behind for now.

i slowly let my non smoking family and friends know that i advocate legalizing and that i use it for my own medicinal purposes, i didn't just one day blaze up a blunt at the dinner table and say, "what!"

Red Swan

This is one of the most juvenile and silly threads I've read in a while.

I love the anti success attitudes and blind faith like beliefs in dogmatic platitude.

Learned more from the news than from here. Truly silly.
First off, I feel for these guys. I hate to see anyone loose their freedom over a plant. And to all the people who are crying about making a profit, cry me a river. So let me ask all you Non Profit growers. Are you guys giving away your meds for free? After you buy all your Nutes, Clones, seeds, growing media, Electricity, Time and risk of your freedom are you giving your meds away for free? Or would you rather you get your meds from kaiser or walgreens where big Pharma gets all the proceeds?
As a grower I find it

As a grower I find it

welcome news that the dispensarys who are way out of touch of the spirit of 215 and 420 be closed down...really that is the way it should be......Those are the same dispensrys who grind down the grower to where they can not even pay their bills and they turn around as sell the stuff for $60 a 1/8.
I'm not defending these guys but I did also read another story that said R&R could not find a Banking institution that would let him deposit his money. And recently some bank that he had an account with dropped him weeks before, in fear of doing business with a Dispensary. That's the reason why he had so much cash at his home.
In regards to dispensary's I think there should be some kind of standards and safety protocols in place. But this topic and almost every other topic revolves around money. Until you take away the cash there will always be deception, corruption, and jealousy. Why? because money is the ROOT of all evil.
Here is an idea, you wanna piss off the FEDS and start a movement. Open a dispensary and give all Meds away for free. Do not charge a single dime.
What we all need is a place where no money is spent and grow herb and live life immaculate.

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