stickey fingers


i don't get it, why are you all trying to ridicule me away? maybe you don't know of gregor mendel? i learned of him in 4th grade when i was 9 years old. are you saying that mendel and punnet are not the methods you all are using to produce seed? please enlighten me then. here i was thinking all that these seed vendors were doing was cross breeding plants.
is there magic and runes involved? do you invoke lord satan in the process. please do expound, because your ridiculing certainly makes it seem like i am way wrong on this.
you guys aren't making any sense. one second you're not in it for the money and are doing it to help needy sick people, then the next you aren't gonna be working hard in the hot sun all day to give away your weed to lazy stoners... que?
and as for the weed thing, i have a box that produces x amount of weed all the time, i multiply those boxes and i multiply my weed linearly, so what the fuck exactly are you talking about exactly? cuz im missing something.
LOL$250k between 3 dispensaries... ? That sounds like some serious money hungry capitalistic millionares hell bent on domination of cannabis patients
-end rant
$250k between 3 dispensaries... ? That sounds like some serious money hungry capitalistic millionares hell bent on domination of cannabis patients
What really makes no sense to me is how people get behind the govt on this type shit... Oh well theyre FOR PROFIT ... so fuck them i hope they rot in jail!!!
When did turning a profit in america became a crime?
Starbucks just makes a fuckign cup of coffee and they clear about $1.5 billion dollars a year...
Coors makes a shitty beer and pulls about $3 billion a year...
Pfizer's net income is $68 billion dollars. But i dont see feds kicking in their door arresting them for profit or see people sitting on forums bitching about how they should be giving medicine away for free...
its no fucking wonder its taken over 70 years to accomplish the few measly things we have for mj. if smokers cant even support the growers and distrubtors who keep weed in their bongs and papers, how in the fuck are we supposed to pull support from our opposition???
get fucking REAL - the enemy isnt the growers. or the dealers. or the dispensaries. its these fucking clowns in washington who think they know whats good for you better than you do. besides the fact most of them are racist overweight close-minded fascists who belong in a mining camp in bolivia rather than on a cushy seat in congress - none of them have ever worked a real job or have any idea what its like for hard working people in america. they grew up on mommy and daddys silver plate being spoon fed luxury from day 1 and then was freeloaded into the political system because their parents had all the connections. how in the fuck could they possibly know whats good for you better than you do???
this SHOULDNT be a smoker v. grower / stoner v. seller argument. this SHOULD be an US v. THEM - and the sooner the people who id imagine would be on our side realize that... the sooner we can work together to get rid of prohibition.
but you smokers need to grow some fucking balls. im tired of working to pass MJ laws only to have cowardly stoners not want to sign a petition because they are ultra paranoid that their name is going to end up on some list some where and they will get raided by the DEA because they signed some petition to pass better laws.
the DEA has 5500 people WORLD WIDE. do you think they give a fuck that you buy 8ths or you sell 8ths or you have 9 or 10 plants growing in your closet???
come the fuck ON... they are looking for the EDDY LEPPS and MARC EMERYS who are publicly pushing the limits and smearing it in their face. they couldnt give the fuck in the least about johnny nobody and his weed collection consisting of 10 grams and bong. jesus fucking CHRIST it blows my mind what some peoples thought process entails!!!!!!
-end rant
not too sure the DEA cares, but in my state they may not release Pedo-Pete, but I'm pretty sure they would let out some wife/kid beating drunken knuckle-dragger to make room in the local Hard-Luck Hilton for a genuine drug cultivator/manufacturer even though it's just a few plants in a closet.
It's the principle,you see. A blatant scofflaw trumps pathetic and stupid all day around here. Not playing by the rules and ignoring them is a much bigger threat to the social fabric than being a rascally good ol' boy.
If you grow in this state there's stuff you can do but being visible and signing stuff ain't one of them unless you want to be Weed Gandhi.
You'll be signing a state property voucher at the intake desk.
A buddy can confirm that the green bologna in Sheriff Joe Arpio's Arizona lock-up would be a gourmet treat in this State's clink.
It's for your own good, you see. You might graduate to mainlining THC in your eyeballs or something like that.
Calm down President Hard Mode....