Hey Jesus turn off the FUCKING CAPS LOCKS, being the son of god and all you can reach people without SCREAMING.
maybe hes the dood i dumped a beer on last weekend? we got a new bar that opened up with a huge patio section - and we get these jesus freaks who feel they have the right to come out friday and saturday nights and scream as loud as tehy can about god - damnation - and the devil and how we all need to repent. so i went over and had a little "heart to heart" with them and they basically said god and our constitution grant them the right to say what they want where they want.
i guess someone called the cops and the cops said they couldnt do anything. so i went back and told em i dont give a shit what they preach - just dont be screaming it. they denied again. i said fuck it and had our waitress bring me a pitcher of their swill over pours and drenched this prick with some old rank nasty beer. told him he could stand their all he likes. and got in my car and took off. the waitress called me and said he left about 3 minutes later.
this is why i HATE religion. people who feel compelled to force their beliefs on others are fucking assholes. if i wanted to hear about jesus and all that shit i got 20 churches within pissing distance. i dont need you and your fucking cronies to come to my bar and scream your beliefs.
if i was a more petty man - id rent some loudspeakers and hook em up out side your church while your at sunday mass and compleltely make you miserable while your trying to enjoy something you like