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Federal complaint filed against Sacramento pot shop

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Hey Jesus turn off the FUCKING CAPS LOCKS, being the son of god and all you can reach people without SCREAMING.


maybe hes the dood i dumped a beer on last weekend? we got a new bar that opened up with a huge patio section - and we get these jesus freaks who feel they have the right to come out friday and saturday nights and scream as loud as tehy can about god - damnation - and the devil and how we all need to repent. so i went over and had a little "heart to heart" with them and they basically said god and our constitution grant them the right to say what they want where they want.

i guess someone called the cops and the cops said they couldnt do anything. so i went back and told em i dont give a shit what they preach - just dont be screaming it. they denied again. i said fuck it and had our waitress bring me a pitcher of their swill over pours and drenched this prick with some old rank nasty beer. told him he could stand their all he likes. and got in my car and took off. the waitress called me and said he left about 3 minutes later.

this is why i HATE religion. people who feel compelled to force their beliefs on others are fucking assholes. if i wanted to hear about jesus and all that shit i got 20 churches within pissing distance. i dont need you and your fucking cronies to come to my bar and scream your beliefs.

if i was a more petty man - id rent some loudspeakers and hook em up out side your church while your at sunday mass and compleltely make you miserable while your trying to enjoy something you like

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c

yeah but most people ARENT Like that. i understand where they coming from - and have respect for wanting to help people - but when your out in a public space literally SCREAMING at people. are you really there for them? or are you there for yourself?

i tried to tell him that if he were to respectfully talk to people - i might listen to what he says - but the fact they willfully ignore peoples request to not yell - nobody wants anything to do with them or what they preach.

catch bees with honey and all that....


New member
Non organic dispenceries take the shit cake.

Accepting medication that has been grown with chems,a poor decision.

Synthetic pestaside exposure have been linked to lower IQ in children.

Think about the poor uneducated soul searching for the cure and they shove a sweet stinky nug of chem bud in his pocket.

Talk about redundent.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Non organic dispenceries take the shit cake.

Accepting medication that has been grown with chems,a poor decision.

Synthetic pestaside exposure have been linked to lower IQ in children.

Think about the poor uneducated soul searching for the cure and they shove a sweet stinky nug of chem bud in his pocket.

Talk about redundent.

Pure misinformation...


Good. Another down and hopefully more to go. Why doesn't a dispensary do just what the term "dispensary" means? I agree they should make enough to cover there operating expenses, but that is really it.

A legit dispensary is one thing, a drug dealer hiding behind a dispensary as a front is bullshit.


Active member
does cali require a business license to operate a dispensary?

do dispensaries pay taxes?

if so, they are in it for the paper.

why else would someone invest in providing 'compassion'?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
What do you guys do for a living? Would you work for free? i dont understand where you guys are coming from acting like people should put in full work weeks and risk their ass operating a shop and make ZERO money?

really? you guys make NO sense. and if you havent noticed it already - do doctors work for free? what about the scientist who forumlate medicine? nurses - emt's - pharmacists?

get real. people need to make a living - what makes medical marijuana and dispensaries so sacred that nobody working them should ever make any money above overhead costs?


Well the mere fact that dispensaries have 'sales tax' implies they are *selling* mmj(illegal) and there for are in it for a profit, the entire scene in california is a mockery, every one knows this... this industry needs regulation if it ever wants to come out of the shadows, problem is you will never be able to regulate it, therefore it will remain illegal and greed and profiteering will control it.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
hahah bruh what hippie commune do you anti-dispensary people come from?? how distorted is your reality?? your logic makes no sense... how come the industry cant be regulated? why shouldnt dispensaries be able to make a profit? how is it greed? whats wrong with profiteering? whats wrong with taxes?


I just finished reading this thread and all I can do is shake my head.

WTF is wrong with you guys?

The problem isnt the dispenceries... its the fact that pot is illegal.

Pretty simple if you ask me. The rest is just crap that allows cops to steal property, imprison people, collect fines and take money that does not belong to them. Usually from people inclined to ask questions, like why?

The same money they helped make possible to generate. The law creates the criminals, there is no crime regarding growing, and using the plant. Just b.s we accept as law, and many choose to exploit it instead of doing other types of work for a living. Scream if they make a profit, scream if they are on entitlements... I guess the noble thing is to work a 9-5 for no money, insurance, vacation or anything and that is the "right" thing to do.

I know pharmaceutical reps make a killing, but that's OK right?

Why we hate on each other when there is a clear enemy is just stupid.


Peace :joint:

Free the weed.


Well-known member
does cali require a business license to operate a dispensary?

do dispensaries pay taxes?

if so, they are in it for the paper.

why else would someone invest in providing 'compassion'?
.People do need money to live ,but a majority of people that choose compassion did it because they have seen first hand the pain people are in and just having to hook themselves on pills knowing they could help pain and addiction by helping people use less opiates and more MJ.Some get into it for money only.But to think they should do everything without any benefit or gain is crazy as long as they are helping at a fair price and paying taxes who should say what they make or get.Ive seen first hand how MJ helped my StepFather with the pain of Luekemia and i would love to open a compassion center,but i couldnt do it and live without making something:ying:


Professor Organic Psychology
When you look at how dispensaries operate it is like they have a license to steal. I read of $60 eights. What do you charge big herb? Because on the streets that is at least double. Are you paying $8000 a lb for weed? I will never pay a dispensary a dime. It is all a racket and you guys all boo hoo when you get busted. You get no sympathy from me either. Not when you charge $60 for an eight of weed when it goes for $30 on the streets.

If you do the work and get a business going then you have to follow the rules. If it is a used car lot there are rules and if it is a dispensary you have rules. Break those rules and you are a drug dealer. There is a Ton of money that can be made legitimately . A non profit can pay their employers huge salaries and still stay within the rules.

Greed is what will always get you no matter what business you are in.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
When you look at how dispensaries operate it is like they have a license to steal. I read of $60 eights. What do you charge big herb? Because on the streets that is at least double. Are you paying $8000 a lb for weed? I will never pay a dispensary a dime. It is all a racket and you guys all boo hoo when you get busted. You get no sympathy from me either. Not when you charge $60 for an eight of weed when it goes for $30 on the streets.

If you do the work and get a business going then you have to follow the rules. If it is a used car lot there are rules and if it is a dispensary you have rules. Break those rules and you are a drug dealer. There is a Ton of money that can be made legitimately . A non profit can pay their employers huge salaries and still stay within the rules.

Greed is what will always get you no matter what business you are in.

How is it a "license to steal" nobody is forced to buy anything... the market decides what the herb is worth. We work to price strains according to their yield since the majority of it is produced in house - im not sure where you live but around here nobody is selling 8ths for $30/8th on the street. Our prices rival street prices - but we have a much wider selection - in a much cleaner enviornement - with a much more educated staff...

stickey fingers

i luv cannabis

i luv cannabis

i am a med patient in cali, i got to say i love me dispenserys !!!
i rarely go any more, and i miss them !!! i only go to a select few
and they nail it every time :respect: if i need certain gentics
seed or clone or just some of the worlds finest cannabis
that i didn't grow:fsu: if you're in the dispensery loop, you can
find gold !!! you just have to pay for it...to many sheeple
are cheep and lazy, oh yeah and FUKIN STUPID to figure it
out !!! if any thing in my situtation i am useing the dispenserys
:ying: i am fine on my own :) the dispenserys have just help
me change my life for the better and for that i am forevevr
greatful:thanks: i just hope we can all OVERGROW this :ying:
PS i know where i got my WIFI !!!


Active member
under the current system dont ever expect anyone to grow weed for free and simply just give it away....

yes clubs raking in millions in revenue selling 17 dollar grams definately does not coincide with the true intentions of co-ops and 215...

however the fact of the matter is..anyone growing or operating under 215 is at the threat of arrrest federally and state wise....and this big risk, combined with the large costs of growing, pretty much mean that most in the game are gonna milk every dollar as possible...

if you dont like that...then sorry, go out, set up your own growhouse...have the 3am paranoia panic attack thoughts about federal prosecution...then give your weed away for dirt cheap to a bunch of people who can sleep easy everynight because they arent involved in this business...

even if you only grow 50 plants per cycle.....if your luck is bad the feds can wait years and hit you for 4 cycles per year....they multiply the plant counts to get their MMS 5 year sentences......not to mention asset and vehicle forfeiture and a nice fat felony on your record...

growing is not some walk in the park......all of us operating any kind of grow are risking our freedoms every day and believe it or not it takes a toll on us mentally and physically that should be compensated for.....sometimes i wish i just had a regular job and didnt have to worry about this shit...but i love growing weed and i love the people who grow with me and i do it for all the patients and victims of the drug war....i cannot just pack up we gotta keep the fight going by keeping the crops pumping out..



Professor Organic Psychology
Reminds me of watching Jay Leno on television the night 215 passed. He said that California passed a law today to allow Marijuana to be used as medicine. The crowd cheered and cheered. Jay Leno says, "There must be a lot of sick people in California."

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Reminds me of watching Jay Leno on television the night 215 passed. He said that California passed a law today to allow Marijuana to be used as medicine. The crowd cheered and cheered. Jay Leno says, "There must be a lot of sick people in California."

yeah bruh - alot of people sick of being treated like a criminal :tiphat:


Active member
Problem ain't growers, problem ain't dispensaries, problem ain't non-growing buyers...

The Problem is bad law.

Outright legalization with non-intrusive oversight against criminals and rippers would benefit everyone. The State gets it cut in tax, the market price becomes competitive resulting in better product for cheaper to the consumer, and the farmer will have to sink or swim based on his skill/ product.

Just like any other legal commodity.
You want Busch quality, you get it. A micro-brew with hops rolled on the thighs of virgins?
You got that too. The profits those products will bring will subsidize charity meds for the less fortunate the same as any business that likes to claim a community outreach for public relations. Support the good guys , screw the bad guys.

The market works. It has for 10,000 yrs. Having Govts. pick the players and the favorites does not.
Sensible, realistic law reflecting these realities will bring a boon to all except the scammers and the sharks that exploit an uneven and rigged marketplace that result from bad law and arbitrary regulation.

Rant off/