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Federal complaint filed against Sacramento pot shop

Mt Toaker

In Michigan "dispensaries", known as compassion centers here, have a lobbying group to further things for the movement politically. Not all dispensaries are bad, just make sure you shop at a MACC certified club in Michigan so you know you are actually supporting people who do shell out money to get things done.


Active member
the buying or selling. It should be noted here that some dispensaries supply their own med inventory and turn away venders. And there in-lies my largest objection to dispensaries. That, my friends, is NOT how a true co-op was designed to operate.

exactly....couldnt have said it better myself. rigth now i am a "member" of like 6 clubs i dont even visit anymore...but they are able to put my script on their grow and then sell 8ths for 60 bucks of weed that should be for me!

im my co-op of 3 patients none of them have to pay exhorbant prices...i give away buds for free and charge low rate for excess they want to buy...

Grass Lands

I'm with ya Y4Prop...he said what I was thinking.

First time I pulled up to a club and seen what they were about...I turned my ass around and haven't been back to one since...I just look for like minded prop215 folks and help them out with great meds and believe me they are very grateful when they get top meds for a very modest donation.


Professor Organic Psychology
exactly....couldnt have said it better myself. rigth now i am a "member" of like 6 clubs i dont even visit anymore...but they are able to put my script on their grow and then sell 8ths for 60 bucks of weed that should be for me!

im my co-op of 3 patients none of them have to pay exhorbant prices...i give away buds for free and charge low rate for excess they want to buy...

I am in California all the time, in fact I will be there next week. I have Never paid $60 for an eighth of weed. I do not go into dispensaries and rarely buy in the actual Bay Area, but man. Who in California pays that much for pot? The shit is everywhere. The only thing I can figure is that there are certain people that want to get high that will pay any price to appear legal doing it. To me that kind of goes against the reason I even started getting high, but that is another story.

And as far as multiple places using multiple scripts and so on... one day there will be an accounting of that. It may come out of nowhere and some people may get into some trouble.
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Active member
60 an 8th ALL DAY for good kush strains at any club....you can buy 30 dollar 8ths too but its usually poorly grown, premature, airy, etc....whenever i run out of my own harvests i can buy really nice OZs for 200-250 of good strains like chem 4 or sour D...but elite strains like OG kush and cookies usually run up to 300 an OZ..

you can find good indoor strains of non name brand shit like "jilly bean" or "blue dream" for cheaper..

but the clubs charge alot....even harborside was charging 395 an OZ during the flood season when you can buy the same OZ on the street for 200.....some people dont have black market connections they only go to the club....they pay the club premium so they dont have to wait in a parking lot and meet up with a big bad scary drug dealer lol..

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I'm so very encouraged by this news. You see everyone and their grandma included has arrived with the notion that owning a dispensary leads to untold riches & wealth.

I'm here to inform you all that the day has come. The opportunistic greed that compels those to open dispenaries under the guise that they're assisting and filling a need for those that are sick & dying is a [ SHAM,] and we're onto you. We no longer trust in you, because you lack the integrity to gain our faith and confidence.

We do not believe your lies, and guess what? The government doesn't either.

That they [ DISPENSARIES ] go down in flames will be our primary objective and [ MISSION STATEMENT.] I'll be there to hold a press conference that this is jus' but the beginning of a crusade to eradicate dispensaries from the face of California and the US of A.

The patient, the sick & dying, are no longer your friends, and we have turned on you, you the opportunistic evil & greedy dispensary owner. You will, with the assistance of the Federal Government be imprisoned to protect us from you. Never again will we march in your behalf as we did for Brian Eppis of Chico, when the FEDS came and took him away. Never again.

You are the wretched people, the vermin, the swine & THE FLY IN THE OINTMENT of this MOVEMENT, and we will like any other constituency based MOVEMENT clean house and fumigate COCKROACHES into the earth, as it opens wide and closes up over you, and swallows you whole into Gehenna.

Good Riddance!


Let's bring this MOVEMENT back home to its roots and leave the cultivating to those who should be entitled to do so w/o the [ 2 ] sets of books needed to lie to us that you're not making a profit, but rather quite profitable in the exploitation of our sick & dying.

Yes the govt is jus' as evil, but they establish law where no one should feel above it. We need order and we cannot trust you, so this is why we must trust them to protect us from the likes of you.
You do not serve the best interests of your patient base.

You are evil.......evil incarnate.:party:

A big GO FUCK YOUR SELF - for any self righteous piece of shit who takes pleasure in a fellow grower / seller getting busted.

in my opinion your WORST than the person you chastise


What I haven't seen mentioned yet is this Disp had a parking lot Gun fight almost a month before this arrest. Think 2 or3 shot, and maybe 0 dead or 1 dead cant remember

do you have a link to that story headband?????

note to self ....... gunfights in parking lots and/or your front yard attract the attention of LEO. ****** good thing these clowns showed up ..... not sure us stupid stoners would have realized that without them ******* sarcasm off

we stoners all have different grow methods, motivations ,opinions and lifestyles, which i can handle and respect ........ but i wish more than anything that greedy , manipulating , opportunist fucking morons like these guys would never again be linked to stoners as a whole. it takes a couple million of us to make one small collective step forward and a hand full of THEM (and i aint talking about LEO or TPTB) to drag all of us three steps back.......... prics!!!!!!!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
do you have a link to that story headband?????

note to self ....... gunfights in parking lots and/or your front yard attract the attention of LEO. ****** good thing these clowns showed up ..... not sure us stupid stoners would have realized that without them ******* sarcasm off

we stoners all have different grow methods, motivations ,opinions and lifestyles, which i can handle and respect ........ but i wish more than anything that greedy , manipulating , opportunist fucking morons like these guys would never again be linked to stoners as a whole. it takes a couple million of us to make one small collective step forward and a hand full of THEM (and i aint talking about LEO or TPTB) to drag all of us three steps back.......... prics!!!!!!!

when i see posts like this - it just makes me think that you must be a street dealer just pissed off that you got competition who has a bigger selection - in a public venue - with a larger customer base.

because there is no other reason to hate dispensaries with such a passion. if you dont like the place - guess what? you dont have to go there. these places would not exsist if there wasnt a demand for them - which there obviously is. i mean if i was just looking to buy some herb, who am i going to go to - the guy selling some weed he picked up of a dood out of his house using ziplocks - or the storefront building who pays employees and has a big selection of herbs, edibles, hashes, etc. etc.

its really no comparison. as far as gun fights - dont act like this has never happend before dispensaries. when you have an illegal high priced commodity there is always a avenue for theifs.

what about banks? i got a bank of america a block away from one of the largest police departments in california and it has been robbed 26 times in the last 15 months.

greedy - manipulating - opportunist? me thinks thou protest too much....


ICMag Donor
i have friends who run a dispensary and honestly i could give a rats ass about the dispensary system...they are all greeedy as fuck, bragging about how they are gonna be millionaires... never walk right in to a club and sell it....meet a broker at his house and he takes it to the club for me...and i know there isnt any paperwork on it.

people who walk into clubs and sells LBs and fills out 1040s might be in trouble...you are basically creating evidence that can be used against you. safer to just sell black market, keep your stash as low as possible..and if you get caught just shut up and say its for personal....harder to charge you for a crime than if they have dispensary paperwork to show!

listen to the man people.

CanniDo Cowboy

i have friends who run a dispensary and honestly i could give a rats ass about the dispensary system...they are all greeedy as fuck, bragging about how they are gonna be millionaires... never walk right in to a club and sell it....meet a broker at his house and he takes it to the club for me...and i know there isnt any paperwork on it.

people who walk into clubs and sells LBs and fills out 1040s might be in trouble...you are basically creating evidence that can be used against you. safer to just sell black market, keep your stash as low as possible..and if you get caught just shut up and say its for personal....harder to charge you for a crime than if they have dispensary paperwork to show!

I'm encouraged that there are others who question the validity, the methods and the overall framework of our dispensaries. Personally, I am not bashing any of them. It just isnt what any of us envisioned when we voted for legal medical MMJ access. I am not at all comfortable with the smoke and mirrors that surrounds these places and the fact they do deceive their members to a large degree and under the guise of compassion. One of the quickest ways for me to get your trust and then your money is to make you believe I'm compassionate to your needs. Put another way, a clothing store is selling a winter wool shirt for $150.00. They include a little note that reads: "Yes, we know the price is outlandish but we are caring and compassionate about keeping you warm...!"

To say: "If you dont like dispensaries dont participate, go to the black market" etc is silly. By voting for the 215, we shouldnt have to resort to the black market. But being forced to endure the "gray" market isnt a fair or reasonable proposition either...'nuff said- CC
Im gonna repeat a famous quote "You know them by the fruits they bare" .MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL , I LIKE TO CALL MONEY OUR GOD. BE CAREFUL WHAT U WISH FOR , THE LIGHT HAS NO PLACE WITH THE DARKNESS.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I'm encouraged that there are others who question the validity, the methods and the overall framework of our dispensaries. Personally, I am not bashing any of them. It just isnt what any of us envisioned when we voted for legal medical MMJ access. I am not at all comfortable with the smoke and mirrors that surrounds these places and the fact they do deceive their members to a large degree and under the guise of compassion. One of the quickest ways for me to get your trust and then your money is to make you believe I'm compassionate to your needs. Put another way, a clothing store is selling a winter wool shirt for $150.00. They include a little note that reads: "Yes, we know the price is outlandish but we are caring and compassionate about keeping you warm...!" Enough said.

To say: "If you dont like dispensaries dont participate, go to the black market" etc is silly. By voting for the 215, we shouldnt have to resort to the black market. But being forced to endure the "gray" market isnt a fair or reasonable proposition either... CC

if you dont like black market and dont like dispensaries grow your own - or set up a cooperative grow.

but dont bash dispensaries because you dont agree with their purpose. alot of people like to villianize the dispensaries about how they turn profit - but dont realize that the majority of the patients are just peopel who want to be able to use cannabis without getting arrested.

i have owned/managed/worked dispensaries for the last 8 years and for the most part the patients who really needed cannabis and couldnt afford it didnt go with out.

with that being said - alot of the times when i asked people what they were looking or why they are a patient i got alot of joker responses::

1. it makes music sound better
2. i like to get high
3. it makes me less bored
4. it helps me skate better

etc. etc.

im not saying there arent real patients - because ive met and witnessed thousands of people who seriously benefit from MMJ - but to act like every person is a dying terminal patient and dispensaries are just gouging the shit out of them is a joke.

i support the dispensary model and think the market should choose the price and who stays and who goes. free market practice.

at the same time - ive probably given away more meds to seriously ill patients at no cost in the last 5 years than most will in their lifetime.

take it or leave it - but the fact remains dispensaries do a large service in our community and are putting their ass on the line every day. if you think you could do better or help patients in a better way - step up to the plate.


CanniDo Cowboy

if you dont like black market and dont like dispensaries grow your own - or set up a cooperative grow.

but dont bash dispensaries because you dont agree with their purpose. alot of people like to villianize the dispensaries about how they turn profit - but dont realize that the majority of the patients are just peopel who want to be able to use cannabis without getting arrested.

i have owned/managed/worked dispensaries for the last 8 years and for the most part the patients who really needed cannabis and couldnt afford it didnt go with out.

with that being said - alot of the times when i asked people what they were looking or why they are a patient i got alot of joker responses::

1. it makes music sound better
2. i like to get high
3. it makes me less bored
4. it helps me skate better

etc. etc.

im not saying there arent real patients - because ive met and witnessed thousands of people who seriously benefit from MMJ - but to act like every person is a dying terminal patient and dispensaries are just gouging the shit out of them is a joke.

i support the dispensary model and think the market should choose the price and who stays and who goes. free market practice.

at the same time - ive probably given away more meds to seriously ill patients at no cost than most.

take it or leave it - but the fact remains dispensaries do a large service in our community and are putting their ass on the line every day. if you think you could do better or help patients in a better way - i say step up to the plate - more power to you.


I'm glad it makes you skate better. That's certainly a plus...Bottom line: It's not about you. It's not about me. It is about us, everyone...'nuff said-CC


Freedom Fighter
im either too stoned or not stoned enough to understand your post...

I think he has a reading disability...and thought your list was something it wasn't--
You said it simply...Grow your own, or buy from a D....as for the very sick, they are mostly taken care of if in need-- Yes, there are some shitty D's out there, but to lump them all in like that is showing the same blanket prejudices that the Anti's thrive on--:tiphat:


I love my life
While I don't want to see anyone go to jail over weed, I personally think that 99% of the dispensaries make a profit (in California anyways) and about 65% to %75 percent of the people (in california) that have medical cards are full of shit with regards to their medical condition. money talks, bullshit walks and everyone wants to ride for free. The free ride will be over soon imho.

99% make a profit, so what? What percentage of McDonalds, 7/11's, and Safeway's make a profit in CA?

65% or 75% of the CA smokers use medical cards you don't approve of, so what? What percentage of CA valume, oxy, and perc users should not be on the pain pills?

Who gives two shits what a doctor or an individual use or recommend? How does any of this concern the FUCK PIGS or you and I?



I love my life
I'm glad it makes you skate better. That's certainly a plus...Bottom line: It's not about you. It's not about me. It is about us, everyone...'nuff said-CC

Fuck this shit. It is about YOU, it is about ME, it is about the INDIVIDUAL it has nothing to do with government fuck pigs. There is no fucking we / US as evidenced by the fuck pigs with guns breaking things and locking individuals in cages.



I love my life

Hey Jesus turn off the FUCKING CAPS LOCKS, being the son of god and all you can reach people without SCREAMING.


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