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Farmerlion's; Just A Grow, Ya Know


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
In my understanding, the root only exudes pollysaccharides, sugars and the microbes do all the other work in the rhizosphere. Not sure if the psilosybin or mushroom mycellium would survive but I would think they would if they had good habitat, but its unlikely they will be taken up by plant roots.

Any more info in the preliminary findings by your friend who studied trees? Interesting stuff!
I didn't know him, I was just reading published findings and studies of mushrooms and mycelium. How I administer the inoculation is though the banana smoothies I pour into the fungal repositories.

Here's two pictures of repositories one or two days after a feeding. Through normal watering the holes fill back in and the roots grow through. I continually move repository holes that impregnate the whole bag.

Towards harvest I select specific fruits that I want the plant to pick up phenotypic expressions of and from, aromatics mainly. I'm going to try sugar beets this season and see if I can get the blood red sugars to carry color into the veins of the leaf bracts. Possibly into the trichomes, who knows? This is my Vain Janglings...
Peace farmerlion
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ICMag Donor
Yeah your plants are really healthy! Growing fast! Would be interested in seeing papers with some of those findings. Cannabis does clean up soil well from what I've heard and can be used for phytoremediation I think for heavy metals.

I think whats going to happen is the carbohydrates are going to feed the fungus and microbes in the soil and may boost the plant growth, but for a particle to be taken up by the root it has to be very small to get through a cell wall and membrane before it gets loaded in the xylem or phloem.

From what I understand psylosybin mushrooms have to be grown in sterile media. How does that facor in to the experiment. How do you know what species of fungus is being cultured? Will you see mushrooms fruiting bodies?


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Pipeline, I only ran this experiment with 2 bags last season and I did get fruiting bodies. Not in the numbers that I got in bins with a prepared environment, but fruit non the less.
It was encouraging to see but doesn't mean that there was any communication at a chemical level. The chemical signals I believe can be picked up by the root hairs as the mycelium are slower to form in 10 to 30 days. Could the mycelium form inside the stalk like pith? The plant would have to be a compatible host with mutual benefits otherwise it would be parasitic without benefits, wouldn't it?

In two bags I have/had sterilized Rhy, they fruited through the soil for what that is worth. There's nothing really sterile in nature and mushrooms grow naturally. When we try to create an environment for the lack of natural inclusion sterility is our most productive option, in my opinion so far.
It seemed that the fungal repositories was an acceptable solution for the mycelium integration of the soil last season. Will it repeat, I don't know.

As far as published works I just googled Mycelium experiments and studies, then clicked away for hours reading. What I found was a minor side note that gave me the epiphany of recombination to cannabis. So I stair into this rabbit hole of wonderment . The Orb of Confusion, peace brother 🙏


ICMag Donor
What type of chemical signals are you talking about? What would be the possible effects? The only mycelium which are able to interact with roots are mycorrhizae in my understanding. They have a symbiosis with the plant which allows them to penetrate into the root and also into root cells. Much signaling is conducted with the plants when mycorrhizae colonizes the root.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hey Lion:) I forgot if I asked you do you have any “old” pictures of C 99?
Hey friend the Makkado, Makkado 99 and the C99 were single male plants and all were culled. I hadn't included them in any photo sets. I don't show unhealthy/weak plants . I don't think it's fair to the breeder to be held accountable for my possible mistakes or influence.

I have found that strains, hybrids, genetics that are continually reproduced indoors with artificial light that some genetics struggle in strong natural light at 17+ hours of vegetative growth.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
What type of chemical signals are you talking about? What would be the possible effects? The only mycelium which are able to interact with roots are mycorrhizae in my understanding. They have a symbiosis with the plant which allows them to penetrate into the root and also into root cells. Much signaling is conducted with the plants when mycorrhizae colonizes the root.
This to me pipeline is it's own independent chemical compound with influence. Mycorhizae have a purpose therefore they have an effect. The building of soil rhyzosphere is the part we understand, what's there that we don't understand? If there's a recombination of chemical compounds or communication with cannabinoids will it show up in an identifiable way?

How do we answer questions that evidence hasn't asked yet? This is only my second season of observation. Last season my health failed before a season was completed.
What I know for sure, that tree roots can have this exchange. I will know after harvest if cannabis can have chemical communications as well.

Back to your question, What will the expression be? How do they express if they do at all? This is what I've pondered for two years now.
Peace farmerlion


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I think whats going to happen is the carbohydrates are going to feed the fungus and microbes in the soil and may boost the plant growth, but for a particle to be taken up by the root it has to be very small to get through a cell wall and membrane before it gets loaded in the xylem or phloem.

The exudates consume the microbial cell walls while srubbing the microbes with Super Oxides, then are released forming new cell walls per microbe. I see a direct path for the Dark Septate Endophytes of the Mycelium integration (My Hypothesis)???

I would like to increase the ratio of Mycelium in specific bags. I will email the spore provider and ask for larger quantities for the sake of this study.
Peace brother 🙏


Well-known member
Farmerlion, I know you mentioned being in a bike accident a few years back. Like me do you also find sativas to relieve stress and body pain issues better than indicas? I think theres so much potential for a lot of these forgotten oldschool sativas from Ace. My friends wife smoke the honduras to relieve cramps and its literally the only strain that works for her


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Farmerlion, I know you mentioned being in a bike accident a few years back. Like me do you also find sativas to relieve stress and body pain issues better than indicas? I think theres so much potential for a lot of these forgotten oldschool sativas from Ace. My friends wife smoke the honduras to relieve cramps and its literally the only strain that works for her
Brother I agree 100% and not just sativa in general but Thai genetics for whatever reason seem to diminish inflammation better. With the Auto Malawi I will be trying African genetics this year as well. The Lebanese and Nepalese genetics are fantastic in ointments. The f1's of the Autos both Malawi and Zamaldelica have been crossed to the Lebanese and the Nepalese genetics, so we'll see what happens 😉
Peace brother


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hey all,
Today I opened the two bags of soil that I made repositories in, and made a single repository in the middle of the bag this time.

Blending up separately a half of a banana, one whole egg and lake water each bag got a blender full of smoothie. The soil looks very dark and rich already, they can get put away now and maybe used next season. I have two more bags I can get ready to use.

I don't need to replace any soil, I do have two bags that are getting more compacted. I will dump those bags into my calf sled, breaking up the compacted soil and place most of it back into the grow bags. They're slightly over filles to start with.

The last pick is just a shot in the door this morning after a heavy misting and watering.
Peace farmerlion


ICMag Donor
The fungus likely won't communicate with the cannabinoids being made in the trichomes because of the distance from the soil, but could result in some modification possibly. Ok I see your hypotheses I think now, where you are trying to find out if there would be any type of communication, whether gas, hormone or otherwise between the psilisybin mushooms and cannabis. If there is mycorrhizae present, which there should be its everywhere, that would prevent infection from other fungus because it colonized the roots, but there could still be some level of communication. Interesting study!

I don't think the psilosybin mushrooms are going to try to infect the root anyway, they will just be living there. Some of the mycelium will be other fungus though, but as long as the psilosybin mushroom fungus is there, the study is good.

Should you see a fruiting body if the spores germinate and grow?

Garden is looking great! Shaping up to be some good yielding plants! Very healthy too, must be the misting! :smoke: