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Farmerlion's; Just A Grow, Ya Know


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I notice in this post you say you don't hide your love for Nepalese and Lebanese genes.

I assume you have some experience with the effects of Nepalese. I am curious to read about them if you're willing to share.
Lebanese and Nepalese genetics are physically 2,801 miles from each other, roughly 4,000 km's if my math is close. Elevations and certain environments are similar, from what I understand. I have never been to either country.

Nepalese; let me preface this with regional genetics can differ in expressing phenotypes. The biggest variant is going to be environmental conditions of the grower!!! I can't emphasize enough how important your growing environmental conditions are and what you do and don't use in your grows. I created fungal repositories for a reason.

I'm a medical cannabis provider and quality is the 1st, 2nd and 3rd most important factor in everything I do. My donations don't leave until they have had a 3 month cure. Since there's no money involved, cannabis's two biggest drawbacks never enter the equation (cycle times and productivity). It's my way or not at all.

I don't smoke and only consume edibles, so the onset and length of the high is very different. I have a low tolerance in my opinion 🙃. My Nepalese is up without any anxiety or jitters. Like going to the bank to cash a big check, Yah Baby!!! I'm good for 6 to 7 hours, not at peak altitude the whole time, but roller coasters zig and zag.

When the ride is over it's just over. The Lebanese can be similar with a calmer vibe to it in the 4 to 5 hour range for me. Both are excellent towards reducing the inflammation in my back. From a motorcycle accident in 07 I had 27 rib fractures a punctured lung a broken left shoulder 3 broken vertebrae in my neck. My left hip was severely damaged and my lower spine is fused to my pelvic bone.

That's not counting the last 17 months of Covid Long Haulers causing me to be disabled now. Actually a blessing as now I can devote myself to the greenhouse full time. These aren't for the 20 something crowd that want to be invisible in two hits. They are for people that prefer Quality to quantity and don't judge quality by potency alone.

EnjoyingLife, this is only my opinion from my experience. Bald Monkey 🐒 has stated that the Baglung Nepalese is to strong for his likes, other people might scoff and say we are lightweights. I'm not going to disagree with either opinion, the quality of the high is fantastic. I hope this helps you decide if these genetics could be right or interesting for you to try.
Peace brother, Ps I use Ace Lebanese and GREEN MOUNTAIN Nepalese Grape. The Baglung Nepalese is getting introduced as a variatel for a broader Nepalese base.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Bro your plants "eat" better than some people! :D
It's good I found this thread so I can look more into your way of growing! :lurk:
Please watch through harvest my friend. I am eager to share everything I study and have learned. I'm not against making some of my seeds available through the Boutique as fundraisers for the site or simply as freebies for people to enjoy, I can discuss that with Gypsy after harvest and curing. I don't gather seeds until after the buds are cured.
Peace brother 🙏


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Smoothie Update
Bananas were on sale in town. I look for all the discounted Mngr. Special items. Each bag got a half of a banana to a blender full of lake water.
Have a great night
Ace family, farmerlion


Well-known member
Lebanese and Nepalese genetics are physically 2,801 miles from each other, roughly 4,000 km's if my math is close. Elevations and certain environments are similar, from what I understand. I have never been to either country.

Nepalese; let me preface this with regional genetics can differ in expressing phenotypes. The biggest variant is going to be environmental conditions of the grower!!! I can't emphasize enough how important your growing environmental conditions are and what you do and don't use in your grows. I created fungal repositories for a reason.

I'm a medical cannabis provider and quality is the 1st, 2nd and 3rd most important factor in everything I do. My donations don't leave until they have had a 3 month cure. Since there's no money involved, cannabis's two biggest drawbacks never enter the equation (cycle times and productivity). It's my way or not at all.

I don't smoke and only consume edibles, so the onset and length of the high is very different. I have a low tolerance in my opinion 🙃. My Nepalese is up without any anxiety or jitters. Like going to the bank to cash a big check, Yah Baby!!! I'm good for 6 to 7 hours, not at peak altitude the whole time, but roller coasters zig and zag.

When the ride is over it's just over. The Lebanese can be similar with a calmer vibe to it in the 4 to 5 hour range for me. Both are excellent towards reducing the inflammation in my back. From a motorcycle accident in 07 I had 27 rib fractures a punctured lung a broken left shoulder 3 broken vertebrae in my neck. My left hip was severely damaged and my lower spine is fused to my pelvic bone.

That's not counting the last 17 months of Covid Long Haulers causing me to be disabled now. Actually a blessing as now I can devote myself to the greenhouse full time. These aren't for the 20 something crowd that want to be invisible in two hits. They are for people that prefer Quality to quantity and don't judge quality by potency alone.

EnjoyingLife, this is only my opinion from my experience. Bald Monkey 🐒 has stated that the Baglung Nepalese is to strong for his likes, other people might scoff and say we are lightweights. I'm not going to disagree with either opinion, the quality of the high is fantastic. I hope this helps you decide if these genetics could be right or interesting for you to try.
Peace brother, Ps I use Ace Lebanese and GREEN MOUNTAIN Nepalese Grape. The Baglung Nepalese is getting introduced as a variatel for a broader Nepalese base.
Thank you very much for taking the time for this write up!

Sorry to read about the rough times. Glad you made it through though.

I have Ace Nepalese. I am interested in the baglung as I've read a lot of good things about it.

I smoke mostly for mood balance(a plethora of ailments bipolar being the "worse" I guess the meds made me a zombie so no pharmaceuticals) but I also use for recreational purposes.

I prefer smoking or vaping to eating, though eating does last longer I find it tends to make me lethargic. However I've only had dispensary edibles (I'll always go sativa as indica doesn't help my mood) so maybe thats why...

Most of what I grow goes to the homeless but I think I'd like to start pressing it.

EDIT: Forgot a sentence
I'm more interested in quality of effect over anything else.
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Microbial Repositories
Premium user

This is a great title I'm stealing from EnjoyingLife's post above. While sitting with my girls after watering I realized how simple this would be for home indoor growers to try on a smaller scale.

Most private indoor grows that use soil aren't using large quantities of soil per container. I ask all of you to try this with one or two bags of soil(2 cubic feet or 57 liters) I used the untreated stuff from Walmart. I had four bags sitting around for some years now that I haven't needed because my soil keeps getting better.

I used 2 eggs 6 whole cherries 🍒 and a whole banana 🍌 per bag and made separate in two separate blends of goodies. I then filled with lake water, unchlorinated tap or distilled would be fine.

I blended each for at least one minute to make as fine of slurry as possible. With just opening the top of the new bags, I lifted and dropped a couple times to condense the soil and it stands on its own.
I then used my metal bar and pushed it almost to the bottom, going in a circular motion making a long funnel shaped repository . Do your own side by side tests. Fill up the largest containers for your tent or grow area.
Plant directly into final pots for best results.
Here's some pictures of the process. I give my soils a month to two month's. You can go 3 days to a week or keep feeding the repositories over a longer time.
Roll up the top of the bag and let sit. If you re feed the repositories move them to a different area and try potatoes, strawberries, blueberries or pineapple 🍍 influence the phenotypic expressions you are looking for. The plant matter is already processed by a plant and is available immediately for uptake by microbes that feed the exudates in your plants Rhyzosphere.

If your not doing a side by side test, thoroughly clean or replace all grow containers and clean your grow room.

Enjoy the best grow you have had yet. Have a beautiful day and for those that will trust me enough to try this, Thank You!
Peace farmerlion
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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Wow man dont i feel like a fool. I just thought you were snacking out while you grow. :D This is some really cool stuff. Always love to learn new ideas from other growers. I'll be watching closely
Thank you my friend for your kind words 🙏 Since my motorcycle accident in 2007 I've spent hundreds and hundreds of hours studying cannabis and plants in general. The environments in which they grow and the effects of changes to the environment.

I'm not trying to protect my pride in any way. My last post I edited twice withdrawing some emotion that didn't benefit any growers.
Everyone has habits, beliefs and methods that they defend. I can tell you about Jesus beyond any shadow of a doubt. I can tell you that my proven methods of growing are better than what others are doing beyond any shadow of doubt.

Just because I know something to be true doesn't mean others that don't know me have any reason to believe me. Sometimes I get frustrated with (Stoner Logic) and me being intensely direct just makes others defensive and recoil from what I really just want to share with them, so everyone can have their best grows.

I've intentionally always donated all my grows to negate any selfish ambition.
Peace brother 🙏
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Well-known member
Thank you my friend for your kind words 🙏 Since my motorcycle accident in 2007 I've spent hundreds and hundreds of hours studying cannabis and plants in general. The environments in which they grow and the effects of changes to the environment.

I'm not trying to protect my pride in any way. My last post I edited twice withdrawing some emotion that didn't benefit any growers.
Everyone has habits, beliefs and methods that they defend. I can tell you about Jesus beyond any shadow of a doubt. I can tell you that my proven methods of growing are better than what others are doing beyond any shadow of doubt.

Just because I know something to be true doesn't mean others that don't know me have any reason to believe me. Sometimes I get frustrated with (Stoner Logic) and me being intensely direct just makes others defensive and recoil from what I really just want to share with them, so everyone can have their best grows.

I've intentionally always donated all my grows to negate any selfish ambition.
Peace brother 🙏
Happy to be on board brother. Im a man of the faith too. Theres always more to learn from growers and you're obviously a big sativa head like me. Looking forward to the show (y)


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Hello friends, today I pick up where I had to stop last season. I started my studies of the chemical signaling/communications between (Dark Septate Endophytes) of (Mycelium) and the cohabitation of fungal repositories and exudates which scrub/clean nutrients off of microbes with Super Oxides before they are released back into the soil to rebuild the cell wall and gather nutrients again.

There is three types of trees that have been shown to communicate with Mycelium. What could the medical benefits be if Mycelium and cannabis could share chemical compounds? 🤔 I am working with what everyone is familiar with as Magic Mushrooms 🍄

I'm working with a spore provider here in the States and a very accomplished mushroom grower who is a friend. Last season I did run two batches of shrooms on my own. While I did get a small pathetic harvest for my first times. I'm fine with letting people who know what they're doing, Do It!

I have used multiple types of spores and have left two bags, one Lebanese x Auto Malawi f1's and one bag of Highland Nepalese Grape x Auto Zamaldelica f1's as control bags only receiving fungal repository feedings. Three of the four parental donors have been tested with HPLC equipment by Ace Seeds. This goes a long way to have a baseline as I don't have in State testing available to me.

Each bag other than the two control bags which received bananas only. The other 17 bags each received a full syringe of Mycelium Spores. The Spores take about two weeks to start forming colonies before they start forming fruit.
This should start about the same time these plants enter into flowering. I will do another inoculation about a month before harvest. The potential is exciting, can the effects if any be measured in a tangible ways? My hopes and prayers are for those suffering from PTSD, Bi-polar syndrome and Depression.
Doing a few bong rips and having a lysergic type experience for the recreational crowd would be fun for them as well.

Will these compounds be passed on through filial generations in seed form or will each plant need individual inoculations? I thank God for the time I have now being disabled to find these things out.

The Fungal Repositories really is the best environment I ever could have invisioned for this type of study. I hope you find what I'm doing interesting or at least entertaining.
Peace farmerlion



ICMag Donor
Interesting hypothesis and experiment! Will be watching closely, but I hypothesize there won't be any compounds which are able to enter the plant through the roots. There is a possibility you could spray some of these medicinal mushroom compounds on the plants foliage to be absorbed and taken up, but not through the roots due to the Casperian Strip.

My Planty Anatomy Botany professor would often emphasize the casperian strip's ability to exclude compounds foreign to the plant. If the compound is too large to be absorbed by the cell and travel in a symplastic pathway (through the cells) it will be excluded from the root.

Most compounds other than mineral ions are going to be too large to move into the cells and will be excluded from what I understand.

I was trying to grasp why you were putting food into your growing mix the other day. Now I understand your hypothesis and experiment!

Doesn't hurt to try I guess. Like I said, may do some foliar sprays if the goal is to get the compounds to enter the plant. They can enter through stomata I think. :smoke:

Casparian Strip Functions​

Plants need water and minerals to perform photosynthesis and prepare food for their survival. These substances are absorbed by the plant’s roots, and then travel inwards from the root surface to the vascular cylinder, from where they travel upwards via the xylem (a type of transportation tissue). These substances travel from the root surface to the vascular cylinder in two ways – apoplastic and symplastic pathways.

An apoplastic pathway is when water and the substances dissolved in it travels from the spaces in the cell wall of one cell to the cell wall of another, without ever entering any cell. The symplastic pathway is when these substances travel from the cytoplasm (material inside cells) of one cell to the cytoplasm of another, through its plasma membrane.

When substances travel inwards from the root epidermis through the cortex, and finally arrive at the endodermis, they encounter the Casparian strip. Since it is an impermeable thickening in the cell wall, it stops materials from traveling through it, thus terminating the apoplastic pathway. Thus, it forces all substances to pass through the cytoplasm by the symplastic pathway. This is very important for the plant, as the cell wall cannot control the type and amount of substances passing through it, but the plasma membrane can. So, by forcing substances to shift from the apoplastic to the symplastic pathway, the Casparian strip allows the plant to control how much water and minerals it absorbs from the soil.

There is also another method, called ‘active transport’, by which minerals are transported from the soil into the vascular cylinder, in opposition to their concentration gradient. This means that, contrary to the normal process of diffusion by which salts move from an area of higher concentration (soil) to an area of lower concentration (root), this pathway brings salts into the root irrespective of where their concentration is higher. So, in conjunction with the Casparian strip, this pathway causes a buildup of salts inside the vascular cylinder, since once they are inside the cylinder, the impermeable strip prevents them from flowing back out. This high salt content of the vascular cylinder encourages the flow of more water from the soil into it, by osmosis. Thus, the Casparian strip maximizes the absorption of water from the soil.

The Casparian strip creates a barrier to harmful chemicals, like herbicides, which cannot pass through it. Without this strip, such chemicals would have spread throughout the plant via the xylem, thus killing it. It also prevents harmful microbes from gaining entry into the plant and causing infections.

To conclude, it can be said that the Casparian strip is a thickening in parts of the endodermal cell wall, which helps regulate the absorption of water and nutrients from the soil, and also plays an active role in the defense of the plant. However, there are a lot of things about its structure and function that we do not know as yet.




ICMag Donor
The Casperian Strip develops in the endodermis in the non growing part of the root several millimeters behind the root tip, and there is more absorbtion in the root tip apex (meristem) where some larger mineral ions can enter such as Ca+, but I think the other large compouds are excluded unless they they can't enter a root cell and travel through the symplastic pathway into the vascular system of the root.

The casperian strip also is a barrier to infection/ invasion by pathogens, but is not as effective as other methods of defense the plant has since pathogens can enter leaves and other tissues directly.

What compounds specifically are you interested in gathering into the plant? Just the psylosibin?

Been having a good time combing through the textbooks and online info. Hope the info was helpful. Test the hypothesis! :smoke:
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ICMag Donor
farmerlion said:

Pipeline, yes just the psylosibin. The Exudates create superoxides that eat the cell walls of the microbes, so I don't know which chemical compounds can be taken up, and or survive this (digestive) act? While the microbes are scrubbed and released, the scientist that inspired me only found 3 threes that took up the psylosibin, and he didn't follow to percentages of uptake on that it happened.

So it certainly leaves the door open to peak through. I could inject the next inoculations directly into the meristems themselves. Most of mine because of the high rate of transpiration are hollow and not pith filled.
I worry about introducing what for all purposes is a cancer into a sealed clean environment of the meristem. So I think for this season I will do one more soil inoculation about 3 weeks before harvest.

Here's some pictures the first two of individual bags are of 5 week old plants in the first bag in front is a 3 week old plant sharing the bag.

What is the exudate from, is that the mushroom exudate you are referring to which was put into the syringes?

How do you do the innoculations? Soil drench, syringe with needle? Please explain the experiment or link to the text. Thanks!

What did the scientist do before hand, what did he find? What did he find 3 of that took up the psylisybin? What type of plant?


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
This is some pictures of plants, the tallest are 5 weeks old and the rest are from 3-4 week old plants. One shot just in the door. Momma and I are going to fill up my water tank here shortly, what a beautiful day it is.
I hope you all have a wonderful and safe 4th of July. Thank you to every lady and gentlemen that has served their countries.
Peace farmerlion

1st bag is Mother of Pearl.
2nd bag is two Lebanese x Auto Malawi at 3 in front and 5 weeks in back.

3rd bag is Blue Thai x Purpura Regina.

4th bag is Highland Nepalese Grape x Auto Zamaldelica

A center row shot with multiple hybrids in the line.

The last shot is Lebanese x Auto Malawi in a 40 gallon nursery plastic tub.


ICMag Donor
Please put the names of the plants above the pictures so its easier to link the names with phenotypes. Thanks!

Those have grown big fast! Have good light out there in the greenhouse! Are they all participating in the experiment?

Love the leb x auto malawi! Looking forward to watching!


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Pipeline, the (exudates are from the cannabis plant. They are organic carbon compounds (simple sugars, organic Acids, amino Acids that are released into the soil, binding to microbes that have the desired nutrients needed by the plants. They are then taken back up into the plant . Super Oxides clean microbes and the reclaim nutrients from the exudates. Microbes are released again to gather more nutrients and the exudates search for the nutrients that change during the growth cycles. (This is to the best of my understanding, I haven't observed this personally in lab experiments).

I do the inoculations through the repository feedings of the colonies. The particular scientist that branched his studies of using mushrooms to dispose of used tires. While waiting for results an to keep grant progression, he was studying further the relationship of mushrooms and the trees they grew on.
He didn't list the 3 families of trees or any percentages of compounds. It was a vague side not that caught my attention. What if?
So then I started with an idea, no laboratories, not even a facility I can legally have cannabis tested in.

So Pipeline that is my answer, if I can clarify anything else I will certainly try to. I have studied Botany on my own for several, I don't have any credited degrees, the study of cannabis is illegal here in the States and I'm certainly not aware of and classes of this nature being available.
Peace brother 🙏


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Please put the names of the plants above the pictures so its easier to link the names with phenotypes. Thanks!

Those have grown big fast! Have good light out there in the greenhouse! Are they all participating in the experiment?

Love the leb x auto malawi! Looking forward to watching!
Pipeline my phone and tablet fight me to no end to get the cursor to move below pictures. I think it's mostly the screen saver not allowing this action.
I apologize for the inconvenience, since I'm not in the oilfield anymore I could possibly take the screen saver off and try that. It was all good with my laptop until it shit the bed.
Ps. All but two bags are being tested. One Auto Zamaldelica x Highland Nepalese Grape and one Lebanese x Auto Malawi are being used as control. They get fungal feedings only.
Peace farmerlion


ICMag Donor
Here's your class at Purdue University West Lafayette, IN

Through this course students will learn the about:

  • Federal and state regulations
  • Agronomic principles
  • Farm economics (including the different hemp crops)
  • Genetics and breeding

By the end of the course the user should have sufficient knowledge to grow or consult growers on producing hemp.


ICMag Donor
In my understanding, the root only exudes pollysaccharides, sugars and the microbes do all the other work in the rhizosphere. Not sure if the psilosybin or mushroom mycellium would survive but I would think they would if they had good habitat, but its unlikely they will be taken up by plant roots.

Any more info in the preliminary findings by your friend who studied trees? Interesting stuff!