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Damn skippy NUGS FOR JUGS BABY.............FOR THE WORLD................

Damn CF im going to have to get that chit tonight.........feening like a crack addict here....lol......

Raistlin Majere

MOneYMiKe ~ its mutual bro :wave:

YwouldntI ~ welcome to the thread bro, glad to see ya here and way to represent yourself :respect:
i love lurking in your thread mang :lurk:

Purkle ~ ?? not sure what you mean

-------------- stay safe my brotha's and sista's :rasta:


raistlin wassup bro thanx man,im always in ur thread too yo good things yo good things.peace-Y-


outkastt said:
Evening everyone....just chilling....gonna be going to work soon...like I always say, no rest for the weary, lol.....but I will be feeling good, as TOH and I just smoked a nice blunt....have a good one....peace...O.

Nice Outkasst wish I could go to work blazed.....and not worry about nada........oh well one can dream........ :joint:


Got my package yesterday as well Bub. Thanks again. I can't wait to pop 'em.

Outkast...glad you're feeling better. My back's finally doing better today. If you're like me, you always have pain, but I'll always take the good days with a smile. And the dank helps,lol.

I'll try to get some pics tonight. Chopped the Purps and Querkle and Jack the Ripper. Not too impressed with the JTR. Purps high is nice, but not much taste. The Querkle will be sticking in my mother room for awhile. Bubba comes down tonight. I think I'm leaving the SD x OG bx1 for a few more days and the BPP looks like it can go another 10 or 20 days at this point. Today is day 71 for all of them.
OG bub - :respect: :bow: :respect: :yoinks: The Eagles have landed thanks bro, Membership truly does have its benefits.

UBER-Much respect to the World Champs I just hope Shockey doesn't tear that locker room apart if Strahan retires. Desean Jackson = Devin Hester . . . . . TBD but I do hope. I also know why you are so excited congratulations bro you deserve it :friends: , now your left hand so it may be chopped off as a sacrifice lol

O-Glad to hear your leg is feeling better many positive +++ vibes

GO FLYERS i am now officially on the bandwagon up 2-1 LETS GO

Bubba Kush 76 days

Look CF I am NIKO BELIC and I am going to kick your ass in online play once I figure out how to drive these damn cars and figure out how to shoot lol shit the cops stay gunning me down. WHOA GTAIV the greatest video game ever, try playing it ON WEED man


Hahaha thanks philly that shockey is a beast......lol.......off with my limbs... :friends:

Rednine glad ur feeling better bro............


PhillyPride said:
OG bub - :respect: :bow: :respect: :yoinks: The Eagles have landed thanks bro, Membership truly does have its benefits.

UBER-Much respect to the World Champs I just hope Shockey doesn't tear that locker room apart if Strahan retires. Desean Jackson = Devin Hester . . . . . TBD but I do hope. I also know why you are so excited congratulations bro you deserve it :friends: , now your left hand so it may be chopped off as a sacrifice lol

O-Glad to hear your leg is feeling better many positive +++ vibes

GO FLYERS i am now officially on the bandwagon up 2-1 LETS GO

Bubba Kush 76 days

Look CF I am NIKO BELIC and I am going to kick your ass in online play once I figure out how to drive these damn cars and figure out how to shoot lol shit the cops stay gunning me down. WHOA GTAIV the greatest video game ever, try playing it ON WEED man

I was waiting for you Philly.....Monday night I was down there at the game. Freakin ridiculous. Marty is the only reason the Flyers are where they are now. but he has what it takes they are going all the way to the Cup.

I have been having some trouble in my veg, but things are better now,

You know what I am doing tonight.

Bong HIts and hockey



just poppin in to blaze a fuckem bong with you guys,thanx for all the karma guys,and i thought i wasnt gettin any love from the f.u.c.k.e.m posse.peace fellaz-Y-


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Morning all. I just want to say thank you to CF for starting this and for
letting HYDRO be a part of this fine ass set of Grower's
today is HYDRO's first day as a F.U.C.K.E.M. member.


Hydrofome420 said:
Morning all. I just want to say thank you to CF for starting this and for
letting HYDRO be a part of this fine ass set of Grower's
today is HYDRO's first day as a F.U.C.K.E.M. member.

Yes much props to CF for starting this empire.......Welcome to the Underground Hydro.......... :respect: :woohoo:
Last edited:

Raistlin Majere

Hydrofome420 ~ proud to have you in the family :headbange

YwouldntI ~ mownin bro, you know i stay repped out on you broseph ! keep it green :ying:

good morning to the rest of you cats too, its a beautiful day here :woohoo:
i am going to try and stay out side as much as i can

peace in the east !!!


Active member
rifishman said:
Would love to join in with this group.

Did someone earlier say they needed a logo?

Here ya go:

Peace all!~


The first one looks like one hell of a bumper sticker LOL :joint:


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
little bastard kush, getting ready to chop this week, FUCKIM this is how we do! hehehe ahaha have a great day everyone, the weather is beautiful, somene make sure they smoke something outside for me today cause i have to work till dark.Man, i need to win the lotto!



Active member
that 1st one looks cool d00d!

what would it look like if you alternate the color of each blue letter under fuckem in a different color for each letter. maybe green, then yellow, then red. lol

also put a neon green glowish fringing around the black fuckem letters so it's got that 3d star burst look.

never mind me, i'm rambling.

that's pretty good dude, what prog you using, or are you just designing in adobe?

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