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cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
very nice for t5's. i just picked a few (3) of these fixtures up myself.
2 x 6 lighters and 1 x 4 lighters.
picked up the 6 bulb for $185 and the 4 bulb for $145. CMEMORY WOOOO
im using em in veg for now, but plan to use em in flower when i downsize :D

some minor bud porn for the crew:


Strawberry Diesel mommy for more BPP beans !!!!!!!!

you want to see more, head over to my hutt :D


Active member
Ah, gotta love the softcore bud porn, Frank.
Shit's looking good as always.....you ever get tired of hearin that?

Good score on the t-5 fixtures!

- SubN


Woo hoo good news fellas.........Very good news...........ya wanna hear it??????....lol........ :woohoo:

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
by switching to GIECO?

its so easy a caveman can do it


Koroz said:
you just saved a ton of money on your car insurance?

Well that too........ :laughing: My probation is almost over...........Its not Cinco De Mayo yet but ima celebrating.......... :dance: :bongsmi: :bandit:

Hahahahaha CF.......what a great freaking monday........countdown begins now damit.......... :headbange :jump:
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Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Sorry for the confusion.

Sorry for the confusion.

Well, it's good to see that my paranoia hasn't had any negative affects around here. Looks like I got me a wedge of ye ole humble pie LOL. No worries. Nothing that wont wash down w/a little of this...

Peach Apricot wine LOL Vintage 4/28/08 LOL mmmmm Monday was a good wine day LOL. :friends:
I'm glad the misunderstanding was cleared up so fast. Once again, I think it's great that we all look out for each other.
Great pix all. Keep it green, and stay safe.


Active member
glad to see all the east coasters growing that bomb ass dank. makes me proud.

i'm on the east coast south of ATL and been growing for some time now. unfortunatly i'm unable to grow at the moment, so depressing, but plan on doing it big soon. out with the 400hps and in with the 2 600's. great thread here and plan on lerking till i can show my new grows.

keep up them dank ass east coast grows my friends, be seeing ya soon.

some pics of my last grow before i had to shut down because of back surgery
clone and vedge room

some blueberry

some lifesaver


og kush bx1
my old flower cab

stay safe and free,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dOWN wITH tHE cLOWNS


vintner said:
Well, it's good to see that my paranoia hasn't had any negative affects around here. Looks like I got me a wedge of ye ole humble pie LOL. No worries. Nothing that wont wash down w/a little of this...

Peach Apricot wine LOL Vintage 4/28/08 LOL mmmmm Monday was a good wine day LOL. :friends:
I'm glad the misunderstanding was cleared up so fast. Once again, I think it's great that we all look out for each other.
Great pix all. Keep it green, and stay safe.

Glad everything is cool Vint........thanx for letting me sample some of the wine........jk....lol.....

Dwc very nice buds and love that cab set up nice and neat....... :rasta:

OG bub

ICMag Donor
Raistlin Majere said:

glad they made it! Id imagine everyone elses should be showing up today & tomorrow!
enjoy folks, n grow'em hard!

Peace, bub.

Raistlin Majere

well bub i put the pack on my bed and took the picture
then i poured a tall glass of tequlia over some ice and smoked big marley

i can't seem to remember where i put it now :bashhead:
LOL or if i even moved them
i might have slept on top of them last night :rasta: or just hid them from myself haha
the wife sleeps most of the day cause she works nights, but when she gets up i gotta go clean the bedroom and find them LOL

got a bit of an achey head today :badday:
back later guys keep it green


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
Raistlin Majere said:
well bub i put the pack on my bed and took the picture
then i poured a tall glass of tequlia over some ice and smoked big marley

i can't seem to remember where i put it now :bashhead:
LOL or if i even moved them
i might have slept on top of them last night :rasta: or just hid them from myself haha
the wife sleeps most of the day cause she works nights, but when she gets up i gotta go clean the bedroom and find them LOL

got a bit of an achey head today :badday:
back later guys keep it green

lucky you only did it with 5 seeds, i did that with about 5 packs of 10, i to this day have not found them, and this was almost a year ago. im so sad about it still, im sure they are long gone by now, theres only so many places they could have been. maybe ill get lucky and they will turn up in spring cleaning. boy that is frusteration though. i need some of this cause now im sad from thinking about it.

some yummy sourdibl!


Raistlin Majere

well mine turned up and are now stored in the fridge with the rest of the collection

i hope yours turn up Endo :joint:

dwtc nice showing mang thanks :wave:

vin i can't wait to get out to that store and check it out
i have a feeling it won't happen today, but tommorow 4 sho !!
you sure thats Apricot wine ? looks like marlboro light wine to me


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
he uses the nicotine as a preservative, plus that way you get addicted and you have to buy a bottle or 2 from him everyday, its like tomacco from the simpsons!


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
heya fucker's...lol glad everything's kool vint.....Raist...glad ur PH arrived saftley,endo did u score?........Mm

Raistlin Majere

nugs-n-jugs here i come !!!

looking forward to seeing the family :wave:

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
my powerhous showed up at the safe addy today.
i would have picked em up already, but this GTA4 is off the chain WOOOOO
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