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F##king stupid animal rights assholes



Your logic is laughable because you endorse and brag about whale and dolphin hunting, both being incredibly cruel and unnecessary acts, yet you say shit like "My stance on the matter is that animals should be treated as humanely as they can be while meeting the needs of the community the farms serve." That's hypocritical and makes zero sense, just like everything else that you're saying in this thread.


Active member
So your proof that I've presented some kind of logical falsely is that eating meat is cruel? Or maybe you don't realize that's what you're saying, probably haven't thought it out have you?

By the way I don't endorse eating whale, but I'm not against it all out either.

See what the Japanese really need is like a whale whisperer, somebody to calm the whale down, talk it onto the ship and tell it a bedtime story before they shoot it so it wouldn't seem so cruel to you.


Cannabrex Formulator
Good for you, you care. And that's what makes you a poser, a poser is a person who says they care but does nothing about it.

I recycle, compost, and don't eat meat.
I don't buy leather, have eliminated the use of plastic bags in my home, drive as little as possible and produce about 1/4 of a bag of garbage a week.
I have a large organic garden and grow as much of my own food as I can, buy farm butter and eggs and recycle deadfall and scrap wood into lumber for reuse.
I changed careers and went into electricity with the goal of working with sustainable energy technology and installing and promoting same.
I am working on a plan to gradually get my own house off the grid as soon as possible.

Indeed...I am doing nothing, Mr Dolphinburger.

You on the other hand, seem to be arrogantly proud of the total unconcern you have for the effect of your actions on the planet and other living things. You don't give a fuck, as long as your cravings and hungers are satisfied.

Here's a great example of this attitude:
Now if you really want to respect life, I say respect it by doing it right, over good quality charcoal.

Unfortunately charcoal is getting rare here in Japan, not much wood. We have to rely on China for most of our charcoal.

No concern over the deforestation of your own country, all you want is your charcoal. And if the Japanese have burnt and cut down most of their forests, and want to protect what little they have left....why not go over to China and deforest over there so they can enjoy their grilled meat? Fuck leaving forests for future generations, fuck it all....I WANT MY BURGER!

How totally infantile, parasitic and malignant.

Once one can justify cruelty and needless slaughter of animals for one's own pleasure, it is not to far of a stretch to apply that same attitude to any group of humans you happen not to like. All you have to do is equate said group of human with animals in peoples minds, and then any barbaric treatment becomes ok...after, we do it to animals.

This is what has made things like the Holocaust, the rape of Nanking, comfort girls, the Killing Fields, Rwanda and countless other monstrosities possible.
And as long as we can condone and justify such treatment of animals, such monstrosities will continue to happen.

As long as Man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love."
-- Pythagoras


Active member
Indeed...I am doing nothing, Mr Dolphinburger.

Pretty close to nothing, but I understand you don't get it.

Once one can justify cruelty and needless slaughter of animals for one's own pleasure............This is what has made things like the Holocaust, the rape of Nanking, comfort girls, the Killing Fields, Rwanda and countless other monstrosities possible.

Ok you are just nuts. I mean get real. Eating meat = holocaust? lol


So your proof that I've presented some kind of logical falsely is that eating meat is cruel? Or maybe you don't realize that's what you're saying, probably haven't thought it out have you?

No. If you go and read my previous posts then maybe you'll remember me saying that I eat meat, but I'm also conscientious of where it comes and how it is raised from whenever I can be.

Whaling and dolphin hunting are sick, cruel practices. They are beyond normal animal slaughter in that the animals being killed are intelligent (more intelligent than you are, I'm beginning to suspect), and it is done in a horrible way. Like I said before (right around where you called me a racist for no reason), your entire country is about 100 years behind the rest of the civilized world in that respect...


Cannabrex Formulator
Pretty close to nothing, but I understand you don't get it.

Ok you are just nuts. I mean get real. Eating meat = holocaust? lol

I get it just fine, jf.....yer a troll. It's not that hard to understand that one.

And hate to break it to you, jf, but one of the primary ways the the Nazis justified treating the Jews, Gyspies and other victims the way they did was to equate them with animals in the minds of the German people. Goebbels was very good at this. We all find the thought of cattle-cars crammed with people on their way to the death-factories appalling...but in factory farming, that's the way it is every day.

The Japanese justified most of their atrocities during WWII with the same psychological method....equate the victims to animals or sub-humans, and then any mis-treatment is ok, because after all, we already treat animals that way.


Active member
All I can say is that I don't see any difference between killing cows or whales, I reject the idea that we stop eating animals at a certain intelligence or that dumber animals have any less value. I mean come on man, if you want to talk about some crazy logic that's where we should start.


Active member
I get it just fine, jf.....yer a troll. It's not that hard to understand that one.

I think you must be because you've been throwing insults at me from the get go. Seriously.

And hate to break it to you, jf, but one of the primary ways the the Nazis justified treating the Jews, Gyspies and other victims the way they did was to equate them with animals in the minds of the German people. Goebbels was very good at this. We all find the thought of cattle-cars crammed with people on their way to the death-factories appalling...but in factory farming, that's the way it is every day.

The Japanese justified most of their atrocities during WWII with the same psychological method....equate the victims to animals or sub-humans, and then any mis-treatment is ok, because after all, we already treat animals that way.

Are we at war? If you know a little more a conversation on this subject might be interesting, but I don't want to educate you to a level that would be interesting to me. Since you do seem interested in this stuff here's some info for you. After the war the American G.I,s kept the comfort woman locked up and rapped them for a few more years.

But this isn't a thread about war or nazis, and meat eaters aren't nazis although some nazis were meat eaters, some were probably vegetarians too.


All I can say is that I don't see any difference between killing cows or whales, I reject the idea that we stop eating animals at a certain intelligence or that dumber animals have any less value. I mean come on man, if you want to talk about some crazy logic that's where we should start.

Alright, then how about the manner in which they are killed...

"All available evidence tells us there is no way to hunt and kill whales at sea without causing acute suffering. With no option for humane slaughter, WSPA calls for a stop to all commercial whaling.

Visibility, sea swells and movements of the boat and whale make it impossible to assure a lethal shot at sea. Whales can suffer for up to an hour before they succumb to the harpoons and rifles of the hunters."



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Karma is not some magic force that punishes people you don't agree with. Karma gives mink coats to people who did something nice to others in a past life.

No its not some magic force... we make our own karma.
Some folks just have no conscience. Their loss.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
No side should be slinging mud here as we both have our skeletons in the closet about the slaughter of our food produces it just so happens that we eat more beef they eat more fish. That being said the large the fish i.e. whale ,dolphin ,tuna hold a dangerous amount of mercury from the pollution from the sea. If a killer whale is beached here in BC it is treated like a toxic waste. The Japanese are not told this info., they are eating this. We on this side of the world are eating chemicals ,antibiotics and extremely bad factory farming no one should be throwing stones here for any reason ..lol peace out Headband707


Active member
No its not some magic force... we make our own karma.
Some folks just have no conscience. Their loss.

Some folks have no sense of humor. Their loss.

I think it's funny that you think people who don't agree with you are evil or something. It must really suck being you, hating so many people.


Active member
I see you are arguing with Freak from japan...don't even bother. Take a look at his comment board and his recent posts...he's a troll, instigates arguments and thinks he knows just about everything there is to know in the world all while being a total asshole while attempting to convey his opinion.

lol, you're the guy who came to my message board and left those messages aren't you?

Whales and Dolphins are intelligent animals and there is no reason in the world to kill them other than greed.

Well there's tradition and culture. I think some people hunt them for religious believes as well. Some just think they are tasty.

Other mammals can be killed (cow, chicken, etc) almost instantly (IE, 0 suffering) and provide sustenance while like someone above said killing dolphins and whales is inhumane and unnecessary.

They are hard to kill, most animals in the wild are pretty hard to kill I'd think. It's strange some of you are like we should only eat free range animals and others are like you shouldn't eat any animal you can't kill instantly. Which is it?

Those japanese motherfuckers don't care though, which is why we obliterated their asses with atomic bombs in WW2...attacking a parked naval base and killing 2,000+ Americans...cowards.

Now that's just uncalled for. Why the hatred guy? Why the racism?


Active member
yes I do, but it depends on where you are. Don't take everything so literally.

"Hitler believed that a vegetarian diet could both alleviate personal health problems and bring about a spiritual regeneration."

lol, somebody pointed this out to me. Man I knew those guys were evil.

For the record I don't think that any whales that are endangered should be hunted, of course there are differing opinions on those numbers but if the numbers are healthy I don't believe any animal is off limits, I think they are all fair games, cats, dogs, horses (which are so yummy you wouldn't believe it, I admit I felt a little bad about that one because our family used to own a horse but I got over it) and even whales. I personally don't eat them, but I think they are fair game.


They are hard to kill, most animals in the wild are pretty hard to kill I'd think. It's strange some of you are like we should only eat free range animals and others are like you shouldn't eat any animal you can't kill instantly. Which is it?

The issue isn't black or white. There are many schools of thought here.

Some philosophers argue that we should eat meat, but minimize pain & suffering while the animal is alive. Others call for a complete end to all factory farming regardless of how well the animal lives while it is alive. It's not like one is right and the other is wrong.


I default to the fact that when man (as we know 'man') began walking this earth...this place was (by any modern standard) desolate...nothing but earth, water, sky...and creatures. Man ate what was readily available...fruits, vegetables, meat...it is well-documented that man killed animals for food since the beginning...

Now people think that it is inhumane to kill animals for food using the logic that "you can get all the nutrients from vegetables that you can meat, so killing animals is unnecessary"

1.) if all animal killing was eliminated somehow (which wouldnt ever happen because it would be impossible unless you are God) animals would begin to overtake our boundaries, become overpopulated and cause many disasters...car crashes, eating of our crops, frequenting high-populated areas...it would be insane...

2.) it is only natural to maintain a balance between eating both meat & vegetables. living by a code either way (all meat vs all vegetables) is illogical, and can cause health issues both ways.

3.) science has proven that certain animals (whales, dolphins, domesticated animals for example) have higher intelligence than most wild animals or other animal sets (echolocation, incidents of dolphins saving man from sharks, the bond man shares between his dog, etc.)...knowing this, why would you kill an otherwise intelligent animal for food? most wild animals don't have these intelligence skill sets so killing them for food can be rationalized. i feel that either way the killing process should be as humane as possible, and quickly as possible. most slaughterhouses break the rules frequently and have such inhumane practices which is why groups like PETA and whatnot always protest them.

BOTTOM LINE: There are people on both sides of the fence, but people on both sides of the fence (and in the middle) need to understand that NOT EVERYONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU BELIEVE, and we, as a society, need to accept that fact instead of hating on each other because of said beliefs. People will continue to eat meat until we, as a race, are gone. No amount of protesting will fix that. I do however believe that we, as a society, have defaulted to eating more meat products with the advent of the fast food and restaurant industries, and that we all need to balance our nutrition out on a much higher scale.


ICMag Donor
In the UK certain companies like M&S hire security to physically "guard" the dumpsters to prevent people from taking the waste!!

Mink prefer to eat waterfowl, fish and crustacions but will start killing rabbits if they are hungry. They also kill muscrats for food. The bad part here is mink are like cats. They will kill other animals just to kill.

I couldn't even fathom what 5,000 of them in one area could do. They would wipe out all of the ducks and geese in the area quick. There wouldn't be any muscrats and chicken farmers would have to guard their birds 24 hours a day until the bulk were killed off or spread out.

If an animal lovers group did this they sure werent thinking. In a couple weeks time these things could kill a hundred thousand other animals and birds. I've heard stories of one mink killing a dozen chickens at one time....

They normally head for the nearest river and start eating up fish stocks and water vole :no: Fisheries management then have to place cages baited with tuna fish or dogfood under the water, so that the mink swim in , becomes disorientated and drowns.

In their own environment Mink are really smart animals, top of their food chain... unless an eagle grabs them :D

The closest thing to a Mink in the UK (beside polecats and their pet/worker cousins Ferrets), are Pine Martins and Badgers - both of which (and their dens) are offered full protection under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (Pine Martin 1981),, (Badger 1991).

The majority of UK Mink Farming is for export anyway! Personally I think we should ban it (and ketamine) and animal rights activists should focus on stopping it before it is permitted.. that way NO animals would get hurt.

Ironically, the European Mink is one of the most endangered species of Mustelidae in the World... yet the American Mink is considered a menace. Makes you wonder if the numpties pulling the triggers , or setting the traps, can tell the difference?!? :no:

Peace n flowers