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durban poison micro


Yea the best thing for it now is to acclimate it and get it used to being a plant. It has roots now so you actually don't need or even want to mist, unless it is very dry where you keep it. You are right to let the cup dry some. It will encourage roots to grow.

You know what the cup its in feels like soaked yet? Let the cup get light like its starting to feel empty, but you can tell its not dry, just light. Let it suck up either plain water or baby food (250-300ppm) bottom fed until the cup feels half full. Spot water maybe a tsp down one side. Do this for a week and you'll be ready to put it in a pot

Thx chronosync for the tips!
really hope that clone will become one big healthy nug!
last time that durban gave me crystal clear high I remember smoking it in the morning it was very nice morning high :)

Will try to be gentle on watering and yeah will use teaspoon to put water around the edge so middle will stay dry kinda it worked for me in the past.
will also bottom feed/water/ it but just like you suggest half wet.
no misting unless needed.

that clone will stay in its little pot. want to make it one micro plant with big kinda main cola due to limited space same goes ofc to the rest of plants /exept the topped one/.

will upgrade my pc next week! /after like 2 years/ will fix my carbon scrubber /ordered some good activated carbon and will have a week to do it /plenty of time/ will hopefully post some pictured about that upgrade too.

this cloning is addictive right?
almost want to clone vanilla too if she gets too tall there is still like 2inches space between her and the lights no idea if she will stretch too much.
next step after upgrading pc box will be using few leds together with cfl.
there is less stretch with leds..?
but that will probably happen few months from now. im done here after this round.
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the longer you keep spraying/the dome on, the longer it will take to harder up
i dont use domes unless theres a bug danger that i want to protect it from, just set it in the growroom and let it do its thing, spray once in a while and plant it

i mean i just took a clone of my pepino plant, its autumn weather and temps, plant is in flower, but it rooted in a few days in a glass of water in the window..

will try water rooting method in future for sure.


Hey Guys,

Well was super busy reassembling my /that shit never ever worked -useless/ carbon filter after years..
made a few shots during the process but that will have to wait for few days gotta test it first but will be back soon..

current situation with the plants.
well lost the clone.
like twice /first it lost all leaves after being removed from under the dome in like 6 hours ..it started to recover but I broke the stem../ : (

anyway rest are doing good they had shower for 2nd time it makes wonders like double the main cola? like overnight? :D

/she got this anise smell quite strong at times/
nvm the ded leaves will remove them tomo../was super busy today with the filter./

and vanilla kush:

current feed
ph. 5.9
ppm @600

I let those pots get pretty dry between watering I know temps are high too
well after that new filter I expect temps to go down it will be better overall

btw switching to LEDs :)
already ordered two /12cold/&18warm/ watts.
got one of those 300 angle ones /cant afford to place direct screw in leds height is limited and girls stretched a lot under those two 23w cfls
/will post a roots picture of vanilla in few grams of coco later./but Ive put em like an inch to lights maybe closer @all times.
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Hey again,

first the roots of vanilla as promised:

Ive upgraded my case two major upgrades lights + carbon filter

some BDSM:


This allows me to simply change orientation of lights for seedlings or full height for flower:





carbon filter is still in testing maybe will need stronger fan

I will post a guide on how to do it later /too tired atm/ too hight too :biggrin:

Will sleep good tonight
all major things fixed after 2y.
I expect things to go better
LEDs will arive soon will be making a reflector for them too.
exciting times!

right :D


So guys ready for some DIY stuff?

Its quite simple design thanx to StrangeVisitor`s help Ive decided to make it test it and post it for you guys coz you are the best!

will split it to more posts due to limit of 5 pictures/post.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

used some quality carbon this time

got plenty of that windows insect netting so its the base for the carbon.

you can do anything with the lovely aluminium tape

carbon need to stay in place /in middle/

more in next post..


we need base for empty chamber /or two used just one might change it to two/ between fan and carbon /just cut it/

undamaged fan removed from base /will use it after 2nd planned upgrade/.

more zipties

base on top of carbon chamber

even more zipties


and finally the fan /dunno if this one is strong enough still in testing../

final product
that tape on top part is to force air to go thru carbon coz there might be little hole on top due to carbon moving down.

carbon filter placed in case /base is airtighted with lots of aluminium tape so air will be sucked thru/


fan used is noctua NF-P14s redux 900

49 CFM

Static Pressure
0,77 mm H₂O

hm got some arctic F14 with

74 CFM

unknown Static Pressure

if Noctua will not be enough will try that one or order new one with high Static Pressure.

will be back in few days with results!

almost forgot used exactly 250grams of carbon could have used few grams more but that aluminium tape took care of airflow thru empty spot on top instead its sucked thru carbon in lower part where tape ends its sucked so thats some engineering thinking right there.
cant sleep
too high
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NOCTUA NF-A14 industrialPPC-2000

Static Pressure
4,18 mm H₂O

107,41 CFM

just to be safe.
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Its too early maybe but after half a day of testing this carbon filter is working very good /even with current fan/ in fact it works so good that I am making smaller version and putting it inside pc case to clean inside air in the case!

Very happy that it works this good :D
will replace the fan with that new superb one anyway /edit nope I will leave current fan its strong enough me thinks based on todays testing so far/ will put speed reducer or two! on cable if the full power wont be needed.
its super noisy @full speed so gotta use those noise reducers hope two will be enough.

well maybe this much power wont be needed but will replace anyway. edit /nope/.

I am looking into those fan speed reducers atm.
any tips on that?

and another thing Ive noticed temps are much much lower
those pots are still wet @usual watering times /they were completely dry before!/

I love carbon!
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After one full day of testing the filter I can definitely say that in a room with closed windows and doors there is no smell whatsoever after 5+ hours which is AWESOME!!!

very happy atm guys that battle with odor using TONs of ona seems finally over. still got some left for special occasions like humidity >60 / rainy weather or combination of those two.

So yes it works!

already finished second micro version with 9cm fans and that one will be placed inside taking care of inside air filtering more on that tomo.

I wont be replacing that noctua [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]NF-P14s redux 900 fan coz its silent and strong enough. but I will replace it for next summer anyway this is not filter for eternity /lol/ carbon will last just one run they write on package 6 weeks but thats for water not air. got a feelin that with air it will last 8-10 weeks no problem.
So after every run it will be made again with fresh carbon.
Will work on better way to replace carbon without a need of disassembly but dont have tools for that yet.

will post some pics of that micro version later.

too tired after all this work too high too :D
btw one of those leds came doa so will be getting a new but the one thats in together with that old cfl is damn cool compared to cfl.

LEDs for the win!

I expect bigger buds and shorter plants.
vanilla stretched the f out /no matter how close to lights she was but tbh cant wait to finish this "test" round /lots of mistakes on my end/ learned a lot about clones at least tried it/.
I got an idea of next run already.
It will be much better


updates soon..



Active member
yes but noisy:

current one is very quiet dunno if ordering the new one was a good idea but its good to have it around probably as a backup etc.
so won t be returning it!
it will be ideal to use during those crazy hot summer days for sure :)

yeah i had two of them in my last grow, will never try DC fans for stealth again, lol they r real nice at like 7v but to get the pressure its too loud for sure

I'm going with the hyper fan dimmed to 25% for the next cab


Hi all,

Finished micro version of that carbon filter used much smaller fans for assembly

slightly different netting and slightly different technique /more zipties/.




finished product


and placed in front of the lights there is another fan pulling cleaned air down into path of big intake so its circulating inside cleaning inside air.

after few days of testing there in NO SMELL outside of the box!
nothing, nada!

fan used arctic cooling F9
quiet and pulling 43 CFM which is more than enough.

looks like this thread is more about upgrading growspace than anything else.. will try post some updates on the plants..when the time is right.

thx for watching.
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after 2 runsi think its time to replace it, depending on smell/airspeed/amount of carbon but 2 seems good on average
i have the idea of running 2 filters; one for day/flower on for night/veg cut down on noise and increase carbon lifetime, who knows ill see..


after 2 runsi think its time to replace it, depending on smell/airspeed/amount of carbon but 2 seems good on average
i have the idea of running 2 filters; one for day/flower on for night/veg cut down on noise and increase carbon lifetime, who knows ill see..

good idea!

but after I drill a hole into that carbon chamber it will be as simple as sprinkling old carbon out and sprinkling/learned a new word here/ new in /done in 2 min./ but the idea of using multiple to lenghten carbon life is good if you dont want to waste carbon
I agree :)