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durban poison micro


say hi to vanilla kush again shes doing good shes still on grow nutes 220ppm dunno bout that tip..maybe coco got dry in some parts rising the salts been watering her very little lately..


Well-known member
Yea, you can let it eat the cotyledons and then start feeding, but coco has pretty close to zero nutrients for plants. One benefit to starting mutes asap has to do with feeding your cocos cation bank.....

What kind of coco? Eh nevermind since you boiled it you probably destroyed any buffer it was given, feeding nutes will replace it, but over time and you will probably see more like those tips as the coco tries to find a balance.

Remember it could be that, or to me it looks like the start of deficiency or simply lack of food, you could try upping to 300ppm or stay a bit.....

Looks good though :) how is the poison doing?


Remember it could be that, or to me it looks like the start of deficiency or simply lack of food, you could try upping to 300ppm or stay a bit.....

Looks good though :) how is the poison doing?

yea she needs more nutes will up to 300 and switch to bloom nutes with durban since shes flowering. will up to 300ppm grow with vanilla too.
durban is doing good some light damage to few leaves but shes doing good /slightly underfed/ she was little dry when ive topped her but nothing extreme.

Mr. Sparkle

Looks completely healthy to me and 300ppm is good for the next week, then you will be probably wanting to bump it a bit higher, i run 650ppm in my coco/perlite mix but i run about twice the amount of light so i can feed heavier. But just looks like your plants are stretching out possibly due to eviroment, your soil/mix amount is fine, and they are healthy.

So i'm with Soul Rebel above, lest see some pics of the pc, and we can see what you having going and how we all may be able to help you out ;), get you rocking.

Those are nice healthy seedling btw, just a bit of stretch.


Well-known member

Light. Under low watts and flouro I don't go much over 0.6ec - 0.8ec but I bloom under 400w hps. My plants are booming @ 1.0ec first week of flower. Less light less feed for me, but I've never had anything that wanted less than 0.6ec other than a sprout.


thx guys I just hope this will be going good
sometimes I just forget to rise ppms coz im lazy..

littel update
so topped cutting is doing good looks same today as yesterday I guess thats a good thing :laughing: no wilting whatsoever.. she looks like nothing happened.

root!t gel for plugs which ive used promise roots in 3-4 days im really curious about that was little worried coz that cutting is sitting/swimming in gel but guess thats how you do it coz its gel specially for plugs and you fill the whle hole with the gel..

today ive made fresh feed mix one for vanilla and another one for durban.
durban ph 6.1 300ppm bloom + micro
vanilla ph.6.0 350 ppm grow + micro
added micro to both totally forgot to use micro!.. thats why durban looks underfed..
blame my head stupidity.

need to add micro! will write it on the wall or something :D

will try to update after durban cutting roots.

and to those guys asking about photo of inside..well its kinda ghetto style setup not finished and nothing special really just some lights two fans etc.
but that might change when ill find the time and space to finish it.
Ive made it really basic so plants can grow in there.
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Mr. Sparkle

Were just trying to help, I'm not one who cares if your grow situation looks like crap at the moment, same probably goes for the others here, were just seeing if we can help give you some advice on tweaks that might help so you can have a better more productive grow, cause to me half hearted grows, cause half hearted results.

Were all here for are own reasons but i say jump in, engage and have fun, and don't be embarrassed about what you currently have, as it takes time to dial in a space, we just have to be open to learning, that's my main reason for being here ;).


Were just trying to help, I'm not one who cares if your grow situation looks like crap at the moment, same probably goes for the others here, were just seeing if we can help give you some advice on tweaks that might help so you can have a better more productive grow, cause to me half hearted grows, cause half hearted results.

Were all here for are own reasons but i say jump in, engage and have fun, and don't be embarrassed about what you currently have, as it takes time to dial in a space, we just have to be open to learning, that's my main reason for being here ;).

got it and really appreciate all the help from every1!

but my living situation is far from ideal got like 5minutes/day for this garden sometimes not even that so I have to improvise and be very very VERY! careful even when watering the plants.
its no fun at all!

hope things will change in future and im working on that need to find better place to grow thats my top priority!

5 minutes/day is very little time to care about things..and results are what they are under these conditions.

anyway that clone is doing good updates hopefully soon..


I am going to usher the same sentiment as Mr. Sparkle. Live, learn, and laugh brother. I wish you the best in your priorities. If there is one thing that life does it is change. Until then take what you have and rock it till the wheels fall off! :dance013:

Looking forward to those clone updates.


Time for update:
"topped durban" got some deficiencies but after rising nutes to 370 ppm new growth looks better will go higher in few days gotta finish this batch of nutes.

vanilla kush is in flower too changed to bloom nutes same 370 ppm.

and here is the infamous clone lots of mistakes overwatered too much light dunno if she will make it. why havent I used transparent cup to be able to see roots? no roots visible from bottom hope there are some..

so basicaly this is just test run.
lot of mistakes were made..
I am spraying that clone with distilled /no nutes water/ from time to time but spraying inside of the dome everyday.
one day Ive found out that the clone cup was swimming in water for like 2 days and also at that time that clone got direct strong light which f`ed things up too bad that there is no way to check for roots maybe if I cut the bottom of that cup ie make one big circle @bottom gotta do that next week.
gotta use transparent cup for clones next time.


Well-known member
All set dude, you got roots showing, there is more in the cup, trust it. When did you take the cut? A while ago right, most likely it'd be toast by now if it wasn't taking.

Looking good man, keep it up!


All set dude, you got roots showing, there is more in the cup, trust it. When did you take the cut? A while ago right, most likely it'd be toast by now if it wasn't taking.

Looking good man, keep it up!

You are completely right good sir :)

clone was cut exactly 17 days ago.

next clone /future attempts/ will be better coz now I know that too strong light is bad and also overwatering is bad for clones. And now I also know that root!t gel works :))

Even if this clone situation go bad coz of my noobiness/head stupidity I will feel better and will not be sad.

..like that clone looked great first week after cut. then there was too strong light and that swiming in water situation @same time oh well this is what you got if you have 5min/day time to take care of garden but hopefully that will change in near future will be moving place and will have like 24/7 to take care of it :biggrin:


thinking about removing dome on that clone in like 3 days..
Will keep spraying pure / no nutes/ water at her like once/day after dome is removed not adding anything into coco /no watering/..
maybe I should wait few days and dont rush it coz shes very fragile atm..

was thinking if I spray just leaves not coco /so no watering/ clone will have enough water not to dry out and it will grow roots even in dry coco right? but gotta be carefull and spray like twice/day or more?

hm any tips how to proceed with the clone from now on..?


Well-known member
Yea the best thing for it now is to acclimate it and get it used to being a plant. It has roots now so you actually don't need or even want to mist, unless it is very dry where you keep it. You are right to let the cup dry some. It will encourage roots to grow.

You know what the cup its in feels like soaked yet? Let the cup get light like its starting to feel empty, but you can tell its not dry, just light. Let it suck up either plain water or baby food (250-300ppm) bottom fed until the cup feels half full. Spot water maybe a tsp down one side. Do this for a week and you'll be ready to put it in a pot
the longer you keep spraying/the dome on, the longer it will take to harder up
i dont use domes unless theres a bug danger that i want to protect it from, just set it in the growroom and let it do its thing, spray once in a while and plant it

i mean i just took a clone of my pepino plant, its autumn weather and temps, plant is in flower, but it rooted in a few days in a glass of water in the window..

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