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Dud Identification Collective Knowledge.

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Active member
Of course bush comes up in a discussion about duds...
You mock him now... "History will ultimately be the judge homie"


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
This is relevant (I wish not)? The stems feel very rigid/woody relative to adjacent development... Also reproductive development very slow - plant @ day 35 and minimal frost and aroma... have wondered if it was due to stress. There is no hiding something is very wrong here... I have recognized some white spots on certain fan leaves but even under a scope I have not identified mites....yet? Should I begin crying?

Appears this will be more appropriate in the Broad Mite thread...
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Stuff like this always makes me want to stick to 100% seeds. I am just an such a strain whore I always get clones eventually. It is not the pests that scare me, it is the viruses. I always worry about giving diseases to our whole library of plants. Legalization will certainly help us better identify and treat these problems.
As for this "Dud" being a virus I can't say much. What I can say with certainty is I have seen all sorts of strains from Blueberry to OG Kush begin growing very strange, then pull themselves out of it later on. I am assuming it is usually actually caused by an environmental reaction. I have much to learn, but I know many of us are quick to think our plant has the next Canna-AIDS. It should come as no surprise, since we all do love our plants dearly.
Just another reason to legalize, then we can use labs to test just like any other plant. I would love to have old clones tested, really a 20 year old clone would be lucky if it never got a virus or disease would it not? It seems to me Cannabis may actually be well ahead of its viruses in comparison to other species.


Registered Non-Conformist
This is relevant (I wish not)? The stems feel very rigid/woody relative to adjacent development... Also reproductive development very slow - plant @ day 35 and minimal frost and aroma... have wondered if it was due to stress. There is no hiding something is very wrong here... I have recognized some white spots on certain fan leaves but even under a scope I have not identified mites....yet? Should I begin crying?

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=53725&pictureid=1253383&thumb=1]View Image[/URL] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=53725&pictureid=1253384&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]

Appears this will be more appropriate in the Broad Mite thread...

Normally, pistils turn red prematurely, so I daresay that I do not think You have em. Even though the curling is indicative of their passing,.

SOF, these pests are worthy of real fear. As I said, makes Spider Mites look amazingly easy.


Sam, with all due respect.. Viruses are very rare. Broad Mites are not. Especially with the proliferation of clones across this country, and thus all countries that desire cuttings from the USA.

How can you say viruses are rare unless you have found some and can say what they are and what the incidence rate is/was? All the viruses I listed have been found in Cannabis, I can not say how bad the problem is but viruses can be spread by insects, pollen, seeds, even bees, nematodes, tools, people. As well as sharing clones.
Remember many viruses that infect Cannabis have few symtoms other then loss of vigor or poor health.

I work in a Grow Shop, and the Denial is almost pathological.. One of our more obtuse Clients, claims that a bottle of GRAVITY killed his whole crop. A Bloom booster. That was His theory. I saw his pics, it was BM;s. Just an illustration of unproductive, prideful behavior getting in the way of success. His cuts were shipped from CA, originally bought from Harborside.. Umm, Duh.....

We all need to get to know these pests intimately, or else find a new pursuit.

I know BM intimately, I have worked with Cannabis pests and diseases for decades, that said, for you to say viruses are rare is as untrue as people in denial about BM when they have it.

I hoist a very rare shot of Jager to all of You and against this scourge. Worst ever. I had never been thwarted so.

As George W. Bush so eloquently said, "Fool Me Once, shame on You, fool me twice, not gonna happen again."
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If this helps anyone ID if they have a dud great.. This is a known none dud clone.. Oh this is a clone from the original plant over a year ago. I dont keep mother plants.




Pagan Extremist
ok.... can all the folk with these "duds" please ALL post pics so that we can determine if we are even discussing the same issue with everybody?... I mean.. not to be critical, but there are 1000 types of operational error... can we get on the same page? I do not have a dud to show, and PF's pics above are an accurate representation of mine...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Lush green healthy growth.. When I first got her I had to get to know her same for any other strain. My 1st plants where not as green as they are now. I didn't have her dialed in yet.. You must learn how to read your plants been doing this for decades. We all make mistakes learn from them less is more remember that.

mojave green

rockin in the free world

high life 45

Seen your Member?
"You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later"


PF thanks for helping identify a non dud. You got the pre ht cup glue! lol

c4,+1 thats exactly what im trying to do here, get pics of duds so we can get on the same page. :tiphat:

As noted in my first post I think most duds people are experiencing are related to damage from bms, be it viral or toxin based.

Crooked8 mentioned in another post being the first to show a dud in gg4, so I asked him to post a pic over here.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
oh ya I had it for a long time before that event..She was virtually unheard of back then. Anytime I mentioned her no one knew what she was. If fact most did even want her.
Here's my D.I.C.K. pics...First is what's left of the indoor cubed GG's. Rooting took 14-25 days for these lol. Remaining 50% were trashed. Vegging for 2 weeks. 1 week under T5 1 week under 600w. Not ample but I had to rebuild my setup from scratch before undergoing a major surgery. Post surgery I placed them in cubes as they rooted Next pics are what's left from Full Sun Mother. Mothers were trashed and were failing for No apparent reason before pics were available. These rooted after 25 days but got a 90% rooted. Scary part is even after delayed rooting and "mysterious" growth patterns both indoor and outdoor offsprings show vigor and lush vegetation. These have never been overwatered. Our temps are higher than normal and they drink it fast. Yellowing tinges is from aging clones we believe.


aka "Doc"
...I treated these plants and gave them a heat treatment, after the heat treatment is when the "dudding" appeared. ....

Hmmm, maybe it was the "heat treatment" that became the straw that broke the camels back. You had an unhealthy plant that became stressed and responded by altering its physiology and/or metabolism--all in response to the plant's collective experiences (including the heat treatment and reactions to pathogens, toxins, and any chem/synthetic applications).

Plants have a memory of sorts...not cognitive (like humans) but more of adaptive biochemical changes that can be passed to successive generations (systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a simple example to understand this plant memory concept...the plant is stimulated (aspirin in water), then it learns and passes the SAR trait it developed to its offspring--both cuttings & seeds). The attached pdf is a paper published in Plant Science explains several concepts on plant memory.

IMHO, if you add up all the stressors that particular plant experienced, (including prior generations of cuttings), it seems logical the plant would respond by altering its physiology. Yep...the plant adapted to its "new environment" so it can survive by doing the "dud thing".

If you take cuttings from healthy portions of the plant (dud-less) and then grow out the cutting and--then take cuttings from healthy portions of that new plant and grow that out....repeating the process several times--I bet the result will eventually be a vigorous plant that eliminated/replaced the "old dud memory" with a "vigor memory".



  • Stressful 'memories' of plants - Evidence and possible mechanisms (Toby J.A. Bruce, 2007).pdf
    194.4 KB · Views: 169
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Registered Non-Conformist
Viruses are rare. Said it again. Have been in the game long enough to make that statement. Sam You come off so haughty sometimes.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Im gonna say this one time only....

You are all trippen ... Sam.S is right...

This is a NEW PHENOMENON IN THE ARGICULTURIAL INDUSTRY...its only been around a couple of years on the mainstream level... so even if you have been growing since I was a sperm cell it doesn't mean nada...

It is destroying plants of many different species all across the country and no expert has any idea on how to stop it or cure it.... just hardcore sanitation practices .. btw its in the UK also... made its way across the Pond in no time

All this talk about some of you thinking your better growers makes me wanna puke...
Bro science 101 .. its nothing to do with any of this bullshit most of you are talking about..
Envrioment, nutes, stress, blah blah blah

its a damn VIRUS and those of you haven't experienced it and chime in claiming we are wrong need to STFU

Im growing over a 1,000 plants outdoor this year in SoCal ... so spare me your bullshit about being a more experienced grower... I know what Im seeing and its not nice

My only advice is use botanical oils... they are too complex for Viruses




This is a dud gg#4 cut outside (1-1/2 month old, started at 5 inches)
Super slow growth.. I also flowered a cut and got these wierd lookin skinny colas with single skinny sativa leaves.. Small buds with no frost at all.. Was too embarrassed to take flower pix lol
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