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Dud Identification Collective Knowledge.

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Active member
Are those the same as the UC Davis tests that confirmed TMV in cannabis that never saw the light of day?
could be. i have no knowledge of the what the story was other than what was posted in this thread by josey talking about someone he knew and also retro.
as far as the tmv tests that was retro. i think he copied and pasted the tests from the thread at the other prominent site like this. the results were posted there. they posted the actual paper work for the tmv tests. i dont have any connection to either of these claims other than siting reading them here.


Active member
I mixed it in the res and let the pump cycle right away. there still was a buildup of it on the bottom of the res. Once a day I would stir in and cycle the pump to infuse some of it and make sure the plants were getting a little every day.

i wasnt claiming aspirin doesnt work just trying to address the obvious solubility issue, the aspirin buffer is visible in the rez and the aspirin apparently is probably present in that sludge as it should fall out of solution right along with it.
thanks for your input, that sounds like a totally sufficient way to solve it. i personally think it would be good to use it as a freshly agitated slurry hand delivered or pumped through a large orifice emitter on a hydro system. i like the watering wand.


Active member
got a dud?

its pretty simple people wanting to get answers.

cut it down and immediately chop out a few inches of main stem from the top of the root crown to a couple inches above the soil.

after you have some fun with your microscope on a slice of it
submit by mail or hand deliver
to your favorite plant pathology lab or extension service.

go to the plant panthology lab website and download the sample submission form. fill it out and say you have hops or hell, call it alfalfa. who cares. when choosing a lab choose one that may have a nematologist.

while you are at it send it to a nematology lab. follow same protocol.
they are not going to give a shit or question you at most places. just so long as you dont ask them to know and actively help with testing cannabis. if you gently pull the wool over their eyes they arent inclined to prove otherwise or even suspect they should. itsa plant lab. they arent on the look out for scams and shit.

i wonder if you asked if they could do a test for pectinase.

it should be pretty smooth.

use a burner and anonymous email as a contact. safe addy or if they press for details use the local mission or a church or plant nursery as your address. ask to be contacted by email or phone.

its pretty easy.


Do you realize UC Davis is rated in the top 5 worldwide! I know several PHD graduates that are in Cali Ag including my brother!! If Cali legalizes you will see a complete turnover of players! Current players lack the experience, knowledge, resources and connections! Monsanto or any other player doesn't necessarily need to make transgenic seeds! If the demand is there they will use genetic markers to improve the current MJ seed stock!!! Most likely they have their eyes set on Hemp and are experimenting with MJ!


Well-known member
Send them here !!

Send them here !!

Ya'll made me lose some serious sleep in the process of reading this thread, both in the content and the length. Despite the iterant bickering, there's some really useful information here. Thanks to all that came before. If anyone has a confirmed case of Ditylenchus dipsaci, please let me know--one of my colleagues at OSU knows a bit about nematodes and is interested in sequencing the genome of a cannabis-specific specimen. A little side note and game show moment:

Question: what is one of the best disruptors of nematode life cycles?
Answer: 9-THC

A bit ironic, no? Irony aside, we'd really like to see some samples :). Email: [email protected]

Here ya go figured I would repost this maybe it was missed. But if you suspect nematodes let's get them identified. This dudes post seems promising at best and there is even contact info. Maybe it was overlooked before maybe not. No excuses why Anyone can't send them in so get into contact with the dude and get the duds sent in.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Know you are not advocating it, but F corporate cannabis whores, like Monsanto.

Do you realize UC Davis is rated in the top 5 worldwide! I know several PHD graduates that are in Cali Ag including my brother!! If Cali legalizes you will see a complete turnover of players! Current players lack the experience, knowledge, resources and connections! Monsanto or any other player doesn't necessarily need to make transgenic seeds! If the demand is there they will use genetic markers to improve the current MJ seed stock!!! Most likely they have their eyes set on Hemp and are experimenting with MJ!


Ask Alien he has em! I heard GG4 passed them around LA cup! It won't be long before they are as common as BM & RM! Infested seeds! They are crushing AG but farmers have insurance! Disrupters like water disrupting spider mites! (Kidding) OSU has he been telling his soy farmers to plant hemp? This is the type of shit you get from Monoculture!! Go to an Alfalfa farm in Norcal look for the brown spots, fill a bucket up of soil, put a MJ plant in it, keep it in warm temps, let it grow, BAM! You got your sample for your buddy! And/Or find the water supply on the farm (canal) fill a bucket up with that water, water your MJ with it. BAM! You got your sample! Any farm northern Central Valley north will do you right!


Monsanto & it's peers only operate in huge markets! Once the market develops that's the point they enter. Until that point they are basically "dicking around" CO, WA, OR & Cali dispensary's those are the cannabis whores!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I know most of the original people that got the cut in 2012 none have had dud's. I'm having a hard time understanding why some get duds and some never do. Also if this chitosan kills them it should not be hard to fix this..Include it in your feeding for a few months problem solved...


Active member
. Also if this chitosan kills them it should not be hard to fix this..Include it in your feeding for a few months problem solved...

thats what two members have been saying for months. i would expect to hear a few more chime in on this soon. in the coming months. buy stock in california based distributors of chitosan . lol.


I can't speak to why some got em and some didn't and I could be wrong about who has em but I can say they are very very difficult to get rid of and very very easy to get if you don't know what you are doing! All big operations will experience the challenge of their lives if they're lucky! Large scale is a completely different ball game this nonsense that all farmers need to rid themselves of pest is soft pesticides(organic) is spread by academics ($$ publish or perish) who don't have their dick on the table! Ask any consultant the results in the field tell a Different story! Now you know why Monsanto is creating transgenic seeds!!


Yup make your own but keep em away from the Todes! Not only do they winterize but they can survive 5 years without any food or water! They will be sitting in the fields, grow houses, empty back yards, delivery trucks, equipment tools just waiting for a drop of water and plant material! Now you know why all those expert growers that work @ the hydro stores have left the business and moved back home with Mom & Dad, they got wiped by the easy stuff (mites)

Wendull C.

Active member
I will send samples and hopefully get a definitive answer.
I only take tops for cuts anyway and it is not an over watering or stress issue.
Maybe we as a community for shared knowledge like ic can stop the ganja herpes.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I would like to see some dud bud pics if any one has some. Not the ones from the 1st pages in this thread recent pics??

Wendull C.

Active member
I can get pics tonight of the duds and the bomb gg4 from the same table tonight. I just need a little help from a friend to learn how to post pics. I will post em as soon as I get an edumacation

high life 45

Seen your Member?
So if I understand if THC kills Nematodes life cycle how can they be the cause of this issue?

afaik THC is inside the resin gland/trichome protected by a waxy coating and not much THC is in the vascular tissue of the stem where the D dispaci is hanging.

if the Dd todes enter through the stomata I don't think that they are exposed to much THC if any at all.

I'm still curious if anyone else has seen the strange growth that I did with the gg4 or any strain for that matter, or am I the only person who has seen the nodeless witches broom growth like this IRL?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
take the THC and make a Organic pesticide if possible.. If Chitosan does the same I see no reason for this to be a issue anymore.
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