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***DrBud Takes CFL SOG to the Next Level***


Well-known member
gimpy12 said:
DrBud I know you said you could do this with any strain. But I was wondering if you had any recommendations to a good strain that im not going to be spending an arm and a leg for seeds. I really want to start off with good genetics.

Anything with NL in it will not do ya wrong...but bagseed Is a great way to learn...have fun while ya learn ...


Well-known member
hempybucquet said:
Hey Dr. Bud,

My females (finally) are growing well, and drinking water like mad. Having to water every day at the moment. Would I be better off planting the clones that are rooting now into 1 liter containers or sticking with the 20oz and just keeping their feet wet by adding an inch of water to the tray during this time of bud growth and extreme thirst? :confused:

Second question... At day 30 of flower now, and the lower leaves are starting to thin out and yellow. At what point do you suggest I trim off those lower fan leaves as they start to yellow and die off?

Thanks! I can't wait to harvest my first indoor crop....1/2 way there.


Right on Hempy I'm so happy for you ... :jump:
You are on your way to Independence......I always try 1ltrs first if your gurls will "Behave" great.....
mine get to big to fast


Well-known member
ChronJohn said:
Hey Doc, excellent setup man! I've been setting my grow box up with a couple CFLs from SH.. its those OzoneBulbs or whatever. I'm only growing 4 plants at a time, just enough to keep me high you know what I mean? Going for the Lowryders so I can harvest every couple of months in my little box. Once it's all setup I'll post a thread about it to get some feedback as it will be my first indoor microgrow. My question for you is (and this may seem like a stupid question but I have to ask) do you cut holes at the bottom of your 20oz for drainage or do you water a certain amount, like just the right amount of water for the plant to use up, so that drainage holes arent necessary? just wondering and take it easy man!

Yup Many ...many... Drain holes


Well-known member
Connoisseur300 said:
All right Doc. I have a question for you. You've seen my SOG grow and you know I use two gallon res. for my plants. The problem I have is with my plants getting to three four feet when flowered at an inch (sativas anywase).
Now it has been discussed in earlier posts about keeping them in smaller containers to keep the height down (obviously). That’s fine and all but what I want is to keep the plants the same size as yours and still have in a larger container.
I think that if I start all my seedling in a small cup like you then transplant into 20oz soda bottle for the first two to three weeks of flower I could keep the height down and still be able to transplant them in larger containers ( 1 gallon). Right????? What do you think? I would be able to at least control crazy sativas this way. I ask because my new cab is going to be organic.

Oh yeah, I’m going to hunt you down for some of those geisha beans!

that may very well work .....and ya can always make a Horseshoe 180 out of them..
that puts a 4 foot plant in a 2 foot tall space


Well-known member
Thundurkel said:
Here's my 2 girls and I wanted to know if you or anybody could tell me they will be getting any taller in the last 4-5 weeks of flowering. I started them at 2 inches and they are now 7 - 9 inches and look like I dipped them in sugar(no HID) too . Also whats the smallest a stem on a cutting can be to get a successful clone???

Hope you like :joint: :joint: :joint:

I'm going to cross this with Big Bud and The Purps what do ya think??

Most of my cuts are 3/4 -1" tall......those lil' ladies of yours look frosty

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Well-known member
Maj.PotHead said:
i'm not hater just staten fact not fiction he has no veg time and pulls 2 GPW usen CFL's when most cant even achieve 1 GPW usen HID. go head newbs believe GOD and when ya start askn why this n that you'll know BS when ya read it.

Maj.Pothead...come join us in chat I would be glad to discuss this with you in an open Forum :joint:
As far as your "NO penetration" I see flowers all the way to the soil line.
As far as "Rules of thumb"....that refers to how big a stick you can beat yur wife with it has NOTHING to do with growin MJ...... :rasta:

Get over Yur "Book learnin'" and experiment with growin' stop believing what you Read and Hear....it is limiting you
Learn that one must NOT always grow the whole tree to enjoy the full flavor of the fruit



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Get over Yur "Book learnin'" and experiment with growin' stop believing what you Read and Hear....it is limiting you

if you only knew trust me ive experimented alot books never read 1 on how to grow canibis.

i still say Bull shyite 2-4 GPW usen SOG under CFLS and no veg time only reason why i'm here is because 1 of your newbs was spoutn your 2GPW under cfls in the open indoor forums.

i say again ppl go head believe this unbelievable BS 2-4 GPW under

guess i'll tie up some loose ends send few invites to the island and make that my new home.

i've helped many a new grower here and gave them solid advise never have i ever given ppl the kinda info your providing and false hope. false hope for ppl to even believe that 2-4 GPW is attained easy peasy with cfls when most dont attain 1 GPW with HID lighting which is next best thing to sunlight.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
apparently i'm your noob and i committed some unspeakable act by linking to your thread from another. just tryin to spread the love man.

major- i don't think it's possible for you to prove the doc is full of it even if he actually is. i would like to believe the dr and since i can't prove him wrong even if i wanted to (this is the internet and these are anonymous handles) i just scan for info. the doc has some good info in my book.


Well-known member
This is a EZ example of the truth....
ANY Idiot with 1/2 a brain a 430HID and an Ebb & Flow table can grow more than 1GPW.... :bashhead:

4x4 table...holds 144 4" rockwool cubes
7 grams dried is EZ with any strain.
So we take 144 x 7 we get 1008
144 cuts
Producing 7 grams dried
is 1008 grams per 8 weeks from a 430HPS
that is 36 ozs
2,25LBs so still sooooooo Hard to understand a SOG done correctly?
1008 / 430 = 2.34 grams per watt
10 grams per cut ...
1440 / 430 = 3.34 GPW
The same thing can be done on a smaller scale with CFL's

**And I will say it again NO you can not grow TREES inside with CFL's....I never said you could .....but the tips of the branches can EZly be grown with them...and last time I checked the budz were on the BRANCHES not the BIG ass stem in the middle of most HID grown trees....trees are an outside toy.**

I'm not GOD ....I'm just a guy that has been messin' with my Gurl MJ for 28 years now....ANYBODY can do it.

NOW as I said to lou....see ya in the ICMag chat room...or U WILL be ignored.
Good Day......


Doc you inspired me to give it a try and I did great even from seed with only 23 watt lights in my light array of six bulbs. I was convinced by my test that your numbers are real and that cfl is great for growing sog single cola clones.

My yield from seed 12/12 was about three grams each plant (after extracting seeds) but I can tell that mature seedless clones would be much more compact and have five grams each no problems. Your implementation of the SOG method with CFL lighting is a great inspiration to me and many others.

Thanks for turning me on to a great method and for taking the time to teach us all such a self sufficient, approachable method.


Smoke it if ya got it!!
Expertsetup said:
Doc you inspired me to give it a try and I did great even from seed with only 23 watt lights in my light array of six bulbs. I was convinced by my test that your numbers are real and that cfl is great for growing sog single cola clones.

My yield from seed 12/12 was about three grams each plant (after extracting seeds) but I can tell that mature seedless clones would be much more compact and have five grams each no problems. Your implementation of the SOG method with CFL lighting is a great inspiration to me and many others.

Thanks for turning me on to a great method and for taking the time to teach us all such a self sufficient, approachable method.

This response also applies to me.


Smoke it if ya got it!!
I remember seeing that photo in one of the hundreds of posts in your first thread. That's a really simple way to train without stressing your plants.


Registered Medical Patient
Dr. BudGreengenes - Fuck off dude...first of all, youve got some real balls fuckin with 2 of the most respected peeps on these boards...2nd - I too have grown with HID's and CFL's in all diff't types of styles & setups, and I have to agree with MajorPH!!! You seem like an arrogant person who has NO respect for some very cool people who have contributed immensely tothis site...Lay off dude, and swallow ur fuckin pride...we're ALL just tryin to grow & enjoy the plant we love so much & that our fuckin stupid gov't says we dont deserve to enjoy!!!Stop givin these noobs false hope...just because you MAY have pulled these amazing harvests doesnt mean THEY will...so many factors to be considered...dont hate on LOU & Major...very bad karma dude....

- Z


Well-known member
ZeusOGrefugee said:
Dr. BudGreengenes - Fuck off dude...first of all, youve got some real balls fuckin with 2 of the most respected peeps on these boards...2nd - I too have grown with HID's and CFL's in all diff't types of styles & setups, and I have to agree with MajorPH!!! You seem like an arrogant person who has NO respect for some very cool people who have contributed immensely tothis site...Lay off dude, and swallow ur fuckin pride...we're ALL just tryin to grow & enjoy the plant we love so much & that our fuckin stupid gov't says we dont deserve to enjoy!!!Stop givin these noobs false hope...just because you MAY have pulled these amazing harvests doesnt mean THEY will...so many factors to be considered...dont hate on LOU & Major...very bad karma dude....

- Z

You will EDIT the cursing from my thread or there will be Consequences to your actions...I have not "Messed with anyone" Neither Lou or Maj.Pothead...both came here and Messed with me as have you .

Good Day to you now Be off with your nonsense


Im in the process of building a mini cab of 208 watts of cfls. Im wondering how you set your air exhaust up to cool your boxes?? I dont recall if you explained your exhaust but im really curious as to how its done. I hope you can help me out.

stay irie


Watched "Click" on BBC the other day, there was a very interesting subject on discussion - modern ego driven culture due to Internet forums, youtube, blgs, etc. Explaines a lot


Hey ,, (Incognitoman, shakes his head and smiles) Respect to you Dr. . I don't know what this world is coming to, their seems to be something in the air or something. Dr. I will respect your thread by simply asking how your grow is doing? The new box is going as planed I hope. peace
When I came across this thread I was a total indoor beginner. After a few months of following Dr. Buds posts I can sprout, veg, bonsai, clone, feed, water, and will have my first harvest soon. Could I get a better yield with a different method? Maybe, I don't have the experience to know for sure. But what is known is that I have a safe, simple and stealthy way to grow happy plants that are going to yield plenty of tasty, organic bud for my needs. Is there any other goal for a non commercial grower?

P.S. The louder the attack usually the weaker the attacker. In a conflict, the quiet ones are often the most dangerous... Yappers are usually....YAPPERS :dueling: :rant:



Just Call me Urkle!!
I agree with Hempy I had a little knowledge but just like with building a studio for music I didn't need $5000 like most people say and could get the same results with spending a fraction of that. Keep crying guys the Dr. will have us"noobs" crushing your gardens in no time.... Rock on Dr. Bud :headbange :headbange :headbange :joint: :joint: :joint:


Smoke it if ya got it!!
ZeusOGrefugee said:
Dr. BudGreengenes - Fuck off dude...first of all, youve got some real balls fuckin with 2 of the most respected peeps on these boards...2nd - I too have grown with HID's and CFL's in all diff't types of styles & setups, and I have to agree with MajorPH!!! You seem like an arrogant person who has NO respect for some very cool people who have contributed immensely tothis site...Lay off dude, and swallow ur fuckin pride...we're ALL just tryin to grow & enjoy the plant we love so much & that our fuckin stupid gov't says we dont deserve to enjoy!!!Stop givin these noobs false hope...just because you MAY have pulled these amazing harvests doesnt mean THEY will...so many factors to be considered...dont hate on LOU & Major...very bad karma dude....

- Z

Noob? who are you calling a Noob buddy? Just because I didn't spent the last 10 years behind a keyboard like you means I'm a noob?
I'd say your the disrespectfull one here. I didn't even know you exist! So before you start talking shit about everyone you don't know you should find out where your place really is.
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