outdoor strain mass amounts of it usually floatin around harvest season would be nice to have truthfully :]
stonedaze said:Almost forgot to mention some purple haired Sativa we used to get in South Lake Tahoe during the early 80's. This stuff actually had purple hairs...wish I could find that again.
high motaco,motaco said:Hey guys. does the older generation here try to find the strains they smoked of their youth?
because I'm still a youngin but I've got my own taste in strains and I prefer some older classics. I grew up smokin mexi and I still love mexi. Nostalgia in part I suppose.
so you guys ever chase the colombians or mexicans of your youth?
Do not think any opiates were added although they were around on hash.
I remember skoking a lot of opium based hash (what we called it in the day) around 80. It wasn't that opium incense crap that got passed off but was black opi hash. That shit would lock you in a recliner for hours with a blissful smile.