wall hits
wall hits
everything we smoked was a lie to make it sound better. to get higher we would take the biggest hit possible. then a buddy would push on your chest up against a wall really hard for about 10 seconds. most of the time you would pass out for about 10 to 15 seconds. awake with the most intense headrush ever. it was fun to turn out the lights while someone was out or put on halloween masks. scare the shit out of them when they woke up. once we all talked silently and the dude thought he went deaf.
wall hits
everything we smoked was a lie to make it sound better. to get higher we would take the biggest hit possible. then a buddy would push on your chest up against a wall really hard for about 10 seconds. most of the time you would pass out for about 10 to 15 seconds. awake with the most intense headrush ever. it was fun to turn out the lights while someone was out or put on halloween masks. scare the shit out of them when they woke up. once we all talked silently and the dude thought he went deaf.