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DIESEL GENERATOR, (as your primary power source)


Active member
Yeah with a 100 gallon tank you could just refill once a week or so. That wouldn't really be that big of deal.

I was also thinking you could get a 500 gallon tank and have it filled once every 5 or 6 weeks. You could cycle through like 5 different fuel companies and I doubt there would be any suspicion.


pico said:
Yeah with a 100 gallon tank you could just refill once a week or so. That wouldn't really be that big of deal.

I was also thinking you could get a 500 gallon tank and have it filled once every 5 or 6 weeks. You could cycle through like 5 different fuel companies and I doubt there would be any suspicion.

You and I think alot alike. The cycle for a 12/12 cycle on a 100 gla tank is roughly 8.3. So, a fill every 7 days would be fine and no one would even think about you filling up on of those truck tanks. You could get fuel at different locations without any problems. If you go with a larger tank. You also could have a fuel company fill it from time to time. If it was me and i had a larger tank. I would just keep it topped off and get fuel every week. Really not a big deal at all. I'm really thinkin about that 21K generator for that price and warranty. You really can't beat that deal for a gallon a hour at full load.
Take care,


Active member
Shit, you could go with 25 600w digital ballasts on flip flops and have 50 4x4 tables going. I think you could put out 60 lbs off that setup easy. I think that more than pays for the generator, lights, etc. That would be fricken nutty to see that going.


pico said:
Shit, you could go with 25 600w digital ballasts on flip flops and have 50 4x4 tables going. I think you could put out 60 lbs off that setup easy. I think that more than pays for the generator, lights, etc. That would be fricken nutty to see that going.

How about 15 120 sites mini coli's. Each unit uses 1200 watts and a total of 18,000 watts not counting pumps, timer, etc. It sure would be a site to see for sure. Can you just see the harvest all at once. Those 120 site units pulls about 5-7lbs per. Even at 5lbs per, you'd bee looking at about 75lbs minium. Now that would more then pay for generator and setup. I guess someone will have to give it a whirl and just see. lolol


Active member
very true, and you wouldn't need the flip flops and would be running the genset half the time. I bet you could set everything up, minus the location for about 50 large.


pico said:
very true, and you wouldn't need the flip flops and would be running the genset half the time. I bet you could set everything up, minus the location for about 50 large.

Ya, i was thinking that also. 50 large for a setup like that, but i can bring down the price by buying gear whole sale. Get a business tax number and Hydro shit get's cheaper. I'd say 30 large whole sale prices. Will see what i setup once things are built and wired in.
Take care,


I see that the isuzu and others are water cooled. Is the water wasted? How much water does it use while running?


Active member
I am guessing that it is like your car, it is a sealed system that has a radiator. I highly doubt you hook up a hose to it and it just shoots hot water out the back.


billbob said:
I see that the isuzu and others are water cooled. Is the water wasted? How much water does it use while running?

It's just like a car, truck, motor cycle, etc. You have water and coolant in the unit and as long as there is no leak. It stays in the radiator and recycle in the Rad unit. You got a fan on the front of the rad and it keeps the motor nice and cool.
Take care,

PS, Boy that unit got's me thinking in a good way. :)


Generators are going to become big business, now that in BC electricity bills are no longer private!!

Very good thread on generators!


Ok Pico, we found the perfect generator for my next setup. Now, i'm wondering where the hell i can find a storage tank. Been doing a google search and haven't found much. Was wondering if anyone knows of a source for one of those round long fuel tanks? The ones like you see up north for heating oil on a stell stand. I was thinking about getting one of those in about a 200-300 gal unit. I've found plenty of the EPA catch trays for spills. I just can't find those fuel tanks the oil companies install for heating oil. Any help would be great. I'm hooked on this generator. Even at half or three quarter load. That fuel use is still pretty low.
Thanks and take care,


Active member
If you call up the heating company they will come out and install a big tank for you. The same place that will fill it up. Not sure of any other sources.


Darkness I'm sure someone straightened you out by now but if you plan on using 240V for your lights then you should get a single phase unit but it must have 240V outlets,not all of them do some have only 120V outlets


pico said:
If you call up the heating company they will come out and install a big tank for you. The same place that will fill it up. Not sure of any other sources.

I was thinking about that also. The place i'm going to be relocating to. Doesn't really have cold weather, but i've found some tanks from Norther Tools and a few other places. Looking at a 265 gallon tank with catch tray. Just rather buy a tank and not have to worry about the company filling me on a regular bases. I'd rather fill myself and get fuel company to make one fill per a month. Thanks for the help and i'll keep everyone posted. Think i'm going to buy my generator end of this summer. Looking at the trailer unit.


Well, I'd figure i'd bump up this thread and ask a question for those generator guys out there. Ok, I was wondering once i get my generator setup and wired into my grow room. How do i wire the unit up so it's on a timer? I want the unit ti kick on in the morning just a few minutes before light on and then kick off just a few minutes after lights out. I want the generator to run the whole grow. My main problem is how do i keep all my timer's running if the generator isn't running. Is there a battery setup or something to keep all my timmer's running while the generator is off line? Well, just wanted to bump the thread up and see if i could get alittle help. I'm planning on still getting the Super Sound Proof Isuzu 21 kW Diesel Generator w/ Aluminum Enclosure. Well, thanks again everyone.
Take care,


Active member
Gold: u can get pretty nice controller/transfer switch setups for your genset.

look into the SDMO line of gensets as the controllers look quite advanced they use a mitsubishi diesel and they are assembled/built in france

the isuzu is a great set too as are the kubotas


Plan on going with one of the standard oil tanks used for home heating units. They are a standard 265 gallon above ground tank. I figure i just use the 91 gallon fuel tank/Tool box i have in my truck now. When i head to town. I'll just fill it up and bring the fuel home with me. It has a electric pump on it so it will only take a few minutes to pump the 91 gallons out. I'll use farm fuel and normal diesel fuel. This will allow me to mix it up at different stations and no one will catch on to anything. Plus, i have a 1 ton diesel truck used for hauling large trailer's, so i'm good. I figure, I'll fill the tank to the top and just get fuel once a week or so. Depends on the load i'm using and if, i'm going to power the whole house or not. If i'm using just for the grow. Then i will only use for flowering and that means on 12 hour days on the genset. There's how i'll do it.
Take care,
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Great posts!!

I was wondering what to do about our yearly round of power outages (1-6days) we're at (literaly) the end of the line, elctricly speaking, We are blessed to have a deisel 30 hp tractor w/ a 24hp Power Take off. It rus @ 540 RPM to deliver 24 hp) I'm thinking of getting a 13-16 k generator that (they hook right up to the PTO) would take care of the whole ranch, then morphing it into some sort of off grid system w/ solar & batteries etc. The wife is going around to all the fast food places & collecting used oil & one day (she says soon) we start production of bio-deisel . I think it can be made for arund $0.75 US / gal. the exhaust smells like french fries! Peace
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Aoxomoxoa said:
Great posts!!

I was wondering what to do about our yearly round of power outages (1-6days) we're at (literaly) the end of the line, elctricly speaking, We are blessed to have a deisel 30 hp tractor w/ a 24hp Power Take off. It rus @ 540 RPM to deliver 24 hp) I'm thinking of getting a 13-16 k generator that (they hook right up to the PTO) would take care of the whole ranch, then morphing it into some sort of off grid system w/ solar & batteries etc. The wife is going around to all the fast food places & collecting used oil & one day (she says soon) we start production of bio-deisel . I think it can be made for arund $0.75 US / gal. the exhaust smells like french fries! Peace

Pretty cool, I knew a unit while in the army that rigged a generator off of a PTO on one of their trucks. Not hard at all, but i would watch the bio-deisel. I've heard or read some where's. That you need to stay clear of the places that use the fryer burnout cleaning chemicals. I would check into it if you haven't already. You don't want oil with those chemicals in it. Sounds like a great idea. Good luck and do a thread once you get it going.
Take care,