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Deep State: Exposed


Mr D

CBS 60 Minutes joined the gaslighting rotation Sunday night with a reality optional Russia Hacked Our Election story.


Active member
Hello all,

Should hear any moment now if judge will order Mcgahn to testify.

As I mentioned earlier little bitch tRump will apppeal to SC.


Just in...mCgahn must testity


Active member
CBS 60 Minutes joined the gaslighting rotation Sunday night with a reality optional Russia Hacked Our Election story.

60 minute piece looks legit, optional if you want to understand it I suppose.

Rudy and Devins and D.J’s Ukrainian adventure not so much. Has Russian support though, which is important to trump, republicans, and apparently yourself.


Well-known member
60 minute piece looks legit, optional if you want to understand it I suppose.

Rudy and Devins and D.J’s Ukrainian adventure not so much. Has Russian support though, which is important to trump, republicans, and apparently yourself.

Comments like this is why I take nothing seriously from the TDS crew, your either trolling or just fucking retarded.

Mr D

60 minute piece looks legit, optional if you want to understand it I suppose.

Rudy and Devins and D.J’s Ukrainian adventure not so much. Has Russian support though, which is important to trump, republicans, and apparently yourself.

Here ya go kid....learn something about what you believe you have such a firm grasp of.

Carter Page is confirming he emailed with the FBI including Kevin Clinesmith at 07:43:51 EDT on April 6th, 2017, the morning of the day before the second FISA renewal.

Considering NOTHING was ever changed in the January renewal; and considering the DOJ/FBI legally had to have *something* change in order to get the April renewal; there would have been a great deal of pressure on FBI lawyer Clinesmith to create something if nothing existed.

Important context: The FISA application (and first renewal documentation) was delivered to the SSCI (via James Wolfe) on March 17th, 2017, as requested by democrat Senator Mark Warner. We know this from the release last year. This SSCI delivery is three weeks before the second renewal on April 7th. This SSCI FISA delivery was also leaked by SSCI Security Director James Wolfe to journalist Ali Watkins at Buzzfeed. Keep this in mind.

Carter Page emailing with Kevin Clinesmith on the morning of April 6th prior to Clinesmith manipulating the content of an email to support his falsified documentation for the next renewal, April 7th, highlights the lack of evidence the FBI was able to discover in the seven previous months. However, the FBI team wasn’t going to be deterred by the lack of evidence; instead they just made it up.

The timeline here is critical.

Clinesmith likely manipulated the FISA renewal in April because by law extending the FISA surveillance must be based on new evidence gathered. In the following month Clinesmith transfers to the newly created Mueller probe. According to the New York Times and Michael Horowitz: “[Clinesmith] was among the F.B.I. officials removed by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, after Mr. Horowitz found text messages expressing political animus against Mr. Trump.”

The manipulated evidence FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith fabricated was then used by the team of Peter Strzok, Andrew Weissmann, Robert Mueller and Clinesmith for the objectives of the special counsel.

Again, another overlay, keep in mind that Robert Mueller asked Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to extend the scope of his investigation twice more after the original appointment of the special counsel.

That means Special Counsel Robert Mueller used a falsified FISA warrant as part of his investigation; and that material exploitation continued after team members within the special counsel became aware the FBI members were compromised and likely the FISA warrant application itself was falsified.

Yeah, depending on what people within the Mueller knew and when they knew it, this IG report on FISA abuses could be much more consequential than the media would currently like to admit.

Within the FBI Kevin Clinesmith was responsible for material evidence that underpinned the FISA warrant. Clinesmith then hands that material to Sally Moyer. Ms. Moyer is responsible for the legal compliance within the FBI counterintelligence operations that generated FISA applications.

Sally Moyer was FBI unit chief in the Office of General Counsel (counterintelligence legal unit within the FBI Office of General Counsel). Her assembly of the FBI material is to ensure the citations are in place to support the Woods File requirement. Then she hands it off to Main Justice, the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD).

Receiving the FISA warrant application in the DOJ-NSD is Tashina Guahar, Deputy Assistant Attorney General (DAAG) in the Department of Justice National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) with responsibility over the assembly of FISA applications in Main Justice. In essence, Tashina Guahar is the working Main Justice FISA lawyer.

Shortly after IG Horowitz delivered the draft of his investigative report to AG Bill Barr last September, not only did Kevin Clinesmith leave the FBI but also Tashina Guahar quietly leaves the DOJ-NSD {Go Deep} and is reported to have taken a job with Boeing Corp.

Mr D

And I might add....

When Sidney Powell included the never-before seen text messages and emails between Strzok/Page on how Page was materially editing the Flynn interview 302, understand this. That was not a leak. Powell was given this evidence. It was time to disclose it, and likely came from OIG.

Assange is the final nail in there coffin. Once the lie of Russians hacking the DNC server is exposed the whole Russian thing will be fully discredited.


Active member
Here ya go kid....learn something about what you believe you have such a firm grasp of.

And guess Who lived above Lou’s Bar, the last place the Russian hacker known as Seth Rich was seen.... just a coincidence I’m sure... wait for it... wait for it.... Kevin Clinesmith... was he the ‘fbi agent’ who had his guns ‘stolen’ out of his vehicle right before Seth Rich was murdered?

Mr D



Active member
Here ya go kid....learn something about what you believe you have such a firm grasp of.

So, you don’t often make reading recommendations, but when you do, it’s in a condescending way and without sources?

I’ll wait for the movie when it comes out, so many c grade conservative scripts, worth a laugh I suppose if your bored.

What’s it like to support the Ukrainian narrative with Rudy, Devin, DJ and Putin’s guys?
You guys are some zany mofo’s, going to be some twists and turns as this story plays out for sure.

Clinesmith trophy is one of the “best” trump hires. Maybe another swamp creature like Gates, Flynn, Papadapoulos, Manafort?


Active member
So, you don’t often make reading recommendations, but when you do, it’s in a condescending way and without sources?

I’ll wait for the movie when it comes out, so many c grade conservative scripts, worth a laugh I suppose if your bored.

What’s it like to support the Ukrainian narrative with Rudy, Devin, DJ and Putin’s guys?
You guys are some zany mofo’s, going to be some twists and turns as this story plays out for sure.

Clinesmith trophy is one of the “best” trump hires. Maybe another swamp creature like Gates, Flynn, Papadapoulos, Manafort?

There’s a meme for that.


Active member
Rudy is in as deep or deeper than Roger Stone...and Trumps Pussy is puckering bigtime..after Bolton and Rudy get done its orange jumpsuit time ....he is used to being up to his ears after pulling some sneakysnake crimes while setting up a fall guy for these...always hiding his shady deeds....Just another day for Donnie....gonna laugh when they take down all the Trump letters from all of his seized properties....how much foreign money has he laundered for his murderous buddies..DJXX


Active member
Rudy is in as deep or deeper than Roger Stone...and Trumps Pussy is puckering bigtime..after Bolton and Rudy get done its orange jumpsuit time ....he is used to being up to his ears after pulling some sneakysnake crimes while setting up a fall guy for these...always hiding his shady deeds....Just another day for Donnie....gonna laugh when they take down all the Trump letters from all of his seized properties....how much foreign money has he laundered for his murderous buddies..DJXX

Imagine being this off base with reality... you’ve been banging drumpf in prison 3 years and still NOTHING. The dem led house won’t even impeach drumpf...


Active member
Rudy is in as deep or deeper than Roger Stone...and Trumps Pussy is puckering bigtime..after Bolton and Rudy get done its orange jumpsuit time ....he is used to being up to his ears after pulling some sneakysnake crimes while setting up a fall guy for these...always hiding his shady deeds....Just another day for Donnie....gonna laugh when they take down all the Trump letters from all of his seized properties....how much foreign money has he laundered for his murderous buddies..DJXX

absolutely clueless....

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