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Deep State: Exposed


Active member
Hello all,

Gee, does it surprise you?

Barr rejects key finding in report on Russia probe: report


Hannity et. al. are all in a clusterfuck to spin this....what was going to be a "shcok the conscience" of every american to Horowitz can't prosecute or subpoena bla bla bla but Durham, he is our guy...he opened a criminal probe but as yet no GJ convened...what up with that?

So...ig report no good...but maybe the Durham report...is that it?



Well-known member
Hello all,

Gee, does it surprise you?

Barr rejects key finding in report on Russia probe: report

when keeping his job depends on ignoring the reality of a situation, he will ignore reality. Barr has got NO integrity, and if he saw trump shoot & kill someone, he would hide the gun & say "trump did not do it, and if he had, it would be okay because he is prez..." i'm not gonna sit up nights waiting on Barr to do ANYTHING that smacks of integrity. life is too short to waste waiting on criminal enablers to come around.:tiphat:


Active member
Ya gotta wonder what it cost Trump to buy a Barr lapdog....and you can almost pinpoint the day Lindsey Graham got his first NRA payment....i know one thing for sure, when John McCain catches up with Linsdey Graham in the afterlife, he will kick the shit our of him...DJXX


Active member
If you haven't seen this it's worth a look. It's Very well researched and sourced.

The Mechanics of Deception

And this...
The Timeline of a Dossier - The Perfect Storm

Well researched and sourced LOL...ur sure proud of all that cutting and pasting....can only imagine what kind of critter you are in real life...say Hi to your only friend...your keyboard...DJXX


Well-known member
Well researched and sourced LOL...ur sure proud of all that cutting and pasting....can only imagine what kind of critter you are in real life...say Hi to your only friend...your keyboard...DJXX

it is a russian bot sitting in a dimly lit frozen basement somewhere in siberia, desperate to earn enough points to be allowed back to moscow...:tiphat:


id like to add to this description that the hippy gave...not only is he in the basement he is squatting in a addidas track suit mumbling STRONK!

knucklehead bob

Once thought Nuremberg a high watermark.
Nuremburg was a dog & pony show for common people to believe the perpetrators were brought to justice

Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Nazi officials, 1938


Ya gotta wonder what it cost Trump to buy a Barr lapdog....and you can almost pinpoint the day Lindsey Graham got his first NRA payment....i know one thing for sure, when John McCain catches up with Linsdey Graham in the afterlife, he will kick the shit our of him...DJXX

Nah, McCain embraced the same group of people trump has. It is why he ran with palin. Every single person that I know that loved that straight talkin thrilla from Wasilla is a hardcore trump backer. McCain tried to rein it in a bit, but he has drank from the same well as trump.


Well-known member
Nuremburg was a dog & pony show for common people to believe the perpetrators were brought to justice

Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Nazi officials, 1938
View attachment 512624
On the wall facing Hitler's desk, in the Chancery hung a large portrait of his dear friend and benefactor.
First thing he saw as he raised his eyes sitting at the desk...

White Beard

Active member
After being over seas and seeing just how HATEFUL folks in other countries are to americans, it drives me nutz to see americans tearign into one another for a circus full of clown shoes known as american politics. Every thread i see about politics ends up in cyber grabass. that to me is sad.
Having been overseas, I have observed for myself US citizens (sadly, mostly service members) doing the Ugly American schtick for real - acting and talking like Trump, now that I look at it again: rude, invasive, loud, bullying, condescending, aggressive; indifferent to and contemptuous of the people and culture around them.

So I have experienced first-hand being ashamed of my fellow-citizens. I too hate to see our fellows caught up in such contrived and volatile imaginings, but I will never support the Ugly American faction, no matter which party they may attach to, or what cover they attempt to claim.

On the one hand, it is certainly a shit-show. Check, and check.

On the other hand, we can either throw up our hands, declare “it’s no use”, and join the race to the bottom, or we can pay better attention, think harder about what we’re being told, not trust our own sides so much, not trust our fear and uncertainty so much. We can get serious about trying to understand what’s going on and who did what, we can not only gut-check ourselves but *heart*check ourselves. And we can stop believing the it-doesn’t-matter defeatist, they’re all the same script. They are as easily ‘us’ as ‘them’, and ‘we’ should hold ‘us’ accountable.

Blame is worth less than shit, it won’t grow anything. We need accountability, we need consensus, we need action. Our nation won’t fix itself except in the sense that “we, the people” *are* the nation, and we need to believe it and act like we believe it, and choose like we believe it, and vote like we believe it.

Shithead does not need a smear campaign. All one has to do is choose to live and treat others with love and integrity. Then pay attention to what shithead does. Not what the media says. But his words, actions and level of honesty and respect for others or his environment. I do not think he could smear himself worse unless he ends up like Epstein or a priest.
“By their fruits shall ya know them”

There is truly no shame on the President that he has not brought upon himself freely and through his unconstrained speech and actions.

draft ig report is falling flat...flat so far....I wonder if that is the reason for the crickets?

Hey trumphumpers...where you at? Main stream media got you down? faux and friends unable to blow sunshine up your asses?
Saw Fox and friends the other morning, and Steve Doozy was talking about the Sanders rallies he’s been going to, and what a strong, persuasive message the Dees have...the other two looked like they were trying to disappear w/o moving. Kilmeade gave a great show of being in over his head, as I’m sure he was.

60 minute piece looks legit, optional if you want to understand it I suppose.

Rudy and Devins and D.J’s Ukrainian adventure not so much. Has Russian support though, which is important to trump, republicans, and apparently yourself.
Nice try...all their “news” sources leave out everything unflattering to Trump: this crew never sees it, never hears it, only hears the usual suspects’ tailored tidbits. They’ve been told, by the right people. No fact-checking, context, or thought required.

Or wanted.

So, you don’t often make reading recommendations, but when you do, it’s in a condescending way and without sources?
It’s what passes for research in some circles: check and make sure the same blokes are still pushing the same shit, and presto - fact-checked and validated...*enough for them*. Same guys figure *another* ten years of digging into Hillary ought to turn something up, so let’s get at it...

Don't you ever grow tired of linking to discredited news sources? You spent 3 years linking dozens of discredited and outright false Russia/Mueller stories from the same "news" sources, and in the end they were totally wrong.

What was that crap I just read. It read like some bad B movie spin off the NYT article below.


Below you have a link to a MSNBC article so I guess you have no shame.Hey remember that time Maddow got Trump's tax returns....what a bombshell.

These little rage-fits of your are about all you’ve got, aren’t they? *You’re* not the agenda-driven troll, *MADDOW* is the agenda-driven troll!

Not the droid we’re looking for....


Active member
Hello all,

Buahhahahahahaha, Revin DEvin...is his cow involved as well?

Former FBI top lawyer warns Nunes: Lawyer up
Jim Baker, the FBI's former general counsel, discusses Rep. Devin Nunes' (R-CA) phone records that show he had contact with Rudy Giuliani and his indicted associate Lev Parnas while they were working in Ukraine. Nunes has not responded to CNN's request for comment..


Giuliani was in frequent contact with Nunes and White House, Democrats’ report shows



Mr D

Hello all,

Buahhahahahahaha, Revin DEvin...is his cow involved as well?

Former FBI top lawyer warns Nunes: Lawyer up
Jim Baker, the FBI's former general counsel, discusses Rep. Devin Nunes' (R-CA) phone records that show he had contact with Rudy Giuliani and his indicted associate Lev Parnas while they were working in Ukraine. Nunes has not responded to CNN's request for comment..


Giuliani was in frequent contact with Nunes and White House, Democrats’ report shows



Is this another one of your bombshells? :crazy:


Active member
Hello all,

Buahhahahahahaha, Revin DEvin...is his cow involved as well?

Former FBI top lawyer warns Nunes: Lawyer up
Jim Baker, the FBI's former general counsel, discusses Rep. Devin Nunes' (R-CA) phone records that show he had contact with Rudy Giuliani and his indicted associate Lev Parnas while they were working in Ukraine. Nunes has not responded to CNN's request for comment..


Giuliani was in frequent contact with Nunes and White House, Democrats’ report shows



oh now thats rich...james baker is under criminal investigation for his services rendered...telling others they should lawyer up:laughing::laughing:

last i checked not illegal to talk to people...you want fries with that nothing burger?

thanx for the CNN update everyone reading your drivel has just become stupider


Active member
Hello all,

Looks like revin Devin has got some 'splainin to do, ya? Why you talking to Parnas? Are you involved with Giuliani in his Ukraine efforts?

WTF, Devin, is this like in 17' were you were conalds little bitch with the wiretap thing...btw way, how did that wiretap evidense work out for you?

But I digress, Devin, are you (or your cow) involved in a conspiracy?

Well, as the Zen master says...we will see.



Well-known member
Nunes is trying to sue CNN, not likely to respond to questions from those he hates/fears... he is trying trumps theory of confrontation versus conversation. "never admit you are wrong (even if the whole world knows it) and always attack." it has not worked for trump, will not work for Nunes. they deserve each other.:biggrin:

Mr D

Hello all,

Looks like revin Devin has got some 'splainin to do, ya? Why you talking to Parnas? Are you involved with Giuliani in his Ukraine efforts?

WTF, Devin, is this like in 17' were you were conalds little bitch with the wiretap thing...btw way, how did that wiretap evidense work out for you?

But I digress, Devin, are you (or your cow) involved in a conspiracy?

Well, as the Zen master says...we will see.


Someone will need to lawyer up when it's disclosed a National Security Letter was used to obtain the phone records.