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Deep State: Exposed

White Beard

Active member
“Transcript” is actually a 10 minute summary of a 30 minute convo.

Quidproquo=this for that.

Zelensky-“we almost have enough money to buy Javellins from U.S.”

Trump-“ I need you to do us a favor”, after withholding 400 million in military aid.

Funny how trump supporters don’t understand or acknowledge the obvious, just have to say biden enough times and it goes away in trumpland
Kind of alarming how much meat *in* the ‘transcript’ has been stripped out already in the reporting (which makes BM’s claim of “cherry-picking” the bloody thing).

For example, these paraphrases from the not-a-transcript:

Earlier...Zelensky brings up the topic of the pending aid

Trump goes on about how GOOD we’ve been to Ukraine, how much we’ve done for them, how much money we’ve given them, and what a very good deal it’s all been for Ukraine.

Zelensky, as you quote him.

Trump, as you quote him - but you leave out “though”: “though” makes the promise (the military aid) *conditional* on the “favor” being done. THIS is the shakedown: if you want *that*, you need to do *this* for ME....

He never threatened to withhold aid, and aid was not withheld until a month or so later. Your also cherry picking the hell out of the phone call, nice "parody". The emails are real and show that Biden may have had a conflict of interest, despite how much you don't like his reporting facts are facts.
So: I picked some more cherries for you, to fill out the gaps in your knowledge. Feel free to pick your own if you like. The only ‘parody’ here is the one you present of a sound, sensible comment based on the summarized document in question.

Facts *are* facts and calling bullshit “facts” doesn’t fix it...and if you want to call that “reporting”, well, that’s on you.

As for “he never threatened to withhold aid”, I guess you never had a “deal” with your dad/boss that turned out to be conditional on YOU clearing a hurdle to make a point or you couldn’t possibly miss it. And, as redlaser points out, the aid WAS ALREADY HELD UP. Just to sharpen the point of the conversation between Zelensky and Trump.

Have fun with your red herring....


Active member
It's called strong effective diplomacy
And a critical part of any presidents job to secure US interest around the world and here at home
Art of the deal...dont hate ..appreciate

Trump landslide 2020


Active member
It's called strong effective diplomacy
And a critical part of any presidents job to secure US interest around the world and here at home
Art of the deal...dont hate ..appreciate

Trump landslide 2020

More like art of the squeal the way things are going.

Trump in a landfill 2020


Active member
It's called strong effective diplomacy
And a critical part of any presidents job to secure US interest around the world and here at home
Art of the deal...dont hate ..appreciate

Trump landslide 2020
Used selectively for self interest.You can dress up a pig, it’s still a pig.


Well-known member
The msm sold them down the river, it's hilarious they still eat up every negative Trump story after being lied to about Russia and all the other nonsense. Just goes to show the left is blinded by confirmation bias.


Active member
The msm sold them down the river, it's hilarious they still eat up every negative Trump story after being lies to about Russia and all the other nonsense. Just goes to show the left is blinded by confirmation bias.

very true...its called blind hatred for a reason and its proof is self evident
From the 2016 election loss
Engaging in the same behavior and expecting a different result....a classic fail


Active member
The msm sold them down the river, it's hilarious they still eat up every negative Trump story after being lied to about Russia and all the other nonsense. Just goes to show the left is blinded by confirmation bias.
And you get your vast knowledge from where? Trump rallies?


Active member
very true...its called blind hatred for a reason and its proof is self evident
From the 2016 election loss
Engaging in the same behavior and expecting a different result....a classic fail
I just don’t like orange hair. It’s called “ blind hatred for a reason.”There are multiple reasons for disliking trump.


Well-known member
Can imagine the family of Richard Nixon may feel a debit to the current administration.


Active member
Lmfao. Muh word for word transcript as confirmed bysonlamd who sat in on said conversation is missing the quid pro quo.... name 1 thing you Shills have been right about over the past 3 years. Pro tip: you can’t buahahahahaa seethe boomers seethe


Active member
Hello all,

Not qpq, but rather bribery...

And on a side note fishy, I feel great. But I do wonder how you will be as more and more evidence of corruption spills out daily....

For today, tRump loses another court battle over his taxes (honestly, I do not wish to see them as I would not be able to make sense of them because of their conplexity). Mulvany is looking spooked(will he flip?), conald is spewing fear in his tweets that Shiff is altering the now public deposition transcripts....yeah fishy, i feel great thanks.




Boreal Curing
I see people digging holes and just going deeper and deeper and deeper hoping to find an exit. It would serve Republicans well to just swallow it and turn on that Fake President.


Haha, I forgot that dude had a Nixon tat. That's going to be funny as hell.


Active member
Hello all,



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Mr D

Hello all,

Not qpq, but rather bribery...

And on a side note fishy, I feel great. But I do wonder how you will be as more and more evidence of corruption spills out daily....

For today, tRump loses another court battle over his taxes (honestly, I do not wish to see them as I would not be able to make sense of them because of their conplexity). Mulvany is looking spooked(will he flip?), conald is spewing fear in his tweets that Shiff is altering the now public deposition transcripts....yeah fishy, i feel great thanks.



Guess you were part of the focus group. :biggrin:


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