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Deep State: Exposed


Active member
The people wanting folks to pay attention to Hunter Biden, who would affect no one even if he was dirty, had a job due to his name in another country.
Those people have no issue with current presidents daughter and son in law working in the White House CURRENTLY, and having an actual impact on taxpayers,


Active member
The timeline makes your ‘Biden conspiracy’ impossible.

Ukraine oil co investigated after the CEO ran away to Moscow with Yanukovych. Investigation closed, Biden jr not of interest.

Years later, NATO and others, called for the removal of a prosecutor who was letting current corruption go unchecked (Slotkin?), which was diverting aid to Ukraine. AFAIK, *he* is now in Moscow.

Not just completely unrelated, the two events would REQUIRE that the timelines overlap to support even a theoretical connection. Then there’s the absence of any factual basis. If you want to see a FISHING expedition, investigating Hunter Biden’s activities in Ukraine for political dirt on his dad would be just exactly that.

Turn off CNN. Your WHOLE post is absolutely FALSE. Try again


Active member
The people wanting folks to pay attention to Hunter Biden, who would affect no one even if he was dirty, had a job due to his name in another country.
Those people have no issue with current presidents daughter and son in law working in the White House CURRENTLY, and having an actual impact on taxpayers,


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
The timeline makes your ‘Biden conspiracy’ impossible.

Ukraine oil co investigated after the CEO ran away to Moscow with Yanukovych. Investigation closed, Biden jr not of interest.

Years later, NATO and others, called for the removal of a prosecutor who was letting current corruption go unchecked (Slotkin?), which was diverting aid to Ukraine. AFAIK, *he* is now in Moscow.

Not just completely unrelated, the two events would REQUIRE that the timelines overlap to support even a theoretical connection. Then there’s the absence of any factual basis. If you want to see a FISHING expedition, investigating Hunter Biden’s activities in Ukraine for political dirt on his dad would be just exactly that.

I think you have your timeline wrong. Hunter Biden stayed on the board of Burisma til April 2019. The prosecutor has publicly stated that he was fired because he was looking into the board members in a corruption case. There is video of Joe Biden bragging about his threat to withhold 1 billion dollars from the corrupt ex-president of Ukrain if he didn't fire the prosecutor in six hours. And that he was indeed fired. This was at a Council on Foreign Relations event. This is the evidence that the mainstream media refuses to acknowledge. You should watch it. It's quite interesting.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
The people wanting folks to pay attention to Hunter Biden, who would affect no one even if he was dirty, had a job due to his name in another country.
Those people have no issue with current presidents daughter and son in law working in the White House CURRENTLY, and having an actual impact on taxpayers,

The company in China that Hunter just resigned from was a chinese foreign investmrnt firm that put chinese capital into non-chinese countries like USA. This is a major national security concern when you consider defense technology, vaccines, gmo foods etc. Why do you think Trump signed an executive order to end chinese flu vaccines and nationalize flu vaccine production. Who has a population control program limiting one child per household ...china? Who has no publicly stated population control program? USA? Who indebted us to china?? How was it going to be repaid? Middle East Oil? Chinese takeover after a pre planned war (WW3)? Who wants war right now? Who wants to end war? These are the questions you should be asking yourself. Who was supposed to win the election?


Active member
The company in China that Hunter just resigned from was a chinese foreign investmrnt firm that put chinese capital into non-chinese countries like USA. This is a major national security concern when you consider defense technology, vaccines, gmo foods etc. Why do you think Trump signed an executive order to end chinese flu vaccines and nationalize flu vaccine production. Who has a population control program limiting one child per household ...china? Who has no publicly stated population control program? USA? Who indebted us to china?? How was it going to be repaid? Middle East Oil? Chinese takeover after a pre planned war (WW3)? Who wants war right now? Who wants to end war? These are the questions you should be asking yourself. Who was supposed to win the election?

Missed my window for foil investment by several months at least.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I wonder if Hunter, Joe and Obama, Kerry, Hillary had anything to do with the chinese mining companies operating in afghanistan with US military as their security force? Maybe this is why Trump is securing the oil in Syria?? Was the oil and the war meant to benefit China?

St. Phatty

Active member


Well-known member
The green green state of California is the countries third largest producer of oil.

St. Phatty

Active member
The green green state of California is the countries third largest producer of oil.

I would guess that the oil allocation is sort of by size.

Alaska, Texas, and California.

I was going to say, does this mean the dinosaurs liked the area of Alaska, Texas, and California ?

But 65 Million years years ago, I guess those land-masses might have been someplace else.

Did dinosaurs like Cannabis ?

Has Cannabis been around for 65 Million years ?