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Deep State: Exposed

White Beard

Active member
evidence is only used in a trial. no trial yet. exactly what is it that you don't understand about that? no prosecutor shows their cards until the trial is UNDERWAY and charges filed...:laughing:

Exactly everything is what they don’t understand about it. Schools stopped teaching civics - the workings ov government, how the branches relate, etc - once integration had made inroads to the schools. The way a lot of people saw it, black kids had no reason to go to school - they’d never have but the most menial job, they’d never need to count higher than 24, they weren’t supposed to have services, much less schooling. Certainly didn’t want to instruct them as to the way ‘their’ nation was supposed to work. White kids were supposed to learn it at home, or go to (all-white) private schools (tons of baptists in catholic schools back then) since then.

How very strange that the hoodwinked traitor squad WANTS TO TRY ALL THIS IN THE MEDIA - and on the internet. Conservatives (real and fake) have been against trying people/events/whatever “in the court of public opinion”...but that’s what they’re attempting to do: turn this into a media/net shitstorm of who-said-what that would DESTROY its usefulness, it’s ability to be the careful deliberative process we need and have at hand.

No idea how anyone can watch Matt Gaetz’s smug self-amusement and think he’s sincere, even for a second.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
i'll bite, numbnuts.:) who was an enemy combatant? it's "precedent". see the "r" ? if you are going there, be careful that you don't drag trump & Giuliani into the crosshairs too. Russia is our most dangerous enemy...well, besides trump anyway.

...also, I expect that this will all lead to the Uranium One scandal. Remember when the Obama admin's State Department sold a US Uranium mine to Russia.


Well-known member
...also, I expect that this will all lead to the Uranium One scandal. Remember when the Obama admin's State Department sold a US Uranium mine to Russia.

well! THAT is a real change. first time that no one tried to blame Hillary for it, lol... expect away. expect in one hand, shit in the other, & see which of your hands fills up first...:laughing:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
well! THAT is a real change. first time that no one tried to blame Hillary for it, lol... expect away. expect in one hand, shit in the other, & see which of your hands fills up first...:laughing:

Well, she was the head of the state department and her husband and The Clinton Foundation were the ones who were paid $146million.
Well, she was the head of the state department and her husband and The Clinton Foundation were the ones who were paid $146million.

The State Dept. was one of 9 federal agencies to approve the sale, there is no evidence that any uranium went to Russia, and the bulk(131 million) of the $146 M. came from one donor and he sold off his stake in the Canadian mining company, Uranium One, three years before the Russia sale and 18 months before Clinton became Sec. of State.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
The State Dept. was one of 9 federal agencies to approve the sale, there is no evidence that any uranium went to Russia, and the bulk(131 million) of the $146 M. came from one donor and he sold off his stake in the Canadian mining company, Uranium One, three years before the Russia sale and 18 months before Clinton became Sec. of State.

So, it sounds like it may have been pre-planned and covered up. I agree with you.


wrong. only military personnel are subject to military law/tribunals. has Supreme Court decisions upholding it since the 1800s. as long as there are functioning civilian courts, no civilians may be tried in military courts. try again...:laughing:

See Executive order Trump signed March 1 2018.



The order is 636 pages long. Look at page 2 of Annex 2.

[FONT=&quot]“A government temporarily governing the civil population within its territory or a portion of its territory through its military forces as necessity may require. (Martial law).”[/FONT]

Mr D

When CNN & MSNBC now cover the criminal inquiry into conduct of intel officials in Russia probe, they are literally covering their employees — John Brennan (MSNBC); James Clapper, Andrew McCabe, James Baker (CNN). I avoid the term, but it’s appropriate here: Deep State TV.


Active member
When CNN & MSNBC now cover the criminal inquiry into conduct of intel officials in Russia probe, they are literally covering their employees — John Brennan (MSNBC); James Clapper, Andrew McCabe, James Baker (CNN). I avoid the term, but it’s appropriate here: Deep State TV.

Sounds like we should avoid them because they don’t say nice things about Putin’s puppet


Active member
When CNN & MSNBC now cover the criminal inquiry into conduct of intel officials in Russia probe, they are literally covering their employees — John Brennan (MSNBC); James Clapper, Andrew McCabe, James Baker (CNN). I avoid the term, but it’s appropriate here: Deep State TV.

Hey mr. D, do you remember when Democrats, supported investigations. Investigators must be allowed to do their job, without interference. Hum, seems like they no longer support investigations.

Don't worry, Democrats are the moral high ground holders, they never compromise their beliefs. Until, it's their buddies being investigated. Whoops I exposed the big secret.


Well-known member


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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Aahhh I get it.... You don't really believe what you're saying. You're just having fun, ignoring facts and being contrarian.

No, simply pointing out that the timing does not dismiss the matter. 1.5 years advanced planning seems perfectly reasonable. Is that the only counter-argument. Lol. Kinda weak.


A Brit having more knowledge about American politics/ laws than the 14.50/ hr resident shills... just can’t make this shit up

American politics are pivotal for other nations, Britain more than most.

The left/right, socialist/conservative, globalist/nationalist divide is everywhere.
I have more in common with most Americans politically than my own sovereign parliament.

We need to drain the swamp in London. It’s been filling up with filth for about a thousand years.