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Deep State: Exposed

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
3 years is only used by you, and you sound deep into your second tube of glue once again.

Who cares about impeachment, has no teeth to it. The process and the investigations are what’s worthwhile. No double jeopardy protection for trump is the bonus.

*Hempy, your going to have to explain what is so obvious, for those of us less cryptic.

Well, to me it looks like we are right in the thick of it, as far as swamp draining goes. I mean it's checkmate. Win/win for Trump. You see, he actually wants the impeachment. So does McConnel. This is probably how the swamp will be drained. In this scenario, the impeachment proceedings will be televised and heavily followed. The impeachment will be conducted by the senate which is controlled by Trump/USA loyalists. They will be able to bring fourth evidence and issue subpeonas and at the same time the IG report and Durham criminal investigation into the origins of the Russia probe (encompasses Clinton email scandle) will be coming out. They can subpeona Obama, Clinton, Kerry and others and they have all the evidence particularly the substance of the Ukraine call (Crowdstrike, the murder of Seth Rich, the revelation that there was no Russian hack). The impeachment will certainly lead to indictments for very high crimes.
In the 'no impeachment' scenario, Trump also wins because these things will still come out due to the investigations. And they will still be covered by the media. Crowdstrike is a very big deal. They are a contractor to the DNC and the corrupt FBI under Comey did not actually conduct the analysis of the so called "hacked" DNC server. They allowed the DNC to contract the server out to a Ukrainian owned company called Crowdstrike. And the DNC got the results that they paid for (RUSSIA HACKED THE ELECTION!!!). But, the one person who was able to interview Julian Assange reports that it was a leak, not a hack. And they have the forensic proof. It was leaked to Wikileaks by DNC staffer Seth Rich who was murdered days later by two ms-13 members who were also found dead a few blocks away from Seth Rich's body. And then you have the whole Epstein investigation...

This network of criminals would really love to get the drop on Trump like they did JFK. They are desperate. Pretty soon this "perfect phone call" is going to bring severe poetic Justice. One investigation will lead to another and they will get into the Bush/Cheney crimes as well. And, soon the public will likely learn what the democratic party really thinks of people of color.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Not really sure anybody needs to ‘flip’. Although it may be the cherry on top, but these fucks were dumb enough to leave a paper trail. I’m sure the OIG had a line this morning typical of Black Friday at an electronics store. The info is already out there...


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Well, to me it looks like we are right in the thick of it, as far as swamp draining goes. I mean it's checkmate. Win/win for Trump. You see, he actually wants the impeachment. So does McConnel. This is probably how the swamp will be drained. In this scenario, the impeachment proceedings will be televised and heavily followed. The impeachment will be conducted by the senate which is controlled by Trump/USA loyalists. They will be able to bring fourth evidence and issue subpeonas and at the same time the IG report and Durham criminal investigation into the origins of the Russia probe (encompasses Clinton email scandle) will be coming out. They can subpeona Obama, Clinton, Kerry and others and they have all the evidence particularly the substance of the Ukraine call (Crowdstrike, the murder of Seth Rich, the revelation that there was no Russian hack). The impeachment will certainly lead to indictments for very high crimes.
In the 'no impeachment' scenario, Trump also wins because these things will still come out due to the investigations. And they will still be covered by the media. Crowdstrike is a very big deal. They are a contractor to the DNC and the corrupt FBI under Comey did not actually conduct the analysis of the so called "hacked" DNC server. They allowed the DNC to contract the server out to a Ukrainian owned company called Crowdstrike. And the DNC got the results that they paid for (RUSSIA HACKED THE ELECTION!!!). But, the one person who was able to interview Julian Assange reports that it was a leak, not a hack. And they have the forensic proof. It was leaked to Wikileaks by DNC staffer Seth Rich who was murdered days later by two ms-13 members who were also found dead a few blocks away from Seth Rich's body. And then you have the whole Epstein investigation...

This network of criminals would really love to get the drop on Trump like they did JFK. They are desperate. Pretty soon this "perfect phone call" is going to bring severe poetic Justice. One investigation will lead to another and they will get into the Bush/Cheney crimes as well. And, soon the public will likely learn what the democratic party really thinks of people of color.

I'm literally laughed out!

You can sell yourself anything.


Active member
It's enough to impeach him on if it can be proven.

Clinton was impeached for a lot less, imagine holding trump to Clinton standards, or anyone else. unfortunately people tolerate a lot from trump. Wasn’t a stretch to predict a lot of negative would accumulate making impeachment inevitable, and more likely to have broader support.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Well, he does seem to be doing very well for himself in the face of unprecedented opposition. I don't think any ol' dummy would do quite so well.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Clinton was impeached for a lot less, imagine holding trump to Clinton standards, or anyone else. unfortunately people tolerate a lot from trump. Wasn’t a stretch to predict a lot of negative would accumulate making impeachment inevitable, and more likely to have broader support.

Ironically, it was Bill Clinton that signed the agreement with Ukrain to assure mutual assistance between the two countries in fighting corruption. Trump was required by law and by treaty to do what he did. And there is also documented transcripts of Bill Clinton blatently 'quid pro quo'ing with other nations to gain steam in an election. This is not going to end well for the deepstate.


Active member
Well, to me it looks like we are right in the thick of it, as far as swamp draining goes. I mean it's checkmate. Win/win for Trump. You see, he actually wants the impeachment. So does McConnel. This is probably how the swamp will be drained. In this scenario, the impeachment proceedings will be televised and heavily followed. The impeachment will be conducted by the senate which is controlled by Trump/USA loyalists. They will be able to bring fourth evidence and issue subpeonas and at the same time the IG report and Durham criminal investigation into the origins of the Russia probe (encompasses Clinton email scandle) will be coming out. They can subpeona Obama, Clinton, Kerry and others and they have all the evidence particularly the substance of the Ukraine call (Crowdstrike, the murder of Seth Rich, the revelation that there was no Russian hack). The impeachment will certainly lead to indictments for very high crimes.
In the 'no impeachment' scenario, Trump also wins because these things will still come out due to the investigations. And they will still be covered by the media. Crowdstrike is a very big deal. They are a contractor to the DNC and the corrupt FBI under Comey did not actually conduct the analysis of the so called "hacked" DNC server. They allowed the DNC to contract the server out to a Ukrainian owned company called Crowdstrike. And the DNC got the results that they paid for (RUSSIA HACKED THE ELECTION!!!). But, the one person who was able to interview Julian Assange reports that it was a leak, not a hack. And they have the forensic proof. It was leaked to Wikileaks by DNC staffer Seth Rich who was murdered days later by two ms-13 members who were also found dead a few blocks away from Seth Rich's body. And then you have the whole Epstein investigation...

This network of criminals would really love to get the drop on Trump like they did JFK. They are desperate. Pretty soon this "perfect phone call" is going to bring severe poetic Justice. One investigation will lead to another and they will get into the Bush/Cheney crimes as well. And, soon the public will likely learn what the democratic party really thinks of people of color.

That is an elaborate perspective/wish list. Sounds like trump is the only one not fucking up. dude can’t even maga without the man harshing his buzz


Well-known member
There's a high probability that many of these crimes will actually by tried by military tribunal, rather than civil courts of law. Due to the fact that they were working on behalf of foreign governments.

wrong. only military personnel are subject to military law/tribunals. has Supreme Court decisions upholding it since the 1800s. as long as there are functioning civilian courts, no civilians may be tried in military courts. try again...:laughing:


Well-known member
And Schiff is a beacon of truth?

When is he going to show us the Russian collusion evidence he said he had?

evidence is only used in a trial. no trial yet. exactly what is it that you don't understand about that? no prosecutor shows their cards until the trial is UNDERWAY and charges filed...:laughing:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
wrong. only military personnel are subject to military law/tribunals. has Supreme Court decisions upholding it since the 1800s. as long as there are functioning civilian courts, no civilians may be tried in military courts. try again...:laughing:

This topic came up during the Brett Kavenaugh hearings. Court pecedent is that if a civilian collaborated with the enemy they can be tried as enemy combatents in military tribunals.

White Beard

Active member
Well, to me it looks like we are right in the thick of it, as far as swamp draining goes. I mean it's checkmate. Win/win for Trump. You see, he actually wants the impeachment. So does McConnel. This is probably how the swamp will be drained. In this scenario, the impeachment proceedings will be televised and heavily followed. The impeachment will be conducted by the senate which is controlled by Trump/USA loyalists. They will be able to bring fourth evidence and issue subpeonas and at the same time the IG report and Durham criminal investigation into the origins of the Russia probe (encompasses Clinton email scandle) will be coming out. They can subpeona Obama, Clinton, Kerry and others and they have all the evidence particularly the substance of the Ukraine call (Crowdstrike, the murder of Seth Rich, the revelation that there was no Russian hack). The impeachment will certainly lead to indictments for very high crimes.
In the 'no impeachment' scenario, Trump also wins because these things will still come out due to the investigations. And they will still be covered by the media. Crowdstrike is a very big deal. They are a contractor to the DNC and the corrupt FBI under Comey did not actually conduct the analysis of the so called "hacked" DNC server. They allowed the DNC to contract the server out to a Ukrainian owned company called Crowdstrike. And the DNC got the results that they paid for (RUSSIA HACKED THE ELECTION!!!). But, the one person who was able to interview Julian Assange reports that it was a leak, not a hack. And they have the forensic proof. It was leaked to Wikileaks by DNC staffer Seth Rich who was murdered days later by two ms-13 members who were also found dead a few blocks away from Seth Rich's body. And then you have the whole Epstein investigation...

This network of criminals would really love to get the drop on Trump like they did JFK. They are desperate. Pretty soon this "perfect phone call" is going to bring severe poetic Justice. One investigation will lead to another and they will get into the Bush/Cheney crimes as well. And, soon the public will likely learn what the democratic party really thinks of people of color.

A new frame for an old disease: classic old-school paranoia, post-millennial style, but not yet showing which type of crazy you’ll develop


Well-known member
This topic came up during the Brett Kavenaugh hearings. Court pecedent is that if a civilian collaborated with the enemy they can be tried as enemy combatents in military tribunals.

i'll bite, numbnuts.:) who was an enemy combatant? it's "precedent". see the "r" ? if you are going there, be careful that you don't drag trump & Giuliani into the crosshairs too. Russia is our most dangerous enemy...well, besides trump anyway.


Well-known member
only possible use listed is for "captured alien unlawful combatants" actually engaged in combat. this would, on its face, preclude use against US civilians...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
i'll bite, numbnuts.:) who was an enemy combatant? it's "precedent". see the "r" ? if you are going there, be careful that you don't drag trump & Giuliani into the crosshairs too. Russia is our most dangerous enemy...well, besides trump anyway.

I believe it was built upon a precedent going back to ww2 trying nazi collaborators but more recently under the war on terror.

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