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Deep State: Exposed


Well-known member
oh, so if you are against fascism, now you are equated with a man that murdered millions of his own citizens? LOL! being opposed to fascism is a damn good start, any way you cut it. finding /using Stalin as an example shows how far outside the norm you are willing to go trying to justify bullshit.

Says he is a GOP never Trumper yet flips a lid everytime I slam a commie. Just pull the mask off your face already.


Well-known member
Says he is a GOP never Trumper yet flips a lid everytime I slam a commie. Just pull the mask off your face already.

slam all the commies you want, i don't care. use relevant examples if you expect anyone to understand you. not that that is likely to happen the way you babble & twist shit. flips a lid? WTF are you on about, bozo? i'll be keeping my mask on for OTHER peoples safety. only mask i got...:bigeye:


Active member
You do realize with your backing of the Somoza dictatorship, you are supporting Americans who were found to have shit all over the oaths they took ?
To watch you speak of morality as you embrace a notorious tin pot dictator, is rich Packer.
The people that I have the greatest affection for are those who have given this country enduring service.
I was fortunate to have been born into a family for whom it was tradition.

I didn't back anything, I was born in 1979. Not supporting communism, isn't endorsing a dictator. Which communist country didn't have a dictator?


Chemon 91

Ex-FBI lawyer to plead guilty to falsifying claim made to continue surveillance of key figure in Mueller probe
A former FBI lawyer plans to plead guilty to falsifying a claim made to sustain government surveillance on a key figure in former special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election, according to court documents.

It is the first legal development to come from a review of the Mueller team's work, an effort led by John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut. Attorney General William Barr assigned him more than a year ago to examine the origins of the Russia investigation.


Well-known member
I didn't back anything, I was born in 1979. Not supporting communism, isn't endorsing a dictator. Which communist country didn't have a dictator?
Yeah yeah, we all know you support every failed communist state. Certainly says more about you, than it does about me.

right wing facist, really means opposed to authoritarian Communism. Couldn't be more transparent, which I actually appreciate.

Just because you saw the white washed propagandized version of Communism, doesn't mean you know what Communism results in.

Communism isn't just bad in practice The principles of communism, are evil. Its a ideaology of envy, greed, oppression, and death.

Fortunately, we don't lock people up for believing the wrong ideaology, unlike the communist.
To refresh your memory, maybe I should have used your adjective " appreciate" as opposed to "back".


Active member
Nope, Capitalism is the free alienation of one's labor for a mutually agreed price, force is not a part of it. Crony Capitalism uses the levers of government to influence and control.It has more in common with socialist economy, that true Capitalism

Interesting that i was channelling Adam Smith and you seemed to be channelling Karl Marx.

And as an aside, i never mentioned force being a part of anything.


Active member
Ahhhh the good ol’ assumption game... i assume you beat your wife and sleep with your neighbor’s horse. Fun game right? Anyhow as far as your ‘assumption’, you would be 100 wrong. I have spoken out multiple times against the Zionist industrial military complex as well as promoted pulling out of ALL foreign conflict. Fuck doing Israel’s bidding for ever expanding borders and fuck war hawks like Bolton and no name. Oh and fuck your assumptions too.

Its actually my neighbor's horse's wife. So fuck you and your assumptions ;)


Active member

To Be Announced on Monday August 17th at 7:00 am Pacific Standard Time

Q, we are giving you the weekend to get things in order. Readers, please post this all over the internet so that Q might see this announcement.

We are happy to inform our readers, that we have been in touch with a leading researcher/author who has provided advance information on the identity of Q.

Our preliminary review of the materials; leads us to a confident conclusion that the evidence is overwhelming as to who Q is.

The information will be posted on Monday morning.


:snap out of it:


Active member
To refresh your memory, maybe I should have used your adjective " appreciate" as opposed to "back".

I appreciate your transparency. I only back this country.

Also you didn't address the question. Which communist country didn't have a dictator?


Well-known member
I appreciate your transparency. I only back this country.

Also you didn't address the question. Which communist country didn't have a dictator?

Gry doesn't answer questions he doesn't like, instead he will dodge it and beat around the bush. If he ever asks me anything he will get the same treatment.


Active member
Nah Gry is just old and wise enough to be able to walk away from discourse he chooses not to partake in as he doesn’t deem the ends justify the energy spent. A quality all should aspire to...

White Beard

Active member
Funny. Pack was born in ‘79...meaning he doesn’t even *remember* the world before Reagan...and knows nothing about it beyond what he’s sucked from the thought-control teat.

All these ‘experts’ on communism, socialism, Marxism don’t remember any of it, never studied any of it, learned nothing about it, but they’ve got their inserted ‘thoughts’ locked firmly into place. Impervious to learning, to education, to experience, to history, to research it’s very self.

Reminds me of Churchill’s definition of a fanatic: someone who can’t change their mind, and won’t change the subject. Attack, rage, condescend, insult, repeat...reminds me of Will Roger’s comment about Herbert Hoover: “it’s not what he don’t know that worries me - it’s what he knows *for sure* that just ain’t so!”

Also Rogers: “When a fellow ain't got much mind, it don't take him long to make it up“

About all I can say for the United States Senate is that it opens with a prayer and closes with an investigation


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Well-known member
Funny. Pack was born in ‘79...meaning he doesn’t even *remember* the world before Reagan...and knows nothing about it beyond what he’s sucked from the thought-control teat.

All these ‘experts’ on communism, socialism, Marxism don’t remember any of it, never studied any of it, learned nothing about it, but they’ve got their inserted ‘thoughts’ locked firmly into place. Impervious to learning, to education, to experience, to history, to research it’s very self.

Reminds me of Churchill’s definition of a fanatic: someone who can’t change their mind, and won’t change the subject. Attack, rage, condescend, insult, repeat...reminds me of Will Roger’s comment about Herbert Hoover: “it’s not what he don’t know that worries me - it’s what he knows *for sure* that just ain’t so!”

Also Rogers: “When a fellow ain't got much mind, it don't take him long to make it up“



Well-known member
All these ‘experts’ on communism, socialism, Marxism don’t remember any of it, never studied any of it, learned nothing about it, but they’ve got their inserted ‘thoughts’ locked firmly into place. Impervious to learning, to education, to experience, to history, to research it’s very self.


You are clearly stuck in the past, take a walk and open your eyes. It's the year 2020. Learned about communism in school, 20 million estimated dead, worse than the nazi's in fact.


Active member
Funny. Pack was born in ‘79...meaning he doesn’t even *remember* the world before Reagan...and knows nothing about it beyond what he’s sucked from the thought-control teat.

All these ‘experts’ on communism, socialism, Marxism don’t remember any of it, never studied any of it, learned nothing about it, but they’ve got their inserted ‘thoughts’ locked firmly into place. Impervious to learning, to education, to experience, to history, to research it’s very self.

Reminds me of Churchill’s definition of a fanatic: someone who can’t change their mind, and won’t change the subject. Attack, rage, condescend, insult, repeat...reminds me of Will Roger’s comment about Herbert Hoover: “it’s not what he don’t know that worries me - it’s what he knows *for sure* that just ain’t so!”

Also Rogers: “When a fellow ain't got much mind, it don't take him long to make it up“


I don't see you changing your mind. Same bullshit Howard Zinn, marxist crap. You have no clue what I have studied.

I wasn't alive for slavery, but I still know, that stolen labor is slavery, wether it's stolen by a private person, or a government.

The problems with communism are foundational. The fundamentals of communism are evil. Period. If it wasn't they wouldn't have to kill, the people who believe in religion, and freedom.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You are clearly stuck in the past, take a walk and open your eyes. It's the year 2020. Learned about communism in school, 20 million estimated dead, worse than the nazi's in fact.

You didn't learn much.

85 million dead is a greater number than 20 million dead.

No wonder you hate on education.